, is much stronger than in the City of Fate Examination Competition.

219. Home Country, Hina

Heavenly King-level elf, every level is very difficult, Zhang Feng's progress is so rapid, the system is indisputable, and Mei can have such great progress thanks to the cultivation of the Elf Association.

Zhang Feng also believed that during this period of time, great efforts must have been made for...Yi and the Elf Association.

The appearance of the monarch snake was greeted with cheers from the audience. After all, this is the absolute trump card among the elves in Yayi's hands except... Suijun.

The trainers of Loulan Kingdom also fought hard and fought with all their might, but in the end, the difference in strength between the two sides was huge, and all three elves were only able to fight off Yayi's monarch snake reluctantly.

Mei's powerful strength was also deeply remembered by other participating trainers.

"The first day of the Huaxia Conference has come to an end. Thank you to all the contestants for bringing you these... wonderful games."

"Now, please spectators and friends leave the venue in an orderly manner under the guidance of the staff."

The high-pitched voice of the commentator spread throughout the venue through the broadcast, and at the end of the game, he also guided the audience to leave in an orderly manner.

Zhang Feng also reunited with his parents and Liu Menghan after leaving the venue, and the group returned to the hotel.

At the end of the first day of the game, there are also more information on the trainers who performed very well in the first day of battle on the Elf forum.

Zhang Feng glanced at it roughly, he, Xiao Chi, Ye Hong, Ya Yi and others were among them, and the rest were from other countries.

Because there was a game the next day, Zhang Feng and others didn't go out to play, and went to bed early.

The night passed like this, and the next morning, after having breakfast, Zhang Feng and his party went to the main arena of the conference in a mighty manner.

Coming to the arena again, many spectators have come to the venue ahead of time, and many spectators outside the venue are holding the signs of some of their favorite trainers.

When Zhang Feng and his party arrived, many people also called out the names of Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi.

After smiling and responding one by one, Zhang Feng also entered the arena.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng and others also came to the lottery venue. This time, Zhang Feng was drawn to the rock field, and the opponent was a very beautiful girl from his own country.

Because his game was in the fourth game, Zhang Feng also chose to go to see Xiao Chi's battle first. Xiao Chi's game was in the second game, and he was drawn to the field of water.

Xiao Chi's opponent this time is a middle-aged man in a karate costume, Zhang Feng looks like... a passerby.

At the beginning, Xiao Chi directly chose to let the Thunder Elf fight. Although Xiao Chi's Thunder Elf is not a Water Elf, Uncle Karate did not choose a Water Elf. The Elf he played was a heroic one.

Under the continuous onslaught of the little red thunder elf, the elder brother's thunder elf also fell.

In the second battle, Xiao Chi also chose to replace it, the elf, this time it was the tyrannical carp dragon, and in China, the tyrannical carp dragon's powerful combat power and ferocious appearance also attracted a large number of fans.

Many viewers are paying attention to the battle of Xiao Chi in the field of water.

With the favorable geographical location, coupled with the relatively strong strength, Xiao Chi easily eliminated the remaining elf from the opponent and went to the player area in the auditorium with Zhang Feng, who was watching the game.

"Next is the fourth game of the Rock Field, please contestants Zhang Feng from Hanlin City and Hina from the country immediately.

Get to the playing field."

"To repeat, please both sides of the competition immediately.

Get to the playing field."

After clearing the playing field, the staff also picked up the horn and shouted loudly.

After finishing his clothes, Zhang Feng also left the auditorium and came to the battlefield. Zhang Feng also looked at his opponent.

Dressed in a light blue kimono, with long shawl hair and a delicate face, it is exactly his opponent in this match, Hina from his own country.

"I've heard your name, Zhang Feng!"

"You are one of the trainers I am most concerned about at this China Conference, but I didn't expect that we would meet so early."

Xina's beautiful eyes stared at Zhang Feng, who was opposite, and said with a smile.

Zhang Feng smiled and replied, "Yes, thank you for your attention!"

When the referee announced the start of the game, the game officially began.

"Hunting swallowtails, come on stage!"

"Tooth land shark, prepare to fight!"

Looking at the Fang Lu shark, Xina looked a little serious. She had studied Zhang Feng's battle video, and also knew that Zhang Feng's Fang Lu shark could always explode with unimaginable power when faced with a desperate situation.

"Hunting swallowtail, silver whirlwind!"

"Using ice needles on hunting swallowtails after dodging!"

The hunting swallowtail hummed softly, and with the flapping of its wings, two silver whirlwinds rolled towards the Fangtooth Land Shark at the same time.

The fangtooth shark immediately.

With a kick of both feet, the speed increased sharply, evaded to the left, the level increased, and the speed of the fangtooth land shark was also much faster, and it evaded the attack of the silver whirlwind without any effort.

At the same time, the ice fins of the fangtooth land shark's two claws flashed blue light and directly threw a burst of ice needles at the hunting swallowtail in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Hina didn't seem to be surprised and shouted with a flat expression: "Hunt the swallowtail, move at high speed, and avoid it!"

Staring at the ice needles, the hunting swallowtail instantly accelerated, dodging the ice needles while leaving a trail of afterimages on the spot.

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