Immediately, a strange black awn flashed on Commander's hand, and hit the Fang Lu Shark directly.

The fangtooth land shark retreated in pain.

"Tangtooth land shark, strike back, dragon claws!"

In this case, Zhang Feng did not hesitate to let Fang Fang Lu Shark counterattack.

"Chop Commander, use metal claws!"

Sheena was not afraid at all, and the attack power of Commander Cleaver was strengthened by the sword dance, and it became very terrifying.

Immediately, the sharp-toothed land shark raised its dragon's claws and slapped it directly at the commander of the chop, and the commander of the chop didn't give in.

Boom! The two figures intertwined, and the commander of the chop and the fangtooth land shark violently attacked together.

Soon, the fangtooth land shark fell into a passive state, and the commander's pair of arms were as hard as steel, causing great damage to the fangtooth land shark.

"The fangtooth land shark, unleashing a blizzard!"

Looking at the Fang Lu Shark caught in the attack rhythm of Commander Cleave, Zhang Feng also shouted.

After a confrontation, the fangtooth land shark and the commander of the chop cut a distance, and before the commander of the chop and chop attacked again, the dorsal fin flashed blue light, and a gust of cold wind blew, which also interfered with the commander of the chop and chop's attack rhythm.

"Chop Commander, make a metallic sound!"

Following Hina's order, Commander Slash shook the ice crystals on his arms, opened his mouth and made a rubbing, metal-like annoying sound, and the fangtooth land shark also held his head in pain.

"Commander of the chop, right now, make a continuous chop!"

Continuous slash is a unique move that increases in power according to the number of slashes.

"The fangtooth shark, dig a hole!"

Zhang Feng also waved his hand and shouted.

The fangtooth land shark instantly fled into the ground, and the commander of the chop, who had lost his attack target, also stopped and looked around.

At this moment, the ground behind Commander Chop Crack cracked, and the fangtooth land shark broke out, slamming its claws on Commander Chop Chop's back.

The commander's body staggered.

Zhang Feng continued to shout: "Claw, don't give it a chance to react."

The claws glowed blue, and the claws of the fang-toothed land shark slammed into the back of the commander of the chop again.

Moreover, the attack of the fangtooth shark is very particular, and each attack is aimed at the same position.

The severe pain also made Commander Cleave and Slash no chance to fight back.

"Quickly counterattack, Metal Claw, Commander of Slash."

Seeing Commander Slash being hit by the Dragon Claw, Hina shouted anxiously.

At this time, the severe pain in the back made Commander Chop Chop without any strength to fight back, and at the same time, the next dragon claws of the Fang Fang land shark slammed mercilessly! Win, the winner of this game is Zhang Feng from Hanlin City!"

After Commander Chop fell, Zhang Feng also successfully defeated the powerful foreign enemy.

222、Consideration of the Four Heavenly Kings

"The fangtooth shark is really strong!"

"Indeed, this hasn't evolved to its final form yet, and it might be stronger than Zhang Feng's fast dragon in the future!"

After defeating Xina, there were more people in the audience who were optimistic about Zhang Feng.

On the way out of the venue, Zhang Feng also encountered several girls who came to ask him for autographs.

After signing the autographs with a smile, Zhang Feng also went to the contestants' auditorium.

"Zhang Feng, you seem to be very popular with girls!"

At this time, Xiao Chi also ended the game early and sat in the auditorium. His game ended earlier than Zhang Feng, and naturally he saw the girls asking Zhang Feng for autographs.

"Haha, if you want to do it, you can do it well at this conference."

Zhang Feng said with a smile.

After a simple joke, the two also talked about some players who need attention in this conference.

Xiao Chi first talked about Ya Yi and the core players from other countries who came to participate in the competition.

As a trainer who has high hopes for this conference, Meiyi is naturally very strong, and coupled with the training of her by the Elf Association, she should be the strongest group of people in this conference.

Then, Xiaochi also mentioned Daketo from the United States with Zhang Feng, because so far, this trainer named Daketo has experienced four battles, all of which have been crushed and won, and from the beginning to the end The tail uses only one Lucario.

Xiao Chi also reminded Zhang Feng to be careful if he encounters this person.

Zhang Feng also nodded his head. He didn't know much about... Daketo, he only knew that he was the strongest player in this competition from the United States.

Hearing his record now, Zhang Feng couldn't help but be stunned. He only used one elf to win, and he was indeed very strong. You must know that the trainers who can participate in the Huaxia Conference will not be too weak. After all, they have collected all eight. Gym badge.

After a while, Serena also ended the game and came to the contestants' auditorium.

Her opponent seems to be very strong, and she is only narrowly victorious.

In the afternoon, the group also came to the competition venue again. The schedule of the preliminaries was very tight. Basically, everyone had to play several matches a day.

After the lottery, Zhang Feng was also drawn to the regular venue, and his opponent was a male trainer.

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