"Well! That's great, Sister Menghan!"

Hearing Liu Menghan's words, Serena's beautiful eyes lit up and she said in surprise.

Hearing Serena's words, Liu Menghan also let go of Zhang Feng's hand and held Serena directly, and the two chatted like good sisters.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng also smiled, and the group went to the hotel.

On the way, Zhang Feng also received a call from Xiao Chi, he also arrived in Jinghua City, and is now preparing to go to the Elf Association Center to register.

Zhang Feng also directly reported the address of his hotel to him, and asked him to come here directly after signing up.

The time soon came to 3:[-]:[-] in the afternoon, most of the participating players had basically arrived in Jinghua City, and Xiao Chi also joined Zhang Feng and others.

Next, Serena and Liu Menghan also said that since they came to Jinghua City, they should take a good stroll, so the four of them also came to the street.

At this time, Jinghua City was also very lively, with people from all over the world coming together, and the two women naturally went to the mall.

Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi went to the contestant village. After all, the conference will officially open the next day, so we still need to familiarize ourselves with the environment in advance.

The Players Village is next to the Jinghua Arena, which is also a huge venue with many battlegrounds.

As soon as he entered, Zhang Feng saw a lot of trainers who were fighting elves.

The competition has not yet officially started, and many contestants are familiar with their opponents in advance.

"Zhang Feng, do we have to compete first in this conference. We are opponents."

"I won't let you down just because you're my leader."

The smile on the corner of Xiao Chi's mouth was very strong, and he stared at Zhang Feng with great interest.

Even though he became a member of Zhang Feng's organization, Xiao Chi still regarded Zhang Feng as his rival.

"Hahaha, we are familiar enough with each other, let's leave the suspense to the conference!"

Zhang Feng also said with a smile.

This time, not only Xiao Chi, Mei Yi, Ye Hong, and even Serena will participate in this Huaxia Conference, Zhang Feng is also looking forward to the collision with them.

216. Torch Passing, Mysterious Prosecutor

After a night of rectification, the next day, Zhang Feng and his party finally ushered in the opening ceremony of the Huaxia Conference.

After washing and eating breakfast, everyone also came to the street. At this time, Jinghua City was very lively. The whole street was full of citizens standing on both sides of the road, as if waiting for something.

"What are these people doing?"

Liu Menghan was obviously a little puzzled, why these people got up early in the morning and gathered on both sides of the road.

"It's the torch relay ceremony, which is held every year at the Huaxia Conference. A relay team composed of contestants will send the torch to the main arena designated by the Center of the Elf Association."

Xiao Chi also spoke at the right time, obviously he knew a lot.

As soon as Xiao Chi finished speaking, the crowd immediately.

There was a commotion, and I saw a man holding a torch and running in front of Zhang Feng and his party, with a strange force beside him. This person is obviously... a contestant of this conference.

"It is said that the flame of the holy fire is taken from the feather of the divine bird, the flame bird. It is also a flame that will not be extinguished during the entire Huaxia Conference. At the same time, it is also the holy flame that blesses all elf trainers to fight safely to the end."

Beside him, Serena also explained.

"It's actually a flame bird, it's amazing!"

Liu Menghan couldn't help sighing.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng smiled and raised his eyebrows at Xiao Chi and said, "How about Xiao Chi, this divine feather has something to do with you too! Are you going to try runner?"

After all, the entire group are also contestants in this conference, and they can relay the torch.

"Haha, that's a must. I heard about the torch relay ceremony in Zhenxin Town, and I want to participate."

After speaking, Xiao Chi also ran.

After running for a while, Xiao Chi also successfully took over the holy flame from the previous runner, and Xiao Chi also released a fire-breathing dragon to follow him.

The two women who also followed along the way were obviously a little out of physical strength, and they also took the elf to travel, only Zhang Feng was still running beside the little naked body.

"Young man, you are so energetic! You are also a torch runner!"

Running and running, suddenly an old man with a white beard appeared beside Zhang Feng and ran.

And Zhang Feng also recognized the identity of the visitor at a glance, Dama Lanqi, the president of the Elf Association.

"Aren't you President Damalanqi? Why are you here?"

Zhang Feng said calmly, obviously this run is nothing because of his physical fitness.

Obviously, Xiao Chi, who was running, also noticed Damalanqi.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Damalanqi smiled slightly and said, "Hey, this is a habit of mine. I will participate in the torch relay ceremony every time the conference is held."

"Haha, the old man's physical condition is really good! Xiao Chi, who was running with the holy flame, also spoke up.

"Yeah! Hey, I've been following you two for a long time, Zhang Feng from Hanlin City, and Chi Hong from Zhenxin Town."

Damaranch said.

Hearing Damalanqi's words, Zhang Feng and Xiaochi both smiled slightly.

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