Now, Bishas is really dead, everything is really over, and it is the man in front of her who helps her accomplish it all.

Li Ruomei stared straight at Zhang Feng, showing a gentle smile.

"Uh...that.... by the way, Xiaochi, where are you going to go after this matter is over?"

Zhang Feng also felt that Li Ruo seemed to be interested in him, so he hurriedly chose to change the subject.

"Ah! I only have 6 badges, so I should go to the challenge gym!"

Xiao Chi said vaguely while eating.

With Xiaochi by his side, Zhang Feng just got through it, of course he felt it.

The next day, Xiao Chi left Crown City early to challenge other gyms.

And Li Ruo also sent Zhang Feng to the Wangguan City Airport, ready to go directly back to Hanlin City.

Because the time is more urgent, Zhang Feng wants to go back as soon as possible, and Li Ruo booked the business class seat.

After boarding the plane, Zhang Feng leaned on the reclining chair and closed his eyes to rest.

With a roaring sound, the plane took off and flew into the sky.

185. The Confidence of Yayi

On the plane, Zhang Feng was closing his eyes and resting, when a soft voice suddenly came from his side.


Zhang Feng opened his eyes, looked at the seat beside him, and saw a girl looking at him with curious eyes.

The girl was wearing white short sleeves and a blue short skirt, with a sweet appearance, and a pair of smart big eyes also glanced at Zhang Feng from time to time.

Likewise, she was holding a tablet computer with a Pokémon battle playing on it, and was obviously a Pokémon trainer.

"What's the matter with you?"

Zhang Feng said in a flat tone, he confirmed that he did not know the girl in front of him at all.

Hearing his question, the girl took out her mobile phone from her pocket, glanced at the photos in her mobile phone, carefully compared Zhang Feng's face, and said in surprise, "You are Zhang Feng, right?"

Zhang Feng was stunned for a while, then seemed to think of something, smiled helplessly, and said, "It's me!"

From his becoming number one on the Heavenly King Potential List to being called the second-generation Dragon Envoy by the majority of netizens on the Elf Forum, Zhang Feng's popularity has continued to rise, and his influence is no less than that of a Heavenly King-level trainer.

And no matter...

In any gym, the challenge matches will be broadcast live, and many elf trainers have remembered Zhang Feng's appearance.

"Wow, I just said, I really read it right!"

Hearing this, there was a hint of excitement in the girl's eyes, immediately.

He took out the paper and pen from the satchel placed in front of his legs, handed it to Zhang Feng, and said, "Feng Da Shen, I am your loyal fan, I have watched your battles, and my favorite is your fairy elf. , can you sign my name?"

Zhang Feng looked at the girl with a look of admiration, a little funny, he looked at the girl in front of him, just like Serena he met before.

"Okay, that's easy."

Zhang Feng said with a light smile, took the paper and pen, left his artistic signature in one go, and handed it to the excited girl beside him.

"Thank you God Zhang Feng!"

After the girl took Zhang Feng's signature, she also looked at the signature carefully, and then carefully put it into the satchel.

"Just call me Zhang Feng."

Zhang Feng smiled and said, it sounds weird to hear others call the Great God.

"Okay, then, that..., my name is Asuna, can you leave me your contact information?"

After speaking, Asuna also looked at Feng with anticipation.

"Uh, okay!"

Zhang Feng hesitated for a moment and said, after all, he is only a fan.

After the two sides exchanged phone numbers, Asuna was also satisfied and did not bother Zhang Feng any more.

Zhang Feng also leaned back again.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Feng arrived in Hanlin City. After getting off the plane, Zhang Feng also went directly to the hotel that Li Ruo had booked in advance.

After all, it was a big night, and it was not suitable to release the elf action, and it was easy to be misunderstood. For unnecessary trouble, Zhang Feng also took a taxi.

After sitting in the car, Zhang Feng also looked at the familiar night scene outside the car, and his expression was a little emotional. After all, it was the place where he had lived for 16 years.

He didn't notify his parents in advance when he came back this time, and Zhang Feng naturally didn't want to disturb them in the early morning. That night, Zhang Feng checked into the hotel and rested comfortably for a night.

In the early morning of the second day, Zhang Feng woke up on time. After all, he had a period of field trip experience, and he now has a strong sense of time.

After stretching on the bed, Zhang Feng also got up and took a simple shower.

I ordered a simple breakfast, and while eating breakfast, I turned on the hotel TV and watched the Elf column.

And soon, the girl who was interviewed on the TV caught Zhang Feng's attention. She was Mei, who was in the Heavenly King promotion competition in Yuanzhi City, the girl who owns Suijun, and now she seems to have officially served in the Elf Association.

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