After that, Zhang Feng also began to distribute gifts one by one, including the gift for Liu Menghan's mother, he was ready.

The gifts for my mother Shen Yue and Liu Menghan's mother Chen Shishi are... jewelry, jewelry, and other health care products.

Mother Shen Yue was originally a child of a big family, and she is not very old now: she looks about thirty years old. If she can take care of it, she will look even younger and more beautiful.

After Liu Menghan's mother received Zhang Feng's gift, she kept exaggerating that Feng was sensible.

For... this polite and capable young man, Chen Shishi is more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Xiao Feng, I heard that you conquered Latias, who is called the legendary elf outside, let's show your father what the beast looks like!"

Father Zhang Tian is very happy to see his son is so promising! "Look, your son just came back, you still want to make a splash! Mother Shen Yue is also a father who has educated a little proud, indeed like Latias. Pixie-like don't care...

It's easy to cause uproar wherever it appears.

187. Proposal, Sky Blue City

Looking at the dejected father who was reprimanded by his mother Shen Yue, Zhang Feng also said with a smile: "It's okay, father, there will be more opportunities in the future."

Next, Zhang Feng also took out the gifts that he was going to give to Liu Menghan, mainly perfumes and some dolls, which Zhang Feng didn't know much about, that is, the most expensive ones bought directly.

"Zhang Feng, you actually know what gifts to give girls, I thought you only knew about your elf battles!"

Liu Menghan blushed and accepted Zhang Feng's gift in front of everyone.

"Did you hear it, stinky boy, don't patronize yourself in the future, and be more concerned about others. You said that your emotional intelligence is so different from mine!"

Father Zhang Tian also opened his mouth with a smile.

What ushered in was her mother, Shen Yue, who rolled her eyes and complained: "I didn't dare to say anything even if you blushed when you saw me at that time."

As soon as Shen Yue opened her mouth, her father was speechless.

"Zhang Feng, have those things been resolved, are you not injured? What's going on with Miss Wan'er?"

After arriving in his bedroom with Liu Menghan, Liu Menghan also asked.

Facing Liu Menghan's gaze, Zhang Feng naturally wouldn't let her worry, he nodded casually, and said with a smile, "The matter of Team Rocket has been resolved, as for Shangguan Wan'er, I haven't been there yet, but it shouldn't be a big problem. ."

It's not that Zhang Feng is arrogant. Although the Shangguan family is the first family in Tianlan City, and there are many Tianwang-level trainers, the current Zhang Feng is not easy to mess with.

Moreover, there is a master ball lying in his system warehouse, Zhang Feng is currently hesitating in which of the last two copies to choose the master ball.

After all, this was an opportunity for him to have a first-level god with the power to destroy the world. After seeing the horror of Groudon, Zhang Feng was also very cautious and cherished this opportunity very much.

On the other hand, Shen Yue has just packed everything from the kitchen, and the food is ready to start! It's time for the meal, and in order to catch the wind and dust for Zhang Feng, she has already prepared a sumptuous meal.

"Menghan, Xiaofeng, let's eat first. If you have anything to say, it's not too late to talk after dinner."

Okay, the appearance of mother Shen Yue also interrupted the two who were Qingqing me and me.

"My mother's cooking is delicious, let's eat!"

Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan's family also took their seats one after another.

After being seated, Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan were fine.

It was a lively discussion between the parents on both sides.

They even discussed the wedding of the two, and Liu Menghan and Zhang Feng made a big blush with the child born later.

While Zhang Feng was eating, he was also thinking in his heart, what would he do with the spirits of Bishas... the main elves were still in his hands.

Bangira, and the three evil dragons are all quasi-gods. It is no exaggeration to say that every quasi-god's location is discovered, the place will be disturbed, and all major forces will go to capture.

Zhang Feng was also thinking about how he should deal with these elves.

After eating, because it was still early, Zhang Feng took Liu Menghan directly to an open space where he used to play when he was a child, leaving the elders of the two families to chat at home. The more he thought about it, the more Zhang Feng felt that he had to properly handle this batch of elves.

In front of Liu Menghan, Zhang Feng directly released the six little elves.

Because this place is relatively remote, it once became Zhang Feng's secret base when he was a child, and it is not very noticeable to release these elves here.

Liu Menghan also looked surprised when she saw Bangira and the three evil dragons. During the time when she was not by Zhang Feng's side, Zhang Feng actually had a lot of quasi-god elves.

The elves who just came out, first looked around in confusion, and then all turned their attention to Zhang Feng.

"Your original master has died, and you have been liberated. Now whoever wants to return to the wild can go directly."

Zhang Feng also spoke softly.

Although the... elves in front of them have done a lot of evil things, they are only controlled after all.

To Zhang Feng's surprise, all the elves shook their heads after hesitating for a moment, obviously not willing to return to nature.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng said slowly: "Well, I will find a trainer you recognize for you."

Hearing the choice of this group of elves, Zhang Feng said that he was still a little happy. After all, the six heavenly king-level elves are a good fighting force. It just so happened that he was going to set up an organization. Groups are also a good solution.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng took the 6 elves back into the elves warehouse again.

After finishing everything, Zhang Feng also sat on the grass with Liu Menghan, Zhang Feng began to think, Shangguan Wan'er should also be put on the agenda, after all, there is still the Huaxia Conference to attend.

"Zhang Feng, this year's Huaxia Conference will be held in just over a month. You still have to deal with Miss Wan'er, do you have enough time?"

Liu Menghan obviously guessed what Zhang Feng was thinking and asked.

"Don't worry, there should be no problem. In a few days, I will go to Tianlan City to solve the problem of Shangguan Wan'er, and then the two of us will go to the Huaxia Conference together."

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