Seeing the electric monster in trouble, Hina gritted her teeth and shouted: "The electric monster, aim forward, [-] volts!"

I saw that the electric shock beast let out a roar, and after the current between the tentacles on its head converged, it turned into an electric shock and slammed into the front.

"Be careful! Tooth land shark, dig a hole!"

Zhang Feng hurriedly reminded.

The electric shock monster seemed to have a good luck, the location was right, and the fangtooth land shark also noticed the [-] volts of the electric shock monster, and instantly escaped into the ground.

"Electric beasts, don't be nervous, and carefully observe the movement of the ground around you."

Xina's beautiful eyes stared at the hole dug by the fangtooth land shark, and said seriously to her electric shock beast.

At this time, the ground in front of the Electric Shock Monster's feet cracked violently, and the fangtooth land shark broke out of the ground and slammed directly on the Electric Shock Monster with a claws.

The force of the fangtooth land shark is very large, and the huge electric shock beast is staggered by its power.

"Electric beast, hold on, flame fist!"

"Use your dragon's claws, fangtooth land shark!"

In the battle arena, the electric demon beasts that stabilized their figure also swirled with flames in their fists, and once again fought with the fangtooth land shark that used the dragon's claws.

Qingmang confronted Chimang, and the strength of the two sides was almost equal. Under the constant confrontation, the scars on the elf on both sides also increased.

At the same time, the ice fins on the whole body of the fangtooth land shark gradually flashed blue light.

After another close confrontation, the two elves also took a few steps back.

"Don't give it a chance to run wild! Electric monsters, thunder!"

Sheena stared at the fangtooth land shark whose body was getting brighter and brighter and shouted.

"The fangtooth land shark, the wave of the dragon!"

Although it was a little surprising how Xina knew that the Fang Fang Lu Shark could run wild, Zhang Feng still kept his doubts in his heart for the time being and continued the game.

221. The powerful fangtooth land shark.

In midair, the wave of the dragon collided with [-] volts, and the energy was rampant, and the explosion occurred! "Electric Warcraft, attack, flame fist!"

Hina commanded the electric shock monster.

Flame Fist's restraint on Zhang Feng, an ice-type fangtooth land shark, is more obvious, and it is easy to gain an advantage in close combat.

"Bend over to dodge this blow and unleash a poisonous blow!"

Zhang Feng shouted as he watched the electric demon beast that used the fist of fire to charge at the Fang Lu Shark.

Seeing that the flaming fist of the electric monster was about to hit the Fang Lu Shark, the audience held their breath.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred, and the fangtooth land shark squatted down slightly, causing the first punch of the electric beast to hit the air with all its strength. The right claws of the fangtooth land shark shone with a strange purple light, directly hitting the abdomen of the undefendable electric shock beast.

At the moment when the poisonous attack hit, strange purple rays of light also covered the whole body of the electric shock beast, and the electric shock beast's face also showed a look of pain.

The already fragile abdomen was injured, and with the spread of toxins, the Electric Shock Monster fell directly in front of the Fang Lu Shark in pain, losing its fighting ability. calmed down.

"Electric beast, lost the ability to fight, the one who won is the fangtooth land shark."

Glancing at the electric shock beast, the referee waved his hand and shouted loudly.

The electric monster fell down, and Xina's delicate face was covered with gloomy clouds. She never imagined that her league tour would be so difficult just in the preliminary round.

"That..., the electric monster is poisoned, give it some antidote!"

Looking at Hina a little distracted, Zhang Feng opened his mouth and reminded that although earning the Poké Ball can ease the pain, the Electric Shock Warcraft will still be plagued by toxins.

"I see!"

Sheena approached the electric monster, took a spray from the space ring, sprayed it on the wound where the electric monster was hit by the poisonous blow, and took it back into the pokeball.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the national trainers in the auditorium were also a little ugly.

Back to the battle, Xina also summoned her third elf, Commander Chop! After scanning the commander of Chop, Zhang Feng did not change it, the elf, defeating the Electric Shock Warcraft did not consume much of it.

"This girl in my country is only 19 years old, and her strength is already very strong."

On the high platform, looking at Hina, mother-in-law Kikuko also spoke up.

"It depends on who you are comparing with, Zhang Feng obviously didn't waste too much energy when she won."

Glancing at Sheena, Sheba lost the previous battle until now, and there are not many people who can attract his attention.

Back in the game, Hina, who had lost two fairies in a row, did not, but focused more on the battle.

"Chop the commander, use the sword dance!"

"The fangtooth land shark, press it, the breath of the dragon!"

Seeing Commander Cleave who used the sword dance to strengthen his attack power, the crimson dragon breath in Fang Fang Lu shark's mouth instantly converged and shot at it.

"Chop Commander, Iron Wall, block me!"

Hina's voice sounded, and immediately the surface of Commander Cleaver's body appeared metallic luster, and the skin became as hard as iron, directly receiving the attack of Dragon's Breath.

"Attack, slash the commander, and attack the vital point:!"

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