Boom! Sure enough, before Kuailong's dragon claws could be photographed, it was directly knocked out by Lie Kongsi's huge body.

Moreover, looking at the fast dragon whose body was unbalanced and about to fall to the ground, Lie Kong sat without any hesitation, his tail flashing with golden light, trying to use the dragon's tail to directly solve the fast dragon.

This scene was also seen by Zhang Feng on the ground.

"Vulcan, flame vortex!"

"Darklay, the wave of evil!"

A sudden burst of flame directly interrupted Lie Kongza's continued attacking route, and at the same time the pitch-black wave energy of evil also directly hit Lie Kongzai.

Feeling the pain in his body, Lie Kongzai also roared, turning his head and targeting Darkrai who injured it.

At this time, Lie Kong sat behind him, and Kuailong also recovered from the pain, adjusted his body, and looked at Lie Kong sat.

191. One blow spike,

Darkrai's strike seemed to have angered Lie Kongzai, only to see Lie Kongzai groaning against the sky, and the next second, the sky became gloomy, and countless turbulent currents were generated.

The flight of Latias, Fast Dragon, and Vulcan were all affected to a certain extent.

After doing all this, Lie Kong sat up and moved, only to see that it exuded a terrifying dragon's might all over its body, its body was stretched straight, and its whole body was wrapped in black light.

"Be careful, it's the finishing touch, Darkrai quickly escape!"

Seeing that Lie Kong was sitting on Darkrai, Zhang Feng was busy reminding him.

Darkrai was also aware of Lie Kongzai's attack, but he felt that he would definitely not be able to avoid this attack, so a huge black hole energy formed between Darkrai's hands.

In the next second, Lie Kong sat like an arrow from the string and directly attacked Darkrai. Because the speed was too fast, Zhang Feng could only see a black light flashing away in the sky, as Lie Kong sat alone. It is a big move, and the power of the finishing touch is terrifying.

Boom! The explosion generated, a strong wave of air spread out, Zhang Feng half covered his face with his right hand, barely able to see Darkrai's figure falling straight to the ground.

When Lie Kongzai's attack came, it had already tried its best to accumulate black hole energy, but the power of Lie Kongzai's attack was so terrifying that Darkrai couldn't bear it at all.

The air wave disappeared and a loud noise was heard. Zhang Feng frowned and saw Lie Kongzai's huge body slammed to the ground. This fall, even the surrounding environment was damaged. is in a sleep state.

Although its successful blow directly killed Darkrai, it was also affected by the overflowing black hole energy and fell into sleep.

Zhang Feng also frowned when he took back Darkrai who was incapacitated. His Darkrai had done his best, and the gap between it and Lie Kongzai in front of him was too big.

"Fast Dragon, Latias, Dragon Wave."

Zhang Feng's voice sounded, and the fast dragon and Latias began to speed up and stagger into the sky. Latias also evolved, and the dragon energy in the mouths of the two elves began to accumulate at the same time.

"Vulcan, accumulating flame attack!"

"Fine-toothed land shark, Blizzard, Chirullian, mental strength, wave form."

Zhang Feng's remaining five elves were also angry because of Darkrai's serious injury, and they were all trying to accumulate energy to give Lie Kongzui a thunderous blow.

The first attack was the fluctuations in the sky, and two strong cyan energies slammed directly on Lie Kongzai, who had fallen asleep.

The explosion caused a burst of smoke and dust.

What Zhang Feng didn't expect was that, because of the severe pain, Lie Kongzai woke up from the sleep state in an instant. Feeling the loss of physical strength and the severe pain in his body, Lie Kongzai's eyes flashed with scarlet rays of light, and he held on. He got up, his tail flashed with golden light, and with a violent force, the Vulcan worm that attacked it flew out.

Lie Kongzai, who was in a rage, hit the dragon tail with all his strength, but it was extremely terrifying. The Vulcan worm was hit unprepared and flew straight upside down. It only stopped after hitting a few big trees. .

Zhang Feng also withdrew the Vulcan with an ugly face. The battle with the terrifying Lie Kongzai was very dangerous. If he was accidentally hit, he basically lost his ability to fight.

Immediately after, Qilulian's wave-shaped mental strength and the blizzard of the Fang Lu shark also hit Lie Kongzai.

The mental strength is not bad, Chirulian's level is still too low after all, although the fluctuating mental strength is Chirulian's ultimate move, but it is not high enough to damage Lie Kongsi, on the contrary, although the power is not strong enough Strong, but the blizzard with bursts of chills made Lie Kongzai feel extremely uncomfortable.

Under the siege of all the elves of Zhang Feng, Lie Kongzai, who is physically strong enough to be terrifying, is also a bit overwhelmed. He slowly flew up into the sky, and Lie Kongzai stared at the fast dragon and Latias in the sky. The threats are only these two elves.

"Fast dragon, Latias, attack!"

Zhang Feng also knew that the key to ending the battle with Lie Kongzai must be them. Zhang Feng knew about the terrifying recovery ability of divine beasts. He must continue to attack now, and he could not give Lie Kongzai a chance to recover his stamina.

Lie Kongzai also let out a roar, and a blue freezing light in his mouth shot directly at the fast dragon rushing towards it. It chose to deal with the faster dragon with stronger destructive power first.

Lie Kongzai is also a little confused, why his own dragon attribute talent is not as good as Latias' fast dragon attack power, but he is better than Latias.

"Hold on, Latias!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Latias let out a soft cry, accelerated again, and ran directly in front of Kuailong, directly propping up a cyan protective cover, blocking Lie Kongzai's blow.

"Fast Dragon, Dragon Wave!"

Zhang Feng's voice sounded, and he saw Kuailong rise at an extremely high speed, and a mouthful of cyan energy directly slammed into Lie Kongsi from behind Latias.


With a sound of dragon roar, Lie Kong sat staggered, his face was more painful, and the damage of dragon-type moves still existed.

"It can't go on like this!"

Zhang Feng thought to himself, even if it was Dragon Wave with his quick dragon's full force blow, Lie Kongzai on the opposite side only stumbled, and Lie Kongzai's stamina was too strong.

But these... He was reluctant to accept that, as Lie Kongzai was his favorite divine beast in his previous life, Zhang Feng could be said to know Lie Kongzai very well.

In the anime, Lie Kongzai is also famous for his terrifying physical strength and endurance, no matter what...

Whether it's the battle of the ordinary Reeksato against the alien Deoxys, or the [-]v[-] of the flashing Reeksits in the Hoopa theatrical version, the features of Reeksat are vividly displayed.

"Chirullian, use your mind to float!"

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