Zhang Feng sat on the grass and said in a relaxed tone.

In his current capacity, it is also very easy to get a few tickets for the VIP seats of the China Conference, and then the two families can go to watch the game together.

"You must pay attention to safety when you go to Tianlan City, after all, it is someone else's territory."

Liu Menghan asked worriedly, whether...

She would still be a little worried about how relaxed Zhang Feng was in front of her, after all, Zhang Feng faced a family alone.

"I know, Menghan, the world championship is over, let's get engaged!"

Looking up at the blue sky, Zhang Feng said in a relaxed tone.

His voice was very light and soft, but it was like a thunderbolt when he heard it in Liu Menghan's ear.

188. Parents' Worries, Pillars of the Sky

"Zhang, Zhang Feng, what did you just say!"

Liu Menghan spoke softly.

Her face was already blushing and shy. Although the Elf World Championship will not be held until next year, for Liu Menghan, Zhang Feng's marriage proposal still caught her off guard while being pleasantly surprised.

And some time ago, she asked her heart, and she was sure that she liked Zhang Feng.

It was just her shyness that made her a little embarrassed to speak, so now Zhang Feng also took the initiative to speak.

"Menghan, have you made up your mind?"

Zhang Feng chuckled lightly and said to Liu Menghan in a gentle tone.

After all, he and Liu Menghan have slept together before, so he can't fail others, so Zhang Feng is also ready to solve the major events of his life together.

When returning home this time, Zhang Feng also found that the parents of the two families were also trying their best to match his relationship with Liu Menghan, and they seemed to have great ideas about becoming in-laws.

And Liu Menghan herself is also a girl with a gentle personality and a sweet appearance, and she doesn't have so much scheming, so she is very suitable as her fiancee.

"OK, all right!"

Liu Menghan's voice is very small, and it is very good to be able to say it with her character.

Zhang Feng's house.

"Ah Xiaofeng, how long have you just been back, and you are going to Tianlan City again! Wouldn't it be better to spend more time with Menghan at home?"

As soon as she heard that her son was going to another city in the next two days, her mother Shen Yue was a little unhappy.

In her eyes, Liu Menghan had already been identified as a daughter-in-law, and she also hoped that her son would work harder, but she didn't want her son to just go home and leave again.

When the father Zhang Tian heard this, he was immediately puzzled! "Son, don't you have all your eight badges and you have been to all the cities in China that you should go to. Shouldn't you be at home preparing for this year's China Conference?"

"I'm expecting you to win glory for me, but you can't be careless!"

In this world where elf trainers are the main occupation, the ranking of the Huaxia Conference has almost attracted the attention of the entire Chinese people, which is even more eye-catching than which city you are an official in and which college you have been admitted to.

And being able to win the championship is even more supreme! Zhang Tian is no exception. Although he does not surf the Internet often, he also knows that his son's talent as a trainer is extraordinary. He is looking forward to his son to stand out in this China Conference.

Feeling the questioning gaze of his parents, Zhang Feng felt a little scalp numb, scratched his head and said helplessly: "It won't take long to go to Sky Blue City this time, it will take a week at most, and there are some very important things to do. , it's about my partner Kuailong!"

Zhang Feng also concealed the truth of the matter. After all, dealing with the Shangguan family is not a trivial matter, and it is estimated that his parents will stop him even more.

And if it is related to his own fast dragon, his parents will not say much, after all, it is related to his trainer career, but Zhang Feng is not talking nonsense, after all, the shot for Shangguan Waner is only because of her true dragon teeth , and her promise to join her own organization.

The True Dragon's Teeth is a tool to enhance the strength of the fast dragon, so Zhang Feng is not panic.

"That's it, then you go!"

"Yes, yes, it's more important for you to be more important, just remember to come back early."

As soon as I heard that my going to Tianlan City was related to Kuailong, my parents' attitude changed immediately.

After explaining to his parents, Zhang Feng also returned to his bedroom after taking a bath.

Lying on the bed, after a short pause, Zhang Feng also turned on the system. This time, going to Shangguan's house was not like dealing with Bishas before.

Although the strength of Xia Si may be higher than that of the Shangguan family's Heavenly King, but after all, there are many Shangguan family members, and there are also many Heavenly King-level trainers, and this time Zhang Feng is not as strong as Xiaochi and Liruo. 's helper.

So, in order to be safe, Zhang Feng put his mind on the system copy.

At present, he still has two dungeons left to enter, namely Pillar of the Sky and Reverse Time and Space. In Zhang Feng's view, the ultimate existence in these two dungeons is undoubtedly a first-level god according to Zhang Feng's guess.

Zhang Feng, who is familiar with the plot, can probably guess what kind of existence there will be from the name of the copy alone.

After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Feng directly chose to enter the Pillar of the Sky.

"The Pillar of the Sky dungeon is activated, the host gets one entry, and the host can only capture one elf from the dungeon and visualize it."

"The teleportation will start after a countdown of 10 seconds!"

Zhang Feng, who was already accustomed to entering the dungeon, also closed his eyes briefly, and in the next second, he also lost consciousness directly.

When Zhang Feng reacted, he was already in a huge palace, and when he looked out the window, he could already see the vast starry sky.

"This is the pillar of the sky, am I in space?"

Zhang Feng also lamented that the system was abnormal, even above the ozone layer, he could still breathe normally.

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