Unexpectedly, Shangguan Yunfei already had a boyfriend at that time, it was Yin Shili who was amazingly talented and powerful.

At that time, even if Liu Yang used the power of the Liu family, he couldn't compare with Yin Shili, whose strength had already reached the Heavenly King level and was highly valued by the Elf Association.

So he lost in this competition like this, and then he gradually became desperate. After all, Yin Shili has gradually grown into the number one powerhouse of the Shangguan family, and is expected to pursue a championship-level trainer.

Liu Yang, who had already lost his thoughts on Shangguan Yunfei, later heard the news that Yin Shili had died in the Dragon God Cave, so his thoughts became active again for a while.

At that time, he proposed to the Shangguan family again, but was rejected by Shangguan Wan'er of the Shangguan family at that time.

This time, at the cost of a king-level elf, he also successfully married the woman of his dreams.

200、Tear the face, mother-in-law

"Sister, I can see that you have a good home, and you will be relieved to be a big brother!"

Shangguan Tianxing calmly said to Shangguan Yunfei who was in front of him, at this moment, if Zhang Feng didn't know the inside story, he really thought he was a good brother.

"Go away!"

Shangguan Yunfei said in a voice so low that only the two of them could hear, for... the brother who used to be the closest to her in front of her, now she has nothing but disgust.

Hearing Shangguan Yunfei's words, Shangguan Tianxing was slightly cold at first, and then whispered: "Honestly complete the wedding for me, otherwise I will not guarantee your daughter's safety."

Hearing her daughter, Shangguan Yunfei's body trembled and her face turned pale. If it wasn't for worrying about her daughter's safety, she would not have attended the wedding even if she died.

Since Shangguan Wan'er fell out with the Shangguan family, she has not seen her daughter for many years, and even if she does, she is under the supervision of the Shangguan family.

Naturally, Shangguan Wan'er didn't tell her many things, and she only knew that her husband's death was suspicious, but she didn't know that her family was behind the scenes.

"After this incident, you must not pester my daughter and let her live a peaceful life."

Shangguan Yunfei's voice was extremely cold, but Shangguan Tianxing didn't mind, as long as the wedding went smoothly.

As for the request of his sister, he just listened to it. As long as there are people of value in this family, he will not hesitate.

During the banquet, the major families were also in good spirits, chatting with their good friends. On the stage, Liu Yang also had a smile on his face, and just wanted to reach out to hold Guan Yunfei.

"Stop me!"

And at this moment, a cold and stern shout sounded, almost all the eyes of the audience were attracted.

Sure enough, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't hold her breath anymore, she finally stood up when she looked at her mother who forced a smile on the stage.

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er's actions, Li Ruo also looked at Zhang Feng who was sitting beside her. Obviously, now is not the best time to start, and some key people have not appeared, such as the head of the Shangguan family.

Zhang Feng gave a helpless smile and nodded. Shangguan Wan'er's reaction seemed normal to him. If Zhang Feng's mother was on stage, he would probably summon Lie Kong to sit without hesitation. , destroy everything here.

Fortunately, in front of the media this time, Zhang Feng also has his own things to do.

When she heard her daughter's cry, Shangguan Yunfei felt warm in her heart. After her husband passed away, her daughter was the spiritual pillar to support her life.

However, she knew a lot about her family's style. If she lost the face of the family in public, the family would definitely take revenge.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Shangguan Tianxing with a gloomy face beside her, and Shangguan Yunfei's expression changed immediately.

Holding up her skirt with her hands, she approached her daughter, although not very...she had to stop her daughter before her brother got angry.

Liu Yang also wanted to follow him, but he was stopped by Shangguan Tianxing who was beside him with a wave of his hand. At this time, his face was a bit ugly, but in his eyes, the mother and daughter would never escape his palm today.

The families in the audience also looked at each other in dismay when they saw this scene. After all, the one who stood up to target the Shangguan family... It was the little princess of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Wan'er. They seemed to have seen some secrets! As for the media, they were even more excited. The cameras were also aimed at Shangguan Wan'er who suddenly stood up.

Seeing Shangguan Yunfei walking towards him, Zhang Feng also stood up immediately, after all, this is his nominal mother-in-law now.

Shangguan Yunfei, who anxiously walked to Shangguan Wan'er's side, grabbed her daughter's hand and said in a low voice, "Wan'er, be obedient, don't interfere in today's affairs!"

At this moment, she didn't seem to care about Zhang Feng standing beside her daughter.

Shangguan Wan'er gently patted her mother's hand, held her hand, pointed at Zhang Feng with a smile, and said, "Mother, let me introduce to you first, this is your son-in-law, Zhang Feng, who is number two on the Heavenly King Potential List. Elf trainer."

Shangguan Wan'er's voice was neither too loud nor too small, and everyone who had been quietly watching their mother and daughter heard the news.

For a time, many families who were not familiar with... Zhang Feng also understood why the King of Cona was so close to a child. It turned out that Zhang Feng was the person that their elf association valued.

Ke Na's beautiful eyes also stared at Zhang Feng with great interest. Before she came, she also heard her best friend say something about the Shangguan family, and she was very curious about how Zhang Feng was going to solve this matter.

"Hello, auntie, I'm Zhang Feng. I'm here today mainly to pick you up and leave Shangguan's house."

Zhang Feng's voice sounded, and when he mentioned picking you up and leaving Shangguan's house, he deliberately raised the volume.

"Presumptuous, who gave you the guts to run wild in our Shangguan's house!"

Before Shangguan Yunfei spoke, Shangguan Ling stood up and shouted coldly. After entering the table, he had been waiting for Zhang Feng to have a conflict with his family. At this moment, he was also the first to stand up.

"Oh yes? Then who gave you the courage to bark in front of me!"

As soon as Zhang Feng's voice fell, a black energy light ball hit Shangguan Ling without warning.

Seeing this change, everyone raised their heads in shock to look at the sky, only to see Darkrai floating in the air, and the attack just now naturally came from its black hole.

That's right, before coming to Shangguan's house, Zhang Feng exchanged Fang Lu Shark back to the system warehouse for Darkrai, which was also for his convenience to frighten Shangguan's house.

"Zhang Feng, what do you mean, are you going to make trouble at my Shangguan's family banquet?"

Shangguan Tianxing spoke coldly. At this moment, he seemed to be righteous and serious. He really did not expect that Zhang Feng would dare to act in front of everyone's eyes.

"Brother Tianxing, don't worry! If he dares to make trouble, my Liu family will not let him go."

Liu Yang, who was beside Shangguan Tianxing, also spoke up immediately. After all, this time he was going to marry Shangguan Yunfei and there was another accident, which made him very angry.

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