The moment Xiao Chi summoned his flaming bird, Bishas' eyes flickered, he was no longer angry, and there was an expression called greed on his face.

Xiao Chi fell directly to the ground, rolled over for a while, and just happened to come to Celebi's side, and hugged Celebi directly. The fire-breathing dragon also came to Xiao Chi.

176. A fierce battle, a crisis.

"Celebi, are you alright!"

Looking at Celebi, who was unconscious and covered in scars in his arms, Xiao Chi shouted.

Although he successfully rescued Celebi, he was also surrounded by the Rockets.

And Celebi seemed to be seriously injured and did not respond.

"Don't let this kid run away, let me do it all, grab this flame bird, and let me deal with that woman in the sky."

Bishas shouted coldly, while staring at Li Ruo on Bi Diao's back in midair.

In the air, Li Ruo frowned slightly as she looked at Xiao Chi who was trapped in a tight siege, and gestured for Bi Diao to get closer to where Xiao Chi was.

Bi Diao let out a soft cry, flapping his wings and flying towards Xiao Chi.

"If you want to save him, pass me first."

"Bangira, the wave of evil."

Seeing Li Ruo approaching Xiao Chi, Bishas snorted coldly, and without hesitation, gave an order to Bangira.

The strong evil energy in Bangira's mouth was converging, and the next second, the black light shot directly at Bi Diao who wanted to support Xiao Chi.

On the ground, You Yun also directed his men to besiege Xiao Chi, but the Thunder Spirit, Fire-breathing Dragon, and Flame Bird were all extremely powerful and could hold on, and Xiao Chi kept moving to avoid the attack of Team Rocket Spirit.

Although it is very dangerous, it can still hold up for the time being.

"Bidiao, get out of the way."

Li Ruo's voice sounded, and Biyao, who was speeding up in mid-air, also sensed the sideways attack, and made a sudden stop to rise, avoiding Bangira's wave of evil, but it was also farther away from Xiao Chi's position. Some.

"Miss Li Ruo, pick up Celebi and leave me alone."

Xiao Chi noticed Li Ruo's movement in the air and shouted loudly.

Holding Celebi in his arms makes him unable to concentrate on commanding the elf to fight, so he needs Li Ruo in the air to help him take care of Celebi.

Hearing Xiao Chi's voice, Li Ruo also instructed Bi Diao to approach Xiao Chi's head again.

"Giant pincer mantis, attack that kid for me!"

"Bangira, destroy the light, aim at the eagle and fire."

Of course, Bijas didn't want Xiao Chi and willing to take Celebi away, so he waved his hand and directed his two elves to do it.

And they can't delay it for too long. This time the operation is very noisy, and the entire Forest of Time is blocked. It is difficult to guarantee that any ordinary trainer who has been driven away will not go to this time. Regarding... Bishas' attack, Li If there is a clear reaction.

"Gengar, the wave of evil! Stop it for me."

"Continue to accelerate than Eagle!"

I saw the strange Gengar appeared in the air again, and at the same time, his body exuded a terrifying aura, and a wave of evil slammed against Bangira.

From the very beginning of the battle, Gengar has been using his strange characteristics to sneak up on the elf on Team Rocket's side, and the wave of evil that appears now is also fighting for Li Ruo a chance.

On the ground, although Xiaochi's flame bird was just born, it has already begun to take on the momentum of a divine bird. The constant flames from its mouth have also caused the Rockets to suffer. Although there are many members of this group, they are all low elves after all. After a while, it didn't pose much of a threat to Xiaochi, while Bishas' giant mantis... was very powerful, and after joining the battle, Xiaochi's thunder elf retreated again and again.

"Leave it to me, Xiao Chi!"

Li Ruo's voice sounded from the top of Xiao Chi's head, and with Genggui's help to hold Bangira, Bi Diao finally flew to Xiao Chi's side.

Xiao Chi also took advantage of the trend and threw Celebi in his arms towards Li Ruo in midair.

"No reason, come out, desert dragonfly."

Seeing that Celebi was taken over by Li Ruo and flew into the sky again, Bishas was also a little angry, and threw a dark ball, summoning a ferocious desert dragonfly, and he also rode the desert dragonfly into the air.

"Boy, just take it easy, hand over all your elves, and maybe I can spare your life."

Youyun stared at the elf beside Xiao Chi with a trace of greed in his eyes, he could see that Xiao Chi's elf was very powerful, and they were all superb elves.

Although he had no chance for the Flaming Bird, he could still think about the Thunder Elf who could fight with Bishas' giant Claw Mantis, and Xiao Chi's fire-breathing dragon who was one-to-many but did not lose in the slightest.

"wishful thinking."

Seeing that Youyun actually made up her own elf idea, Xiao Chi also snorted coldly.

In the sky, Liruo's situation is also a little dangerous. The desert dragonfly summoned by Bishas is extremely powerful, and is a little bit inferior to the eagle, and is constantly dodging the attack of the desert dragonfly.

Similarly, it was the first time that Li Ruo had seen Bishas' full strength. At this moment, she felt a little bit of shock in her heart, because in the mouth of her best friend Kena, Bishas was... the weakest cadre of the Rockets, with great strength. In general, it's just a special ability to run, so it's quite difficult.

Thinking of this, Li Ruo frowned. She was obviously eager for revenge and underestimated the strength of her opponent. At the same time, she was also a little fortunate that she had found Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi as helpers. Gotta get in too.

Although the Beagle is not as good as the desert dragonfly, its flight speed is fast enough for the time being.

On the ground, the battle on Xiaochi's side also became incandescent. Originally, Youyun had the upper hand, but Xiaochi quickly summoned a tyrannical carp dragon.

Although the tyrannical carp dragon is huge, it is difficult to avoid attacks, and it is a bit uncomfortable during group battles, but its skills are very powerful. Chi is also commanding the fire-breathing dragon to help the thunder spirit flank the giant pincer mantis.

After all, Bishas' giant mantis is the most difficult elf to deal with in this battlefield, and the thunder elf is also defeated by it.

But after all, Bijas is not around to direct it, and the dark ball-controlling elves will only destroy it blindly, and the level of intelligence is not high. When Xiaochi directed the fire-breathing dragon to attack it, the giant pincer mantis still did not choose to avoid it. Fire-breathing dragon is tough.

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