In this battle, Zhang Feng basically solved the opponent without too much effort, and the fairy elf directly succeeded in one fight three times.

And this battle has also accumulated energy for Zhang Feng, and the Fairy Glittering Fairy has also aroused heated discussion among the audience, because with Shanaido, this is already the first elf that Zhang Feng has played in this conference.

Auditorium! "Your family Zhang Feng is really promising, and he performed so well at the Huaxia Conference."

Liu Menghan's mother also said to Shenyue, she used to think that Zhang Feng's personality was too boring, he didn't like to talk, and it was a bit weird.

"Haha, Feng'er has been fond of fairies since she was a child."

Shen Yue said with a smile, her expression was also more proud, after all, it was her son who was praising her.

On the side, listening to his mother and Zhang Feng's mother talking and laughing, Liu Menghan also chuckled and looked at Zhang Feng who was sitting in the front row.

"Actually, I don't think this preliminaries in the form of walking are necessary, and the strength of gym trainers should be improved."

Xiba looked at the battle in the venue with little interest and said.

In this conference, he saw a few good trainers, but before appreciating the battles between them, there were still many boring battles.

In his opinion, the gym trainer's requirements for obtaining badges are not enough... Strict, and many gym trainers will release water during the battle, resulting in insufficient battles in the Huaxia Conference... wonderful.

But in fact, the trainer's commentary strength of this conference alone has been much stronger than in previous years.

But these... The battle fell into Xiba's eyes, but it was really a bit boring, and as the Four Heavenly Kings of China, he couldn't leave directly, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Be patient! After the round of sixteen, basically every game should be much more exciting."

Kona glanced at Shiba, who was complaining, and said with a smile.

"Kona is right. So far, we've seen quite a few outstanding seedlings. Who knows if there are any... guys with hidden strengths!"

At this time, Uncle Liu on the side also spoke up. Although he had previously received news that the trainers sent by other countries were all very strong this time, it was not known exactly how.

Now that he has really seen their battle, Liu Bo also understands the difficulty of winning the championship at this Huaxia Conference.

"Yi, that girl... the girl is a bit difficult this time, that... Dakoto from the United States hasn't revealed anything so far."

Granny Chrysanthemum glanced at the venue and said in a flat tone.

Kikuko's words also changed the expressions of all the heavenly kings present.

They taught Mei Yi, and they all knew about her strength. After watching the competition for two days, they all felt that... Mei Yi won the championship.

When everyone was silent, Du also spoke up.

"Don't worry, there are quite a few powerful trainers in China, such as Zhang Feng, I'm quite optimistic about that kid."

At the same time as Du spoke, there was a smile on his face. In his eyes, Daketo won every game very easily, but Zhang Feng was not the same.

And the game has just started, so there is no need to be too pessimistic.

Time passed quickly, and with the end of the last game, Zhang Feng and others also returned to the hotel.

After confirming the lineup of Elventown to play in the next game, Xiao Chi also discussed his Firebird with Zhang Feng.

Regarding the special training of the flame bird, Xiao Chi has always been very concerned about it. At present, his flame bird strength has been very good. After all, it is a divine bird, and its growth rate is also very fast.

And the flame bird can also be used as its absolute trump card for this conference.

223. Xiaochi vs Ye Hong, Round of 32

With the deepening of the China Games schedule, the list of the top 32 has also been released. Among them, there are many famous trainers and many dark horses! They stand out and are known by the audience.

One of them is Dakto, who is still using only one Lucario to beat his opponent in a row.

There are also the companions who have been walking with Dakto, the dark-skinned Adair, and the blonde beauty Michelle, all of them are extremely powerful, almost all of them defeated their opponents effortlessly.

There are also many people on the Elf forum who are optimistic that one of these three groups can win the championship at this conference.

Next is... the core player of the country, Takuya, so far he has only used a big mouth baby and a giant pincer mantis to win until now.

On the other hand, Hongliang was a lot weaker. Although he defeated his opponent by a big advantage in the preliminaries, he was not as good as Takuya.

There are still some people who are optimistic about Takuya on the Elf Forum, but they are not too many. The most popular players from abroad are Dakto.

And the players of Loulan Kingdom are not as strong as the previous two countries, so far only one core player has been eliminated, and Zhang Feng has also eliminated one of them.

On the Huaxia side, Yayi, Zhang Feng, and Xiaochi 3 are in the limelight.

As the representative of the China Conference elected by the Elf Association, Mei must be strong in the arena, and she has done a good job.

Although Sui Jun, who is her signature spirit, has not appeared yet, her noble monarch snake has also shown her terrifying strength in front of everyone.

Mei's monarch snake has obviously undergone strict special training, and is extremely fast and powerful.

Zhang Feng, on the other hand, has been fighting against Shanaido, Mukehawk, Fangtooth Land Shark and Fairy Elf. Although the game was very exciting, he also successfully crushed and won every game, but the audience still felt a little regretful.

After all, Zhang Feng was affectionately called "Second Generation Dragon Envoy" by people on the Elf Forum

So far, only one fangtooth land shark has the attributes of a dragon in Zhang Feng's elf lineup, and the audience is also very much looking forward to the appearance of the quasi-god fast dragon.

Xiao Chi is known for his omnipotence. He is also the trainer who is expected to win the championship in this conference, and has used the most types of elves so far.

The elves in his lineup, except... the flame bird, have basically all fought on the field.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that Heechul and Ye Hong also entered the top 32. Zhang Feng is not too surprised about this.

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