After eating, with the packed clothes, Zhang Feng's family also reunited with Liu Menghan's mother and daughter.

Liu Menghan's father couldn't find time to watch the Huaxia Conference because of his busy work.

In the waiting room, after waiting for an hour, the group boarded the plane to Jinghua City.

On the plane, Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan sat together, while the parents of the two families sat in the back row.

"The Huaxia Conference is finally about to start, Zhang Feng, you should be looking forward to it!"

Liu Menghan smiled at Zhang Feng and said that he had traveled with Zhang Feng for so long. He saw the love of elf battles in Liu Menghan's eyes, and being able to show himself on China's largest elf competition platform is believed to be what Zhang Feng is most looking forward to. matter.

"Well, yes! I will eventually become the strongest elf trainer in the world."

Hearing Liu Menghan's words beside him, Zhang Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and after a long time, Zhang Feng said with a sure look.

"Is it... the strongest?"

Looking at him with a confident face, Liu Menghan showed a faint smile on her face, just as she thought.

215. Register for the competition, Xiao Chi

Two hours later, Zhang Feng and his party also landed at the airport in Jinghua City.

"Jinghua City is so lively! The citizens seem to be more enthusiastic than our Hanlin City."

After entering the city, Zhang Feng glanced at the crowded streets and said.

Zhang Feng was also a little curious when he first came to Jinghua City, which is known as the city with the best security in China.

"Indeed, isn't this the beginning of the Huaxia Conference? It is estimated that there are many people in the surrounding cities to play."

Liu Menghan also said with a chuckle.

Zhang Feng also nodded, there were basically young people dressed as trainers everywhere on the streets, and I believe most of them came to attend the Huaxia Conference.

"Thinking that Bujinghua City has developed to this level, the city's appearance has completely changed!"

"The only thing that hasn't changed is... the harmony between people. The folk customs of Jinghua City are still so simple."

Shen Yue said with emotion, she remembered that the last time she came to Jinghua City was when she was five years old, and the city had undergone earth-shaking changes when she came.

"Dad, Mom, Aunt, I'll take you to the hotel first, and then I'll go to the contestant village to sign up."

Zhang Feng thought about it and said.

During the competition, I believe that the hotel rooms in the whole Jinghua City are quite nervous, so it is better to arrange the place where the parents live first.

The group walked around to have a look, and finally chose a more upscale hotel near the Jinghua Arena, which is far from the venue of the Huaxia Conference.

Later, Zhang Feng also took Liu Menghan to the registration venue of the General Assembly of the Elf Association. To participate in this China Conference, you must register at the general meeting and enter the information.

Jinghua City is worthy of being the most harmonious city in China. On the way to the center of the Elf Association, many passersby also enthusiastically gave directions to Zhang Feng and the two.

Soon, the two came to the center of the Elf Association, looking at the towering and technological building in front of them, Zhang Feng was also a little shocked.

"As expected of the headquarters of the Elf Association, it's really impressive!"

Zhang Feng raised his eyebrows and said while looking at the building.

"Let's register as a contestant first!"

Beside him, Liu Menghan also spoke.

The two then entered the hall on the first floor. As soon as they entered, Zhang Feng saw many young and beautiful girls and some handsome guys.

After finding the front desk for registration, Zhang Feng also completed the registration with the help of the staff.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Zhang Feng?"

Just when Zhang Feng registered his identity and was about to leave with Liu Menghan, a surprised female voice sounded from behind the two of them.

"It's you, Serena, why are you also participating in the Huaxia Conference?"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng turned his head, and immediately recognized the person, it was the little fan girl Serena who was in the ring competition.

"Hello! Serena, we meet again."

Beside Zhang Feng, Liu Menghan also waved at Serena and smiled.

"Sister Menghan, hello!"

"Brother Zhang Feng, I came to this Huaxia Conference mainly to exercise myself."

There was also a smile on Serena's delicate face, and meeting an acquaintance also made her a little happy.

"Uh...that..., Serena, have you found a good place to live?"

On the side, Liu Menghan also asked.

"Not yet, I just came to Jinghua City to sign up."

Serena replied without hesitation.

"Then why don't you go to our hotel, it's also close to where the conference will be held, and there are just a lot of vacancies left."

Liu Menghan continued, she still had a good impression of... Serena.

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