177. Three evil dragons, Zhang Feng arrived.

The giant pincer mantis chose the hard fire-breathing dragon, which also gave Xiaochi a chance to solve it quickly.

As the elf who has been with Xiaochi for the longest time, the fire-breathing dragon is also his strongest elf. Even if the strength of the giant pincer mantis strengthened by the dark ball is still the king level, it is impossible to be stronger than the fire-breathing dragon, not to mention the transformation of the giant pincer mantis. Qiang still paid the price of ignorance.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon's claw."

"Thunder Spirit, billions of shock waves."

The fire-breathing dragon's two claws flickered with blue light and took the giant pincer mantis away, and at the same time, the thunder elf beside the giant pincer mantis was also rushed over by the pink energy package.

"Gengar, go and help the Giant Claw Mantis"

"Giant pincer mantis, dodge the attack first."

Youyun saw that Bishas' Giant Claw Mantis was under siege, and his face became ugly. He was busy commanding his Genggui to help, and at the same time, he tried to remind the Giant Claw Mantis to dodge. After all, the Giant Clamp Mantis was also the top fighter in the battlefield. force.

indispensable to them.

What annoyed Youyun was the elf controlled by the dark ball. Once the master was away, he would only destroy it, and it was impossible for the giant pincer mantis to listen to him.

I saw that the double-claw of the giant mantis was flashing white light, facing the attack of the fire-breathing dragon instead of retreating, and slamming together with the dragon's claws of the fire-breathing dragon.

The little red fire-breathing dragon suppressed the giant pincer mantis faintly in terms of strength. It is not difficult to understand. After summoning this giant pincer mantis from Bishas, ​​it should be a strong force in Bishas' main lineup. slightly weaker presence.

At the same time, although the giant pincer mantis reluctantly accepted the fire-breathing dragon's attack, it had no time to take care of the thunder elf attacking from its side.

Hundreds of millions of shock waves slammed into the back of the giant pincer mantis, and the giant force directly blasted the giant pincer mantis out.

The Geng Ghost who rushed over didn't come and save the giant pincer mantis, only a wave of evil hit the Thunder Elf who had just been lifted... Hundreds of millions of shock waves were unprepared.

The Thunder Elf was seriously injured, and Gengar's vicious wave also directly made it lose its ability to fight.

"Thunder Spirit, hum! Fire-breathing dragon, burst and burn."

Seeing the Thunder Elf fainted, Xiao Chi snorted coldly and continued to command the fire-breathing dragon to attack. The billions of shock waves of the Thunder Elf alone were not enough to severely damage the Giant Claw Mantis.

In an instant, the fire-breathing dragon flew into the air, and the fierce flames burned all over its body, with endless heat waves directly swallowing the giant pincer mantis that flew out.

Feeling the violent fire energy around the fire-breathing dragon, Gengar also immediately avoided it.

After the Giant Claw Mantis was dealt with, Xiao Chi also went to the Thunder Spirit, who was capable of fighting, and directed the fire-breathing dragon to continue attacking Geng Gui, who immediately returned to You Yun.

On the side of Youyun, the flame bird is fortunate, and the injuries on the carp dragon are obviously more. It is not in the water, and with its huge body, there is no escape at all. It is because of its terrifying destructive power. Fighting with it The elves of Team Rocket are even more miserable, and have lost the ability to fight in large numbers.

"Hmph, I can still let you run away from the sky today. With the sound of Bishas, ​​a red dragon's breath in the mouth of the desert dragonfly blasted directly towards the still: Bidiao, who was fleeing everywhere, and the speed of Bijiao dropped significantly at this time. After a lot, and with some scars on his body, he almost did not escape this dragon's breath.

Feeling that Biyao's speed had slowed down, Li Ruo glanced at Celebi, who had gradually recovered and was about to wake up in her arms, and the solemnness between her brows was also less.

With Celebi in her arms, it is also difficult for her to command the battle, not to mention that she is facing an opponent who is much stronger than her. As long as Celebi regains her mobility, her situation will be much better.

The impatience on the face of Bishas on the opposite side seemed to be more intense, and then, he also took a dark ball from the uniform on his chest and threw it.

"I don't have time to continue to waste with you, the three evil dragons will solve them."

Black light flashed, with a dark blue head, black eyes, purple pupils, and three hideous heads, Bishas finally exhausted his patience and summoned his strongest elf, the three evil dragons.

With a roar, the three heads of the three evil dragons that had just appeared gathered energy at the same time, and in the next second, the three-color light was violently launched, directly hitting the unpredictable Bi Diao.

Boom! An explosion occurs.


This sudden change made Xiao Chi on the ground look stagnant. Originally, Li Ruo had been dragging Bishas, ​​and then as long as Zhang Feng arrived, the situation could be completely reversed, but now Li Ruo was at stake.

The energy was raging, Bi Diao was severely injured and fell to the ground, Li Ruo was also affected by the explosion, half of her body was paralyzed, and she fell directly from Bi Diao, but she still hugged Celebi tightly with her right hand.

"Heh, is this the end? In the end, did you still fail to kill Bishas?"

"Dad, Mom, I'm so tired. I can finally come to see you. Forgive my daughter for not being able to avenge you."

At this moment, Li Ruo's body kept falling and the happy life of her parents by her side when she was a child appeared in her mind, she closed her eyes, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and a tear fell.

"Latias, strong mind, save people!"

Just as Li Ruo closed her eyes and gave up her resistance, a familiar voice rang in her ears, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself on the back of a purple elf.

"Huh finally caught up!"

In the sky, on Kuailong's back, Zhang Feng, who saw Latias successfully rescue Li Ruo, was also relieved.

He also finally arrived here after he had dealt with a lot of Team Rocket's minions along the way, but he didn't want to see Bishas' three evil dragons shoot a triple attack at the Bidiao that Li Ruo was riding.

Zhang Feng's reaction was also fast, and he instantly determined that Biediao couldn't dodge this blow, so he directly summoned Latias and let it evolve to save Li Ruo at the fastest speed.

"This, this is, Zhang Feng's elf"

Caressing Latias's back, Rika spoke softly.

I thought I was going to die, but I didn't want to be rescued by Zhang Feng.

Bishas on the back of the desert dragonfly squinted and stared coldly at Zhang Feng who appeared suddenly, but the person he had planned to find after solving Celebi appeared in front of him.

For... Zhang Feng, he is also full of hatred. After all, the arrest of Dr. Dark Moon not only made his relationship with Dr. Dark Moon even worse, but also scolded the old Osaka Musou.

178. Bishas vs Zhang Feng

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