In the face of such a fierce attack, Lie Kongza still carried it down, spit out a mouthful of flame, and shot directly at Kirulian, who was not far from it.

193、Successful subjugation, Lie Kong sits

"Chirulian, get out of the way."

Seeing this, Zhang Feng did not hesitate at all, and shouted to Qi Lulian.

Chirullian also noticed the hot flames that hit it, and blue light flashed in his eyes instantly, trying to use his super power to move his body.

But the attack of Riekora was too swift for... Kirulian.

And no matter...

Whether he used the wave form of strong mental thoughts to stop Lie Kongzai's offensive, or used mental power to approach Lie Kongzai, to the last moment of teleportation and trick space, it consumed a lot of Chirulian's mental power. He could only barely maintain his psychic floating state, and he couldn't even use teleportation.

Although it reacted in time and turned its body sideways, it was still submerged by a large range of jet flames.

Zhang Feng's reaction was also very fast, he directly took out the Poke Ball and aimed at the figure of Chirulian who fell after being hit by the jet flame.

The incapacitated Kirulian was taken back by Zhang Feng's Poké Ball.

"Chirullian, you've done a great job!"

Zhang Feng also spoke softly to Kirulian's elf ball.

After killing Chillian, Lie Kongzai's body was stretched again, and the black light immediately surrounded Lie Kongzai. After the golden pattern on Lie Kongzai's whole body flashed, Lie Kongzai directly attacked Kuailong.

The finishing touch was done again, but this time there was room for tricks, Kuailong successfully avoided the blow, and once again slapped the dragon's claws on the back of Liekong's seat, Zhang Feng was also relieved to see this.

Once this skill was used, Zhang Feng had a little elf that was about to lose its ability to fight. The finishing touch brought Zhang Feng a lot of psychological pressure.

"It's time for a battle, Dragon, and Latias!"

"Using the last wave of the dragon on Lie Kongzai."

Zhang Feng's voice sounded, and the fast dragon and Latias in front of him condensed dragon energy at the same time.


At this time, Lie Kongzai's head was raised high, and after a dragon roar resounded in the sky, Lie Kongzai's eyes were also bright red.


A voice sounded, and there seemed to be a sound of unseen space shattering all around.


Zhang Feng looked at Lie Kongzai with a horrified expression on his face, and it actually used the reverse scale to break the magic space with absolute power.

This is completely beyond the terrifying power of Zhang Feng's cognition. Can a first-level god really break the rules? At this moment, Zhang Feng's heart is full of shock! When a black light flashed, he didn't have time to remind him, Kuailong's huge body was blown away directly.

Feeling the depressing feeling that Lie Kong was sitting on, Zhang Feng's eyes flashed a hint of helplessness, and there was a deep sense of powerlessness.

Next, the one shot that entered the reverse scale state directly solved Latias.

Latias fell heavily to the ground, and the evolution was directly lifted.

At this moment, Zhang Fengneng and Lie Kong sat down against all elves and lost their ability to fight.

And Lie Kongzai still stared at Zhang Feng with red eyes, the pressure on Zhang Feng at this moment was terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the only remaining fangtooth land shark also stood in front of Zhang Feng and assumed a fighting stance.


Feeling the overflowing dragon power of Lie Kong Si, Zhang Feng tensed up, took out a purple elf ball with his right hand, and aimed it at Lie Kong Si.

It was he who completed the challenge of the Eight Great Avenues, and the system rewarded him with the Master Ball.

It is impossible to deal with the fangtooth land shark alone, Lie Kongsi.

I saw that the Master Ball shot out a purple light that directly enveloped Lie Kongzai, and in an instant, Lie Kongzai was tyrannical, and the suppressed breath disappeared instantly.

Lie Kongsi's eyes also regained clarity, and he shook his head and looked at Zhang Feng.

At this moment, the voice of Lie Kong sitting resounded in Zhang Feng's heart.

"Little guy, I'm a little out of control, sorry!"

Hearing Lie Kongzai's words, Zhang Feng also rolled his eyes, and then nodded his head. Obviously, Lie Kongzai was also on the rise. Lie Kongzai, who was in the reverse scale state, even almost wanted to directly attack Zhang Feng himself.

"Lie Kong sit down, how do you want to come with me?"

Zhang Feng also stretched out his right hand and invited Lie Kongzai.

Lie Kongzai closed his eyes directly, and began to recall the previous battle with Zhang Feng in his heart.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng also continued: "Lie Kongzai, the outside world is very exciting, and there are not a few even god-level existences on the same level as you. Arceus, don't you want to see it?"

"Human, you actually know so many beings."

Lie Kongzai opened his eyes and glanced at Zhang Feng slightly strangely, as if he was a little surprised that he knew so many divine beasts! "I know a lot, these are absolutely powerful beings that have appeared in human history, how about you? Don't you want to beat them and reach the pinnacle of power?"

Zhang Feng continued to seduce him, although he can directly use the Master Ball to instantly subdue Lie Kongzai, and because it is a system-specific Master Ball, he can instantly erase the negative memories of Lie Kongzai together with him, and he will only be completely loyal to him.

However, Zhang Feng still hopes to gain the recognition of Lie Kongzai by himself.

Listening to Zhang Feng's words, Lie Kongzai's expression also changed, "Human, I recognize you, and I will prove that I am the strongest existence!"

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