After thinking about it, Zhang Feng directly ordered Chirulian who was beside him. At present, it can only help Latias and Kuailong.

Although Chirulian, who had never entered the main battlefield, was a little puzzled by Zhang Feng's order, she did not hesitate to use her mind power to come to the air.

192. The trick space, the upper hand

Chirulian's sudden appearance didn't attract much attention from Lie Kongzai, after all, Chirulian was still too weak in his eyes.

"Latias, help Kuailong, Kuailong, use Dragon God swooping on Lie Kongzai."

Zhang Feng chose to repeat the old trick, with Latias's boost, the fast dragon that used the dragon swooping to slam into Lie Kongzai fiercely.


Aware of Kuailong's attack, Lie Kongzai's eyes flashed red, and a high-pitched angry roar sounded.

The airflow in the sky gathered around Lie Kongzai and turned into a huge cloud over Zhang Feng's head.

I saw Lie Kong sitting upright again, covered with black energy fluctuations.

"Could it be..."

Seeing the action of Lie Kongzai, Zhang Feng immediately frowned, and Lie Kongzai seemed to be ready to use the finishing touch again.

"Sit in the air."

Zhang Feng's eyes were fixed on Lie Kongzai, who was also a leader among the first-level gods.

"Chirulian, sit carefully close to Lie Kong, Latias, clean and shine, cover the fast dragon."

Zhang Feng also ordered with a calm expression.

The next second, Lie Kong sat between the arrows from the string and slammed into the fast dragon that attacked it.

Boom! The finishing touch and the energy of the Dragon God swooping directly exploded.

Even though Kuailong had used all his strength, he was still blasted away by the terrifying power of Liekong after sitting in a stalemate with Liekong for two seconds.

Lie Kongzai was also a little angry that the little elves in front of him could not attack for a long time. This attack was basically done with all his strength. Zhang Feng's fast dragon was strong enough to face this attack without losing his fighting ability directly. .

Zhang Feng's expression froze when he saw this scene, but this was not the time to worry about Kuailong's injury, he must continue to command the battle calmly.

At the same time, the clean lustre of Latias that hit Lie Kongzai's finishing touch also slammed on Lie Kongzai's torso. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the petite Kirulian's eyes flashed blue light, constantly approaching Lie Kongzai. Sit empty.

After the continuous explosions, Lie Kongzai's figure appeared, and at this time it still seemed to have not suffered much damage.

"Don't think it's over, Kirullian, it's now, teleportation."

Zhang Feng shouted loudly with a slightly moved expression, from the attack of the fast dragon to the attack of Latias, Zhang Feng was just trying to make Chirulian, who has no sense of existence, get close to Lie Kong.

But Lie Kongzai, after all, is a first-level god, and he is very responsive, and if Chirulian is too close, it will also be discovered by it.

So Zhang Feng let Chirulian move between her hair. Although teleportation is full of uncertainty, his Chirulian can accurately locate the location of teleportation because of the special ability of the flashing elf.

In an instant, a flash of blue light flashed, and Chirullian instantly appeared in the sky above Lie Kongsi.


Lie Kongzai's response was not slow. At the moment Chirulian appeared, Lie Kongzai's huge head was raised high, and the golden energy in his mouth was beginning to gather, and Chirulian was directly exposed to Lie Kongzai. Sitting empty under the destructive light.

Although he didn't think Kirulian could do much damage to it, Ritsuoza chose to deal with it first.

Zhang Feng's face was even more tense at the moment, and he waved his hands heavily and shouted: "Chirulian, don't be afraid, trick space!"

Zhang Feng's voice just fell, and a purple figure also appeared beside Lie Kong at the same time. It was Latias who came to help Chirulian. I saw that it instantly released a black energy ball, which directly slammed into the sky. It hit Lie Kongzai's forehead and interrupted Lie Kongzai's attack, and the golden energy disappeared.

Also slightly adjusted, Kuailong's right fist also flashed a cold light, and slammed towards Lie Kongzai again.

Lie Kongzai let out a roar, and the golden patterns around his body became even more dazzling. At the same time, the blue light between his claws flickered, directly slamming against Kuailong's freezing fist.

At this moment, Ritsuoza had given up his attack on Kirulian directly.

And Chirulian did not hesitate at all, she sat with her hands facing Lie Kong below, her eyes flashed with superpower light, a huge square space appeared, and disappeared in the next second.

Seeing the moment when the trick space was successfully created, the corners of Zhang Feng's mouth also rose slightly.

From the very beginning, his plan was... so, because the speed of Lie Kongsi is too fast and the size of the body is too large, the chance of Chirulian making the trick space successful is very small, unless the distance between Lie Kongsi and Lie Kongsi is extremely close. The next trick space.

So, the previous... feint attacks can be considered effective.

Seeing that the attacks of Lie Kongzai and Kuailong were about to collide, there was a strange spatial fluctuation, and the Kuailong disappeared instantly, appeared behind Lie Kongzai and punched behind Lie Kongzai! Lie Kongzai eats At the same time of pain, there was a gleam of doubt in his eyes, but simply because of the characteristics of delta airflow, Kuailong's freezing fist didn't bring much damage to Lie Kongzai.

At present, there are Super Latias, Fast Dragon, and Lie Kongzai in the entire Trick Space. As the fastest Lie Kongzai, they lost the advantage of first-hand attack under the effect of the Trick Space.

"Latias, Mind Hammer"

"Fast Dragon, Dragon Claw!"

Zhang Feng didn't have the slightest time to hesitate, and the battle had to be resolved before the effect of the trick space was over.

If Lie Kongzai can't be defeated before the end of the trick space, then Zhang Feng's side must be the loser.

Feeling the strange speed of Kuailong before, Lie Kongzai's eyes stared at Kirulian in the sky, and the flames accumulated in his mouth.

I saw that Latias instantly appeared behind Lie Kongzai, and the mind hammer slammed into him fiercely, but Lie Kongzai seemed to be prepared, enduring the severe pain, the flame in his mouth was still there: agglomerate.

Immediately afterwards, Kuailong's dragon claws also slapped heavily on Lie Kongzai's body, leaving a scar on Lie Kongzai's dragon scales.

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