, learned to spray flames, and the level of Nightmare God Darkrai also came to 1...

The dungeon this time raised the level of strength of all Zhang Feng's elves by a notch, and most of the elves even broke through the threshold of the Heavenly King level.

The ones who made the most progress were Chirullian and Fang Shark, who were at a lower level, and the two elves also learned a lot of new skills.

Kirulian level has reached 1...

Zhang Feng also took off the immutable stone worn on it as a matter of course, in order to prevent it from wasting its potential due to premature evolution, and now it is time for Kirulian to evolve.

After doing all this, Zhang Feng also lay on the bed again, and the increase in strength also gave him more confidence.

For the next two days, Zhang Feng stayed at home with Liu Menghan, or went shopping for clothes, or went to Tokiwa Forest to play. Zhang Feng, who was called the second-generation dragon envoy in his hometown, naturally received a lot of attention.

When playing with Liu Menghan, Zhang Feng was often recognized by the citizens of Hanlin City, and even many trainers challenged Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng ignored it.

Two days later, Zhang Feng also set foot on the road to Tianlan City after saying goodbye to his family and Liu Menghan.

Because Tianlan City is not far from Hanlin City, Zhang Feng also chose to take the fast dragon flight directly. In less than half a day's journey, Zhang Feng arrived at Tianlan City.

As soon as he arrived in Tianlan City, Zhang Feng first went to the hotel that he had agreed with Shangguan Wan'er in advance, the Tianlan Hotel.

Zhang Feng walked past the hotel lobby and went directly to the room Shangguan Wan'er told him on the phone.

As soon as the door opened, Zhang Feng saw Shangguan Wan'er wearing a light blue short skirt, looking at her with a smile.

Shangguan Wan'er looked at Zhang Feng who was standing at the door, pursed her lips and smiled, "Why don't you know what you're doing at the door, let's go inside!"

Hearing Shangguan Wan'er's voice, Zhang Feng also shook his head and entered the door. He had to say that Shangguan Wan'er's face and body were all first-class, standard white and rich.

Sitting on the sofa, Shangguan Wan'er also made a cup of coffee and placed it in front of Zhang Feng.

"Please forgive me for calling you over in such a hurry!"

"Mainly, my family seemed to know that I was plotting something, so they decided to send my mother to Liu's house in advance."

"So, I really need your help!"

Shangguan Wan'er sat opposite Zhang Feng and said sincerely.

Zhang Feng glanced at Shangguan Wan'er who looked pleading, and said gently, "Since you have joined my organization, you are your own. Don't worry, I will do my best."

Zhang Feng also did not dare to make sure that the ticket would be successful.

195、Shangguan's house, Liu's house

In the hotel room, Shangguan Wan'er talked in detail about the power distribution of the Shangguan family, the strength of the strongest trainer in the clan, and the family strength of the Liu family who had made an appointment with the Shangguan family to marry Shangguan Wan'er's mother.

Shangguan Wan'er had only a vague understanding of the strength of the Liu family. After all, she did not belong to the Liu family. It took her more than ten years to investigate the details of her family.

According to what she said, the Shangguan family currently has 6 trainers with real Heavenly King-level strength. The original strongest was her father. After her father was killed, the strongest in the family became the head of the Shangguan family. That is her grandfather.

Her grandfather's ace elf is said to be a champion-level three-headed evil dragon. From Wan'er's words, Zhang Feng can roughly guess that her grandfather's three-headed evil dragon may have the strength of the main elf of the Four Heavenly Kings of China.

Of course, the Shangguan family is the number one family in Tianlan City after all, and Tianlan City itself is an important large city in China, which shows how powerful the Shangguan family is.

If it weren't for the strong protective attitude of Mr. Damalanqi from the Elf Association to the workers of the younger generation of the Elf Association, Shangguan Wan'er would have been solved by the Shangguan family long ago, and the True Dragon's Teeth would have been integrated into the three The first dragon.

And Shangguan Wan'er's end is nothing more than... being used as a tool to marry other big family children, after all, her beauty belongs to the first-class beauty in the whole of China, and his grandfather also moved her to marry the Liu family. The idea of ​​less family owner.

As for the Liu family, it has always been the second largest family in Tianlan City, and has always been related to the Shangguan family by marriage.

At that time, Shangguan Wan'er's grandfather was planning to marry his daughter, Wan'er's mother, into the Liu family. Who knew that Wan'er's father, Yin Shili, and Wan'er's mother had already made a private lifelong relationship.

Coupled with Wan'er's father's strength and extraordinary talent, even the executives of the Elf Association were very optimistic about his potential and believed that he had the opportunity to become a champion trainer. Therefore, Wan'er's grandfather weighed The pros and cons are also the decision to marry his daughter to him.

And although the Liu family had complaints, they still didn't want to fall out with the Shangguan family, so this matter ended.

But I didn't think that, now, the Liu family... who wanted to marry Wan'er's mother in the past has now proposed marriage to the Shangguan family.

Naturally, this incident also became an excellent way for the Shangguan family to threaten Shangguan Wan'er. After all, Shangguan Wan'er, who regarded her mother as her only relative, couldn't watch her mother jump into the fire pit.

And because of the Elf Association, they could not blatantly snatch the teeth of the real dragon from Zhang Feng's hands, and they also did not use the power of the family to grab the real dragon's teeth from Zhang Feng, who owns Latias, Kuailong and other elves. Teeth are really hard.

Therefore, Shangguan Wan'er became the hope of the Shangguan family's head to recover the True Dragon's Tooth. Even if the True Dragon's Teeth could not be recovered, he could make up for the Liu family.

Even in Zhang Feng's opinion, it has to be said that the wishful thinking was quite loud.

"Wan'er, tell me what do you think?"

After listening to Shangguan Wan'er's introduction, Zhang Feng also wanted to hear what her countermeasures were, because in his impression Shangguan Wan'er had always been... A thoughtful girl, since Zhang Feng was going to let Shangguan Wan'er become her own organization brain, then she must have the ability to solve problems independently.

Zhang Feng has never done anything that wastes his time, the reasons why he made up his mind to help Shangguan Wan'er, one is the favor of the real dragon's teeth, and the other is that he fell in love with Shangguan Wan'er's delicate mind and thoughtful work, suitable for helping him Tackle some of the chores of the organization.

As long as she has her own plan, even if something goes wrong, Zhang Feng will give her the bottom line! After all, the strength of the alliance between the Shangguan family and the Liu family is really not small.

Shangguan Wan'er glanced at Zhang Feng with beautiful eyes, then hesitated for a moment and said, "The day after tomorrow, my mother will be forced to marry someone from the Liu family, and the Shangguan family will entertain some families in Tianlan City and surrounding cities. I attended as my fiancé."

"This year's Huaxia Conference has changed a lot, and other countries have been eyeing them, sending a lot of powerful young trainers, making you... famous trainers extremely important in the eyes of the Elf Association, I just happen to be sure to invite the sky blue city. The vice president of the Elf Association is here."

"With the importance the Elf Association places on you, maybe we have a chance to force the Shangguan family to give up my mother's marriage and buy you time. When you win the China Championship, I'll take my mother out."

"But can you accept it?"

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Wan'er looked at Zhang Feng pitifully, after all, this was the best solution she could come up with.

Because in her opinion, even if Zhang Feng's talent is terrifying, no matter how powerful he is, he can't fight the alliance of the entire Shangguan family and the Liu family by himself.

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