Quasi-god-level elves can make even the trainers of the heavenly king level go crazy, and it is indeed inappropriate to place them in the Forest of Time.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Li Ruo and Xiao Chi also nodded at the same time.

So, Zhang Feng put 6 elves into his Poké Ball and sent them back to the system warehouse.

After a short while, after dealing with Team Rocket's minions, Chen Mu walked over again, and when he saw that all the elves on the ground had disappeared, his expression changed.

Obviously, he also has ideas in his heart for... this group of elves, but in the end, the one in front of him is King Liruo, and he is not easy to attack.

"Miss Li Ruo, I will invite you and your friends to go to the Crown City Elf Association."

After thinking for a while, Chen Mu said.

184. Back to Hanlin.

Next, Zhang Feng and his party also got into Chen Mu's limousine and headed to the Fairy Association Center in Crown City.

Crown City Elf Association Center, meeting room.

After Chen Mu brought Zhang Feng and his party to the branch, he took them directly to the conference room.

Zhang Feng played with his mobile phone idle, and after solving Bishas, ​​he was finally able to go home.

Xiao Chi was lying on the sofa and fell asleep. This time he was besieged by Team Rocket's minions and his physical strength was undoubtedly the greatest, so he lay down as soon as he got to the conference room.

"Miss Li Ruo, are those... the elves on the ground just now your friends' elves?"

After being silent for a long time, Chen Mu still opened his mouth tentatively. With the vision of Chen Mu's vice president for so many years, he was also shocked by the two quasi-gods.

A quasi-god, when he is an adult, he will be......a Heavenly King-level elf, obviously no one will not be tempted. He is the vice president of a region. If he can become a Heavenly King-level trainer again, then his status will still be Can go up a lot more.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Zhang Feng also put down his mobile phone and looked at Chen Mu with great interest. After all, Bishop's six elves are now in his Poké Ball.

Li Ruo paused and said with a smile: "No, these... the masters of elves are not low-level, and President Chen should not be qualified to know."

Li Ruo could see Chen Mu's intention at a glance, so naturally there was nothing good to say, and not all the good people in the Elf Association.

Chen Mu didn't speak anymore after touching Li Ruo's nose here. Facing the Heavenly King Li Ruo, his vice-chairman was nothing. After all, this world was the world of elf trainers.

"Hahaha, Li Ruo Tianwang, I'm sorry, I've been a little busy recently and I've been neglected."

The door of the conference room opened, and a gray-haired old man appeared at the door and said to Li Ruo with a smile.

"President Liu Bo! You seem to be a little too busy."

Li Ruo said with a light smile.

"Hahaha, there is no way, there are a lot of things to deal with recently, and as the king born in our crown city, you should know that the strength of our city is a lot worse than other cities."

The chairman known as Liu Bai closed the conference room again and sat on the sofa next to Xiao Chi.

"King Liruo, can you talk about the purpose of the Rockets coming to the Forest of Time this time?"

Liu Bo also went straight to the topic and dispatched many members. He also wanted to know the whole story:

"Because of the Phantom Elf, Celebi!"

Hearing Li Ruo's words, Liu Bo's expression became solemn. The news about the beasts and the Rockets also made Liu Bo realize that things were not so simple.

Liu Bo also waved his hand and left the conference room.

Although Chen Mu was extremely reluctant, Liu Bo was his immediate boss after all, so he still walked out of the conference room and closed the door.

After Chen Mu left, Li Ruo also talked to Liu Bo about Bishas, ​​and of course changed her killing Bishas to the fact that Bishas accidentally died in the hands of her elf during the battle.

This time around, no matter what...

Whether it was Zhang Feng or Xiao Chi had exposed some trump cards, Li Ruo naturally wouldn't say it.

"Uh... I know what to do with this group of people, is Bishas really dead?"

Liu Bo's tone was a little suspicious.

You must know that Team Rocket's cadres have fought against the Four Heavenly Kings for so long without a single loss. Although Li Ruo is strong, it is not strong enough to be able to deal with a Team Rocket cadre.

"Mmmm, dead."

Li Ruo obviously doesn't want to say too much about this matter.

Next, after Liu Bo asked a few simple questions, Zhang Feng and his party also left the Elf Association.

Back at Liruo Villa, the three of them ate dinner, Xiao Chi was obviously starving, and the appearance of eating was a little too flattering.

Li Ruo took a sip of red wine, with a hint of crimson on her face, her beautiful eyes stared at Zhang Feng and said, "Thank you for saving me today, Zhang Feng."

"It's nothing, it should be, whatever you say now, you are my companion."

Zhang Feng was a little stunned when he noticed that Li Ruo was looking at him with hot eyes, then he pondered slightly and said to Li Ruo.

"The revenge is also avenged, and the burden of so many years can be relieved at once."

Li Ruomei's eyes flashed slightly, and her expression was slightly emotional.

When Bishas died, she was relieved.

Originally, she had a very good childhood. Although her family was not rich, she had parents who loved her.

Her father, in particular, loves her very much and is almost always responsive to her needs. The appearance of Bishas killed everything for her, and made her immersed in hatred for more than ten years. She even dreamed of killing Bishas by herself. screen.

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