Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum, who was sitting on the side, also spoke in surprise.

"Indeed, I am very optimistic about this child, and he has only been traveling for a year!"

Du glanced at Zhang Feng and said to the crowd that although he had never seen Zhang Feng, he was the most optimistic about Zhang Feng among the crowd.

In the venue! "Isn't it the end of my journey? That's my strength"

Zhang Feng looked at Yun Xiang with a pale face and said in a flat tone.

"Humph! Don't be too complacent!"

"Come out, Bidiao!"

With a cold snort, Yun Xiang also summoned his second elf.

"Bi Diao, use Yan Hui to Shanai Duo!"

Probably because of wanting to be right now.

To regain his face, Yunxiang immediately chose to attack.

"Shanaido, mind power, stop it!"

Zhang Feng shouted without hesitation, for Shanaido, whose spiritual power has skyrocketed again after evolution, it is nothing to stop this blow.

Staring at Shanai Duo, who was attacking him, his hands aimed at Bi Diao. At the same time, blue light flashed in his eyes, his super power was released, and Bi Diao's figure instantly stagnated in mid-air! "Bi Diao, break free!"

Seeing this scene, Yun Xiang shouted anxiously.

"Throw it out!"

Zhang Feng didn't even look at the statue in midair, and said in a flat tone.

Hearing the master's words, Shanai Duo waved to the right, and saw that, following Shanai Duo's movements, Bi Diao's body flew out violently, and slammed into the wall at the edge of the field.

Looking at Bi Diao, who fell to the ground and lost his fighting power, Yun Xiang's expression changed.

"Very good power!"

In the player passage, Dakdo, who was just preparing the field, saw the battle on the grass field.

He also took a deep look at Zhang Feng.

This time, he came to China from the United States with his own purpose, and he will never allow any opponent to stop him.

The battle continued, Zhang Feng still chose to let Shanaido continue to fight, Yunxiang's elf level is generally not high, and he should be considered a relatively ordinary trainer in this conference.

Losing two elves in a row but not even touching Zhang Feng's Shanaido, Yun Xiang's mentality has collapsed a bit, so Zhang Feng ended his first battle easily.

In the cheers of the audience, Zhang Feng also walked out of the battlefield.

At this time, in the waiting area for the players, Zhang Feng also found that Serena was still there, but Xiao Chi beside her was gone. It was estimated that his game had started.

"Brother Zhang Feng, how is it, how does it feel to be fighting the elves at the Huaxia Conference for the first time?"

Seeing Zhang Feng, Serena immediately.

Leaning up, he asked nervously.

Seeing her so nervous, Zhang Feng was also a little funny.

"Don't worry, don't be nervous, just go up and concentrate on the game."

Patting Serena's shoulder, Zhang Feng said with a chuckle.

Sure enough, soon, a picture of Serena appeared on the big screen, and it was her turn to appear.

After encouraging her, Zhang Feng also left the waiting area for players. The Huaxia Conference will be held for many days, and his game today is over. Zhang Feng is also preparing to go to a more comfortable place to watch the game.

When he came to the auditorium, Zhang Feng also sat directly in the contestants' area in the front row.

Looking around, he should be the first to come here after finishing the game.

And under the stage, Xiao Chi's battle in the field of rock also came to an end.

Seemingly influenced by Zhang Feng, Xiao Chi also appeared to be very serious in this battle. He directly chose to fight with his initial elf Fire-breathing Dragon, and ended the game in a nearly crushing manner.

On the high platform, seeing Xiao Chi's neat and tidy solution to his opponent, Liu Bo also smiled. After all, he was very optimistic about Xiao Chi before the game! "The children we were optimistic about ended the battle easily, and now only Yayi is left."

Kona also said with a smile.

"It's just the preliminary round, I can't see much yet, keep watching!"

Toru said slowly.

Unlike Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi, Serena finally defeated her opponent after a hard fight, and his opponent was also very strong! Time passed quickly, and with the end of each battle, the much-anticipated Ya Yi's The game finally started, and the focus of almost the audience shifted to her battlefield.

Not only because she has Suicune, but also because she is the core player selected by the Spirit Association.

Players from other countries who came here almost all set their sights on the battle field where Mei Yi was.

Yayi's first opponent was a male trainer from Loulan. He was very good, but he wasn't a core player. Although there were not many players from other countries, he could be sent by his own country to participate in this conference. The strongest young trainer in the country.

Apparently, Yayi didn't hold back, she directly chose to let the monarch snake play. As the core player appointed by the Huaxia Elf Association, she must win the first battle beautifully.

Her opponent also understood that it might be a bit difficult for her to meet Mei, and she could only fight as hard as she could.

Seeing Yayi's monarch snake again, even Zhang Feng was a little surprised, because his monarch snake's level came to 1.

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