175. Bishas' anger.

Two black lights flashed.

A giant pincer mantis and a Bangira appeared. The eyes of the two elves were full of tyranny. At the same time, they were also extremely sturdy. At first glance, they were...a supreme talent elves strengthened by dark balls.

This is the main elf of Bishops. Seeing Bishops preparing to do it himself, Youyun also stood behind Bishops.

"You won't be honest and obedient, let alone let you know who is your master."

Looking at Celebi, who was gasping for breath and covered in scars, Bishas said viciously.

"Bangira, Stone Blade!"

"Giant Pincer Mantis, Cross: Cut."

Bishas ordered without hesitation, in his opinion, the lives of divine beasts are very tenacious, as long as Celebi is not killed.

Bangira roared, and countless stone blades surrounded it, and in the next second, all the stone blades shot at Celebi.

Looking at the countless stone blades attacking him, Celebi once again held up a blue protective cover all over his body. He was gentle and kind, and he didn't have much experience in... battles, and his blind defense could only be passive beats.

Although Celebi successfully held up the protective cover, its power was really low. After successfully blocking the stone blade, Celebi was also directly knocked out by this powerful impact.

Immediately after, a red light flashed, and the giant pincer mantis instantly approached Celebi who was flying in mid-air, and the cross:cut hit Celebi again. At this time, Celebi had no more energy to hold up the protective cover.

Sherabi hit a big tree hard and fell to the ground.

"Bangira, destroy the death light."

However, looking at Celebi who had fainted, Bishas still chose to continue the attack, even a divine beast with extremely strong physical strength would still be overwhelmed with vitality in the face of such a degree of attack.

In Bangira's mouth, the tyrannical golden energy continued to gather, and at the same time, Bangira also aimed at Celebi, who fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Just then, two angry voices sounded.

"Fire-breathing dragon, throwing flames."

"Beautiful carving, air cutting."

In the sky, the sudden attack of flames and wind blades slammed directly on Bangira's body, and at the same time interrupted the destructive light he was about to release.

"who is it"

Bishas looked at the half with a gloomy expression on his face. After he was escaped by Celebi last time, he hated it very much.

It was an accident, and now, seeing that Celebi was at his fingertips, someone came out to fight, which shows how bad his mood was at this time.

The owner of the two voices in the sky is looking for Riro and Xiao of Bishas.

Looking at Bishas, ​​who was looking at her on the ground, Li Ruo's beautiful eyes burst out with a terrifying light of hatred. It was the person in front of her who destroyed her family, and she has been in the grief of her mother's death for ten years.

She can't wait now.

Kill Bishas.

Xiao Chi, who was riding on the fire-breathing dragon, also seemed to have noticed the hatred in Li Ruo's eyes, and hurriedly said: "Miss Li Ruo, calm down, don't lose your mind."

In Xiao Chi's eyes, Li Ruo has always been... a woman with a delicate mind and a very rational mind. It was the first time he saw Li Ruo's expression, and he also hurriedly reminded Li Ruo, for fear that she would do something irrational.

Seeing that Li Ruo's eyes finally regained a trace of sanity, Xiao Chi hurriedly pointed at Celebi and continued to shout: "Miss Li Ruo, cover me, let's save Celebi first, we can't let: Bishas catch Celebi ."

"OK, Got it."

Li Ruo took a deep breath and suppressed the hatred in her heart and said, she really can't be in a mess now.

Suddenly, Xiao Chi directed the fire-breathing dragon to fly directly towards Celebi on the ground.

Seeing this scene, You Yun also waved his hand heavily and shouted angrily: "Give me an attack, don't let that kid go."

Anyone who dares to stand in the way of his acquisition of the King-level elf is his enemy.

Youyun's voice fell, and immediately countless energy rays were launched directly towards Xiao Chi.

Bijas also said coldly: "It's too naive to want to grab something from me, Bangira, the wave of evil."

Bandera of Bishas also gathered in his mouth with a strange black wave, all attacking "Gengar, Dark Shadow."

"Comparing carving, destroying the light."

When Li Ruo in midair saw Team Rocket concentrate fire on Xiao Chi, she also launched an attack quickly.

The golden energy in the Bidiao mouth under Li Ruo gathered, directly intercepting the wave of evil that Bangira shot at Xiao Chi halfway.

Boom! The energy pair is attacked, and an explosion occurs.

At the same time, Gengar, who was originally invisible, also appeared, his eyes flashing with black light, and he directly slammed into the giant pincer mantis that Bishas wanted to attack the little red fire-breathing dragon.

For a time, Li Ruo stopped all the elves of Bishas, ​​and it was considered to buy time for Xiao Chi in disguise.

In the air, Xiao Chi tightly grabbed the fire-breathing dragon's neck, and the fire-breathing dragon was also flying constantly, sideways dodging the attack of Team Rocket's elves, but there were too many tricks to attack the fire-breathing dragon, and the fire-breathing dragon also began to be hit by some attacks.

Seeing Celebi, who was not far away from him, and the overwhelming attack, Xiao Chi let go of his hands decisively... Fire-breathing dragon's neck jumped directly to the ground, and at the same time threw out two 2 Poké Balls in his hands.

"Thunder Elf, Flame Bird help me!"

Two white lights flashed, and the thunder elf and flame bird that appeared directly helped Xiao Chi block the subsequent attack of Team Rocket.

"Flame Bird"

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