Elu Leido heard the words, his arms flashed a strange black light again, and directly accelerated towards the Thunder Elf.

"Thunder Elf, be careful, use protection!"

Feeling the attack of Elleido who was speeding towards him, the Thunder Elf also did not hesitate to hold up a cyan protective cover around his body.

Elleido's attack with the black awn was blocked by the protective cover.

"Fake attack, Elleido."

Ye Hong seemed to have anticipated this scene for a long time, and continued to give orders to Elu Leiduo.

After receiving the order, Elluiduo did not hesitate, and his right arm flashed with cyan energy, directly blasting the protective cover and sending the Thunder Spirit's body flying out.

Feint moves can attack opponents who are using moves such as protection or see through.

Remove... its protective effect.

Xiaochi's Thunder Spirit also followed his path! Ye Hong still did not relax in the slightest after pumping the Thunder Spirit away, and once again ordered Elu Leiduo to use a spiritual blade to give the Thunder Spirit the final blow.

After being continuously pursued, the Thunder Spirit finally couldn't support it and lost its fighting ability.

"The Thunder Elf lost, Ye Hong is very strong!"

"Yes! This battle is indeed a bit beyond my expectations. The commanding ability of both of them is very good, but Ye Hong's luck seems to be better!"

In the auditorium, Heechul also chatted with Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng was a little surprised that Ye Hong's Elluiduo could defeat Xiaochi's Thunder Spirit.

"That book predicts the future..."

Taking back the Thunder Spirit who was incapacitated, Xiao Chi shook his head helplessly and said.

The battle is like this, it changes rapidly, without that one bullet to predict the future, it is estimated that the one standing now is his Thunder Spirit.

After adjusting his emotions, Xiao Chi threw the second Poké Ball. After all, the battle had just begun, but this battle should not affect his mentality.

Xiaochi's second elf is the giant pincer mantis, with a very strong physique and full of fighting spirit in his eyes.

Glancing at the giant pincer mantis, Ye Hong and the elf also wanted Elluiduo, whose physical strength was already endangered, to test the strength of the giant pincer mantis in front of him.

"Giant Claw Mantis, Sword Dance!"

In the beginning, Xiao Chi did not choose to attack directly, but chose to let the giant pincer mantis strengthen himself first.

"Elluiduo, the secret attack wants "giant pincer mantis, alloy claws to solve it!"

Elu Leiduo's arms flickered and smashed at the giant pincer mantis, and the giant pincer mantis also showed no weakness, and the double pincers flashed a metallic luster to greet him.

The faster and more physically strong giant pincer mantis directly slammed Elu Leido back again and again.

Finally, in a confrontation, after the giant pincer mantis parried Elleido's attack, he punched it in the abdomen and blasted it out.

Just like that, Elleido, who was already weak in physical strength, also lost his ability to fight.

Ye Hong was not surprised, he directly took back Eluledo and summoned the second elf, the flaming chicken.


The flame chicken roared loudly, and flames were also ignited at both hands and wrists, showing full of fighting spirit.

Glancing at Ye Hong's Flaming Chicken, Zhang Feng also found that its level has also increased a lot. It is already a Heavenly King-level elf. It seems that everyone is making progress during this time! Seeing the Flaming Chicken, Xiao Chi also took back the giant pincer mantis for the first time.

"Fire-breathing dragon, let's fight!"

With a roar, the fire-breathing dragon also flew in front of Xiao Chi.

Because of Zhang Feng's relationship, the relationship between Xiao Chi and Ye Hong is not bad. For... Ye Hong's ace elf, Xiao Chi also gave enough respect.

"Flame chicken, use a jet of flame!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, we also shoot flames here!"

The flame chicken and the fire-breathing dragon began to accumulate flame energy at the same time, shooting at each other.

The two jet flames collided and exploded directly in mid-air, huge smoke and dust spread out in mid-air, the air was filled with a rich fire element, and the temperature of the entire venue was scorching hot.

"Flame chicken, tile cut!"

Seeing that the power of the two sides' unique moves are comparable, Ye Hong also ordered without hesitation.

The flaming chicken's reaction was also very fast, suddenly exerting force and leaping high, he used his tile to slash at the fire-breathing dragon in mid-air.

"Fire-breathing dragon, we also use dragon claws!"

Xiaochi also showed no weakness! Hearing Xiaochi's order, the fire-breathing dragon's claws flickered with blue light, instead of retreating, it advanced, swooping down and slamming into the flame chicken.

When Mars hit the earth, the audience was watching the blow.


A wailing sounded, the flaming chicken was hit by the dragon's claws, and the figure of the flaming chicken fell to the ground, fighting for strength, and the power of Xiaochi's fire-breathing dragon was obviously stronger.

"Flaming Chicken, keep your body in shape!"

Hearing Ye Hong's voice, the flaming chicken also roared, the flames at the wrist became more vigorous, and a backflip landed steadily on the ground.

"Fire-breathing dragon, steel wings!"

Under the advantage, Xiao Chi also commanded the fire-breathing dragon to continue attacking the flame chicken without hesitation.

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