And the only thing that can make her family extremely jealous is... the only official organization in China, the Elf Association.

Although this world may not be so peaceful and various forces are intricate, there is no doubt that the most powerful is still the Elf Association.

Taking advantage of Zhang Feng's influence, coupled with the importance that the Elf Association places on him, may make her... grandfather fearful, so he doesn't dare to act rashly.

But the only problem is... This time the Shangguan family has so generously entertained the major families, so there must be a lot of media coming to hear the news, so Zhang Feng will inevitably have to make an appearance.

Shangguan Wan'er also knew that Zhang Feng's girlfriend was Liu Menghan, so this was the reason for her hesitation.

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er's pleading expression, Zhang Feng also nodded helplessly.

Anyway, this time, Shangguan Wan'er told her her plan ahead of time, instead of giving him a sudden remark on the Diamond Pearl.

This kind of thing, as long as Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan make it clear in advance, after all, the Huaxia Conference is about to start, and it is good to have extra branches.

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng said to Shangguan Wan'er: "Okay, no problem, but I know more people from the Elf Association, you don't need to call the vice president of Tianlan City, I will invite someone to come over. "

Since he agreed to follow Shangguan Wan'er's plan, Zhang Feng was also ready to use his contacts.

196. All parties are planning

After the conversation with Wan'er was over, Wan'er left the hotel. She had to confirm the movement within the clan, and Zhang Feng stayed in this room.

After all, the Shangguan family is the biggest force in Tianlan City, with many eyes and ears, so before the banquet they held, Zhang Feng would not go out.

Soon, Zhang Feng saw the post of the Shangguan family entertaining the major families on the Elf Forum, and even some media reporters began to report, I have to say that the Shangguan family is shameless this time.

Next, Zhang Feng also saw a lot of comments below the post.

Most of them sighed that the Shangguan family was powerful and powerful, and the children of the family were very ostentatious when they got married. Only a small number of trainers who were born in Tianlan City raised their doubts.

That's why the mother of Shangguan Wan'er was married. Shangguan Wan'er was the special search officer of the Tianlan City Elf Center. In addition, she was beautiful and gentle, and she once became the goddess in the minds of the trainers in Tianlan City. .

In order to pursue her, many rich second generation also inquired about her family background, so they are not unfamiliar with her mother.

Zhang Feng also saw a lot of posts mocking the Shangguan family, such as the Shangguan family was going to marry a widow.

Although in real life few trainers dare to fight against the officials, it is different on the Internet. The power of this world's keyboard warriors can be said to be on par with the world Zhang Feng has lived in before.

There are many people who mentioned Zhang Feng. After all, Zhang Feng has always been considered by the outside world to be Shangguan Wan'er's fiancé, and they are all guessing whether Zhang Feng will intervene in this matter.

The reason is that if Shangguan Wan'er's mother really married someone from the Liu family, then Zhang Feng would have an extra husband.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng also rolled his eyes. Although he did want to intervene, the idea was really too strange.

Although it is not a post related to elves, it was still on the home page of the elves forum, and most of the comments were elves trainers in the sky blue city, and some melon eaters.

After flipping through the comments again, Zhang Feng also quit the elf forum, and to complete Shangguan Wan'er's plan, he still had to make a few phone calls.

As for who to invite from the Elf Association, Zhang Feng had already had an idea...

At the same time, the Shangguan family, inside the palace.

Almost everywhere you can see busy servants, the palace of Nuoda is decorated with lanterns, a festive and peaceful atmosphere.

Sitting on the main seat of the main hall was an old man with white hair and a face that was not old. I saw him talking to the middle-aged man who looked a little like him in front of him.

This person is the contemporary head of the Shangguan family, Shang, and standing in front of him is Shangguan Wan'er's uncle, the real murderer who killed her father, Shangguan Tianxing.

"Tianxing, although our Shangguan family is solid, there are also many people who have offended you. You should pay close attention to some forces that have recently come to Tianlan City."

Shangguanxiong's expression was a little serious.

"Yes, father."

Shangguan Tianxing nodded, his expression quite disdainful.

To be honest, in his eyes, the only ones that can make him fear are the organizations with absolute strength such as the Elf Association and Team Rocket. As for some of the family forces invited this time, he really doesn't care.

"By the way, how is the situation on Shangguan Wan'er's side?"

Not paying attention to Shangguan Tianxing's face, Shangguan Xiong also asked about Shangguan Wan'er's recent situation.

"Don't worry, father, I still understand the character of Wan'er's girl. She will not let her mother marry the Liu family."

"According to my news, she met a person at the Sky Blue Hotel today, and this person is probably... Zhang Feng, a famous trainer who has been rumored to have the divine beast Latias recently."

"It seems that my niece has a plan of her own!"

Shangguan Tianxing's tone was more playful, and he didn't seem to be worried about Zhang Feng's appearance.

"Humph! It's just a child after all. What does he have to fight with our Shangguan family, but that's fine. I'm afraid he won't take the bait."

"Tianxing, the true dragon tooth in Zhang Feng's hands must be taken back, if possible, even his fast dragon and Latias."

Shangguanxiong's tone was a bit cold and harsh. In his eyes, the True Dragon's Teeth belonged to him, and Zhang Feng took the True Dragon's Teeth... to oppose his Shangguan family.

Over the years, Zhe: There are not a few talented trainers in Shangguanxiong's hands. In his opinion, Zhang Feng is no different from those people.

Moreover, Latias in Zhang Feng's hands can be said to be very tempting. Once the Shangguan family succeeds, it can be said that their strength will be improved to a higher level.

"I understand, father, but what should I do with the Elf Association? Zhang Feng is a trainer favored by the Elf Association after all."

"Furthermore, Zhang Feng is also a famous trainer, and his reputation is not small."

Shangguan Tianxing is a little puzzled. In his opinion, Zhang Feng has the protection of the Elf Association, and it is very good that the family can get back the True Dragon's Tooth from him. It is a bit unrealistic to snatch his Elf! After all, the China Conference Immediately, if Damalanqi knew that something happened to Zhang Feng, the Shangguan family would definitely not be able to eat and go. Although Shangguan Tianxing was confident, he did not feel that his family could compete with the Elf Association.

"It's okay, I have a close friend who is a high-level member of the Elf Association. I will invite him over on the day of the banquet, and the guys in the association are currently doing their best to cultivate that girl named Yayi."

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