"Zhang Feng, won't you introduce us to your fiancee?"

Li Ruo said with a light smile, watching the fun is not too big of a problem, after taking revenge, Li Ruo's whole temperament is also a lot more lively.

Hearing Li Ruo's teasing, Shangguan Wan'er also blushed. She has never had a boyfriend since she was a child, and she has never even held hands with a boy, but now she has become Zhang Feng's "fiancee" in full view of the public.

, she is also a little shy.

"Uh, don't make trouble, her name is Wan'er, Shangguan's family."

Zhang Feng also spoke up, and he was also a little helpless about the ridicule in Li Ruo's tone.

199, Shangguan Yunfei, appeared

After a simple interaction, the four of them returned to calm. Zhang Feng also told Li Ruo about the situation before he came. When Shangguan Wan'er's mother appeared, it was... he was ready to do it.

"Zhang Feng, look, that person is the man who wants to marry my mother."

Shangguan Wan'er leaned her head to Zhang Feng and whispered in Zhang Feng's ear.

Zhang Feng also turned his gaze to where Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful eyes were looking.

Then Zhang Feng frowned. Under the crowd of the Liu family, a man who appeared to be in his fifties walked up to the stage, with a chubby body and pitiful hair on the top of his head. The suit looks rather funny.

Although Zhang Feng has not seen Shangguan Wan'er's mother yet, but a daughter who can give birth to Shangguan Wan'er's appearance must be a beautiful woman when she is young.

The bald old man of the Liu family is indeed unworthy of him no matter what he thinks.

"His name is Liu Yang, the current younger brother of the Liu family, who is neither educated nor skilled, and is said to have raised many concubines."

Looking at Liu Yang, Shangguan Wan'er's tone was obviously much colder.

Li Ruo and Ke Na, who were sitting on the side, also followed Shangguan Wan'er's gaze, and when they saw Liu Yang, they seemed to understand something in their hearts.

On the stage, Shangguan Tianxing and Liu Yang were also polite to each other, just like a family.

In the end, Shangguan Tianxing stood in front of the microphone first.

"First of all, welcome everyone from afar to attend the wedding banquet of my Shangguan family and Liu family. I hope everyone can have a good time."

Standing on the high platform, Shangguan Tianxing looked gentle and high: his voice also spread throughout the audience through the microphone.

Although he didn't pay much attention to this wedding banquet, on the contrary, some people in the audience were more concerned by him, but that's all after the wedding banquet, and now he still has to concentrate on hosting.

"The marriage between the Liu family and my Shangguan family this time also continues the tradition of our two families, in order to maintain our friendship with the Liu family."

"Although my sister went astray before and married someone she didn't love, it's not too late to get it back!"

"After all, our Mr. Liu Yang still doesn't care that my sister ever married, and is very satisfied with... Mr. Liu Yang's affection is even my brother."

"So, I hereby sincerely wish Liu Yang and my sister Shangguan Yunfei a 100-year relationship!"

The voice of the microphone is very loud, and Shangguan Tianxing's expression is also very sincere.


Shangguan Wan'er patted the table and was about to stand up, and at this time she was very pale.

As for what Shangguan Tianxing said just now, it was clear that it was... an insult to her mother, and he also made a very sincere expression, which made Shangguan Wan'er feel disgusted with... this uncle.

"Wan'er, calm down! Don't forget the goal."

At this time, Zhang Feng also held Shangguan Wan'er, his eyes flickered slightly, obviously it was not the time to turn his face, as long as Shangguan Wan'er's mother appeared, Zhang Feng was confident that he would be able to turn Shangguan Wan'er even if he turned against the Shangguan family. The mother grabbed it.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Shangguan Wan'er was also shocked. Indeed, when she thought of the purpose of coming here today, Shangguan Wan'er also sat down again.

I saw Shangguan Wan'er staring coldly at Shangguan Tianxing who was talking on the stage.

After a while, Liu Yang of the Liu family also began to speak, and what he said naturally was to express his attitude, how to treat Wan'er's mother Shangguan Yunfei after marriage.

Then, at Shangguan Tianxing's suggestion, Shangguan Wan'er's mother finally appeared surrounded by the crowd.

Zhang Feng also looked at it, obviously Zhang Feng was still a little curious about... Shangguan Wan'er's mother.

Soon, with the appearance of Shangguan Yunfei, a voice of exclamation sounded at the banquet scene.

Wearing a white gauze dress, she has a mature temperament and a sexy figure. Although her face is pale and her eyes are dull, it is still difficult to hide her delicate face.

Apparently everyone present had an answer to why Liu Yang insisted on marrying a middle-aged widow, a beauty like Shangguan Yunfei is indeed enough.

And looking at this woman who is seven points similar to Shangguan Wan'er, Zhang Feng is also relieved, as long as she appears, today's matter will be resolved easily.


Seeing her mother's pale face, Shangguan Wan'er covered her face in a low voice and sobbed.

Shangguan Wan'er seemed very remorseful for her failure to rescue her mother earlier and let her suffer in Shangguan's house.

Feeling the torment in Shangguan Wan'er's heart, Zhang Feng also gently patted the back of her hand to comfort her.

Walking slowly all the way, Shangguan Yunfei's face was cold, only when she passed by her daughter, Shangguan Wan'er, did a touch of softness appear in her beautiful eyes.

On the stage, Liu Yang looked at Shangguan Yunfei who was slowly walking towards him, and couldn't restrain his excitement.

Nearly [-] years ago, when he saw Shangguan Yunfei for the first time, he was fascinated by her beauty, and then he began to pursue Shangguan Yunfei.

But Shangguan Yunfei ignored him at all, so he used the power of the family, and finally he got his wish. After paying some price, the Shangguan family agreed to marry Shangguan Yunfei to him.

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