"You have to work hard at this conference!"

Damalanqi smiled at Zhang Feng and said.

"That's natural."

Xiao Chi was also the first to speak.

"Okay, let's keep running. As for Zhang Feng, when Xiao Chi is tired, take him and continue running!"

Damaranch continued.

"sure, no problem."

Zhang Feng also smiled and agreed.

After running for a while, Zhang Feng took the fire from Xiao Chi's hand with an empty torch, took off his coat, and released the fast dragon. As the most representative quasi-shenlong elves in China, it also opened the eyes of the roadside people. .

Zhang Feng raised the torch and ran, while Xiao Chi and the two women got into Damalanqi's car and entered the venue ahead of time to greet Zhang Feng.

After a while, just as Zhang Feng was leading, there was a loud noise, Zhang Feng took a closer look, only to see a giant tree in front of him that was upside down towards him.

"Humph! The Huaxia Conference also dares to make trouble, Kuailong, throw a lightning fist on the tree."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Kuailong instantly flapped his wings and accelerated to the front, and his right fist flashed thunder light and directly smashed the tree to the other side.

After doing all this, Kuailong also continued to fly to Zhang Feng's side, and at the same time guarded the surroundings.

Zhang Feng frowned as he ran, except... after this loud noise, and the tree in front of him fell, Zhang Feng never... never saw anyone else.

Since someone dared to attack him at the Huaxia Conference, it must have been carefully considered and would not leave any evidence, and he was about to enter a tunnel during this journey.

"Mr. Zhang Feng, please keep running, and leave the matter here to me!"

When Zhang Feng was thinking about who attacked him in this matter, a voice sounded from behind him.

"this, this"

Zhang Feng was slightly surprised to look at the woman who flew past him, standing on the back of Latias, wearing a dark blue prosecutor's costume, back.

There is actually a person who owns Latias within the Elf Association, and he looks like a prosecutor.

Zhang Feng didn't think much about the fact that the torch had to enter the venue on time. Since the association has sent someone to deal with this matter, he has to complete the torch relay ceremony first.

Zhang Feng also continued to run at a constant speed, and the tunnel was already in front of him.

After exiting the tunnel and running for a while, Zhang Feng finally saw the main arena of the Players Village and the Elf Association, and there were also more people.

Zhang Feng already has many fans. At this time, many girls also looked at him with admiration. Similarly, the strong fast dragon beside him also attracted a lot of attention. Zhang Feng also ran to the door of the main arena. , and Damalanqi, Xiaochi and others also waited at the door early.

"President Damalanqi, the holy fire is handed over to you here."

Zhang Feng also handed the torch to Dama Lanqi, who got off the bus, "Okay, it's hard for you, go back and have a good rest, and get ready for tomorrow's game."

Damalanchi said with a smile.

After saying goodbye to Damalanqi, Zhang Feng and the others also went back to the hotel to take a shower and changed their clothes. After all, he and Xiaochi were already sweating profusely.

217. The first battle, the field of grass

After changing clothes, Zhang Feng also ate lunch with his parents and Liu Menghan.

As for Xiao Chi, he also said that he had to go to the player village to learn more about his opponents. Don't think about it, he went to find someone to fight again. Zhang Feng obviously knew Xiao Chi's character very well.

After eating, Zhang Feng also went to the room to rest early, ready to meet tomorrow's opening game full of energy. After all, this is the opening of the Huaxia Conference. Even if Zhang Feng is not nervous, he still has a strange feeling in his heart. .

I was speechless all night, maybe because I knew that Zhang Feng wanted a good rest, Liu Menghan didn't come to him at night, Zhang Feng slept very comfortably.

The next day, everyone woke up much earlier than usual. Zhang Feng's parents and Liu Menghan's mother also went to the venue under the leadership of Liu Menghan.

Zhang Feng and the three of them are going to the player village.

On the way, Serena seemed a little nervous. After all, this was the first time she participated in a conference of this scale.

The sun is slowly rising, the sky is also brightening, and the main arena is also getting audiences one after another. Zhang Feng has also adjusted his state, and now his blood is boiling.

At this time, I saw a middle-aged man holding a holy torch and preparing to enter the arena, and all the contestants also appeared in the main arena after the torchbearers.

After the torchbearer ran to the flame platform, the flame was lit amidst the cheers of the crowd.

"Now, the opening ceremony is officially held! First, please let the president, Da Ma Lanqi, speak."

On the high stage, the host also spoke up.

"The Huaxia Conference is a place where trainers who really love Pokémon learn from each other and fight.

Holy fire, the flame of the flame bird is guarding you.

All elf trainers, please do a battle that will never leave any regrets."

Damalanqi stood on the high platform of the venue, and his high-pitched voice spread throughout the venue, followed closely, and what greeted him was... a round of applause.

I have to say that Damalanqi is indeed a very charismatic leader, and perhaps this is the reason why he can become the president of the Chinese Elf Association.

"Trainers who have collected all eight gym badges, you are the protagonists of this conference, let your light shine!"

After Damalanqi returned to his seat, the host also followed.

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