Heechul, as the son of the fighting king Sheba, is not difficult to enter the top 32 in China, where there are strong players.

Although Ye Hong is not as talented as Heechul and is older, he has traveled for a few years after all, has rich experience in battle, and the elf's combat power is not weak, and being invited by Zhang Feng to join the organization naturally proves that he Strength.

After entering the top 32, all the players also came to the main venue, and all the next battles will be played in the main venue. At this time, the main venue used is a collection of rocks, streams, grass, and other features.

Similarly, the battle is also a full battle from 33 to 66.

On the high stage, the host through the microphone, high: The excited voice also resounded throughout the venue.

"After fierce competition and tense battles, the 32 trainers who stayed in the end will compete for the championship of this China Conference in our main venue!"

"Let me cheer for the 32 players on the court with the warmest applause!"

As expected of the person who could be sent to preside over the Huaxia Conference, in a few words, the audience's emotions were aroused. Amidst the tsunami of applause, all 32 contestants also appeared in the main venue.

This Huaxia Conference is also different from previous years. Because of the participation of elite players from all over the world, this competition is also a competition for the national strength of various countries by selecting a group of elite trainers in China.

After all, young trainers represent the future of the country. On the home court of Huaxia, the audience naturally hopes to see their own country's trainers win the championship.

After the top 3 debut ceremony, the players also returned to the auditorium.

The match to advance to the top [-] also officially started, as the big screen rolled, the picture gradually freezes, the first match was between Xiao Chi and Ye Hong.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng was also a little surprised. To be honest, he really didn't expect that the first match to advance to the top sixteen would be... acquaintances compete against each other, and they might be from the same organization in the future.

"Next, there are the first pair of contestants in the top 32 battle, please.

Come to the venue!"

As the host's voice sounded, Xiao Chi and Ye Hong also left the auditorium at the same time and went to the player channel.

"Interesting! Zhang Feng, Xiao Chi and Ye Hong meet, and I don't know who will win."

It was Heechul who was sitting beside Zhang Feng. During this time, Zhang Feng also took Xiaochi and met Ye Hong. Heechul got to know each other. After all, he will be a companion of an organization in the future.

Although Heechul didn't know the strength of Xiao Chi and Ye Hong, he understood that the trainers who could be invited by Zhang Feng to join the organization must be very strong, and he was looking forward to this match.

"It will be very difficult to defeat Xiao Chi with Ye Hong's strength."

Glancing at the two people in the venue, Zhang Feng said.

It's not that he looks down on Ye Hong, but that Xiao Chi's fighting talent as a trainer is too high.

"Ye Hong, I didn't expect us to meet so soon,"

In the venue, Xiao Chi said with a light smile to Ye Hong, who was facing him.

"Yeah! Now that we meet, let's fight without any effort! Let me reconsider whether to join the organization!"

Ye Hong's expression also became serious.

Traveling as a trainer for many years without a tournament championship, this year is also his last tournament as a trainer.

But this time, the participating trainers are much stronger than in previous years. There are even monster players such as Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi. Ye Hong knows that the championship seems unlikely, so he thinks that at least the last conference will not be able to. Leave yourself with regrets.

"Okay, I will fulfill you!"

Seeing Ye Hong's serious expression, Xiao Chi's eyes also lit up with fighting intent.

224. Thunder Elf vs Elluiduo

The game officially started. Ye Hong's first elf to fight was Elluiduo. Zhang Feng had never seen it before, so he must have conquered it before! After all, Ye Hong has also traveled for a few years, and the types of elves he has conquered should also be very different. plentiful.

The one Xiao Chi sent out to take the lead was his Thunder Elf, and the battle between the two elves was about to break out.

"Elude and Thunder Spirit, which side do you prefer?"

On one side, Serena, who was watching the battle, also spoke up.

Although she was eliminated in the preliminaries, she still chose to stay and watch the entire China Conference. After all, her idol Zhang Feng is still there: the competition.

"Thunder elf! Xiaochi's thunder elf is very strong!"

With a slight smile at Serena, Zhang Feng said, Xiaochi's Thunder Elf is very powerful and has always been his main Elf.

"Elloredo, make a split!"

From the very beginning, Ye Hong chose to attack directly. Unlike Shanai Duo, Elu Leiduo's melee combat ability is very good.

"Thunder Elf, Flying Sand Feet!"

Immediately, the Thunder Elf turned around, kicked his feet, and raised a burst of flying sand that enveloped Eluledo. For a while, after falling into the smoke and dust, he lost the Thunder Elf's target, and Eluledo also stopped.

"Thunder Spirit, right now, aim at the smoke and use a missile needle!"

Seeing that Eluledo was restricted by Feisha's feet, Xiao Chi ordered without hesitation.

At the same time, the yellow thorns on the Thunder Elf's body also shot out countless white sharp needles to attack the smoke.

"Amazing, little red!"

Seeing this combination of moves, Heechul's eyes also shone with light.

"Elloredo, make use of predicting the future."

Ye Hong gritted his teeth and shouted, the thunder elf's flying sand feet blocked his sight, and he could not accurately know the location of Elu Leiduo.

In the smoke, two strange red lights suddenly lit up. This is the red light produced by Elurado's super power. It uses the ability to foresee the future! Predict the future is a super power skill that comes from a delayed attack. After a few rounds, it will attack the opponent with psychic power, which is also the most suitable trick for Eludor who has no target to attack at the moment.

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