In midair, with a roar, the fire-breathing dragon also had metallic luster on its wings, and its body swooped down to attack the flaming chicken.

"Flaming chicken, show your fighting spirit and charge up the flames!"

Ye Hong also shouted without giving up, he has absolute confidence in... Flaming Chicken.

226, Xiao Chi, a powerful fire-breathing dragon

The flame instantly covered the entire body of the flaming chicken, and slammed into the menacing fire-breathing dragon in midair.

The next moment, the flame chicken's body was directly hit the ground by the fire-breathing dragon, and the flame chicken was suppressed by the fire-breathing dragon and could not move.

"Right now, fire-breathing dragon, destroy the light!"

Xiao Chi's voice sounded, and the fire-breathing dragon whose claws suppressed the flaming chicken immediately.

Open your mouth, the golden energy in your mouth is gathering.

"No, Flaming Chicken, use the Heavenly Fist!"

Ye Hong's face changed when he saw this, even if the flaming chicken was full of stamina, it was hard to bear the destructive light at such a distance.

But although Ye Hong's order was given, the flame chicken's entire body at this time was suppressed by the fire-breathing dragon's superior strength, and there was no way to get out and use the heaven fist.

It's over, it's under control.

Ye Hong stared at the fire-breathing dragon fiercely suppressing the flaming chicken in midair with an extremely ugly face.

At this time, the destruction light in the fire-breathing dragon's mouth is also about to accumulate.

Ye Hong can be said to have seen the strength of Xiaochi's ace elf fire-breathing dragon.

"Let's congratulate the fire-breathing dragon for winning the flaming chicken very cleanly."

As the flaming chicken turned around and fell to the ground, the host's voice spread throughout the venue through the microphone.

"Zhang Feng, as you said, Xiao Chi's fire-breathing dragon is really strong!"

"Ye Hong's strongest flaming chicken lost so easily, it seems that the game is over."

Heechul was also a little surprised by Xiaochi's strength. He originally thought that Zhang Feng was the only pervert at the same age as him, but unexpectedly there was another Xiaochi.

Taking back the flaming chicken, Ye Hong took a deep look at Xiao Chi with a helpless expression on his face.

Is it because he is not strong? Really not, with many years of experience in participating in the conference, coupled with the flaming chicken of the king level, Ye Hong thinks that he is already very strong, but now he is still defeated by Xiao Chi who has just traveled for about a year.

Sure enough, after the main force of the Flaming Chicken was defeated, Ye Hong's other elves were completely pressed and beaten by Xiao Chi's fire-breathing dragon.

"Uncle Liu, your vision is really good, this scarlet is very strong, and the speed of progress is also amazing."

"It's a pity that he only traveled for a year, give him a few more years, it shouldn't be difficult to win the championship!"

Shiba glanced at Xiao Chi who was commanding the fire-breathing dragon to fight under the stage and said with a smile.

"This fire-breathing dragon has a lot of potential, and it's too small to be limited!"

Uncle Liu looked at Xiao Chi with a kind face and said with a smile.

That kind of look seems to be: looking at his grandson Yi, he can be said to be extremely optimistic about Xiao Chi.

"Okay, one of Ye Hong's elf lizard kings is incapacitated."

"Next, let's congratulate the Crimson player for winning the first place in the top sixteen!"

The host's enthusiastic voice spread throughout the audience through the microphone, and the audience cheered wildly for Xiao Chi. After all, he is also one of the favorites to win the championship.

After the battle, Xiao Chi and Ye Hong also walked towards the auditorium above the venue.

"Xiao Chi, Ye Hong, this game is very exciting!"

"Yeah, they all played really well!"

Heechul and Zhang Feng, who were sitting in the auditorium, also said a single sentence. After all, it was a civil war between acquaintances, and it was not appropriate to praise either side.

Seeing this, Ye Hong took his place, forced a smile and said, "Don't console me, Xiao Chi's strength is indeed very strong, the fire-breathing dragon has been trained very well by him, and I am convinced that I lose."

In fact, at the beginning of this battle, Ye Hong's command was very good, even more dazzling than Xiao Chi, but in retrospect, the strength of the flame chicken was indeed a lot worse than that of the fire-breathing dragon.

Ye Hong also admires Xiao Chi's ability to cultivate such a powerful fire-breathing dragon.

"Hey, Ye Hong, it's just the result of one battle, we can fight more often in the future."

Xiao Chi said with a light smile, he won't be blindly arrogant because of Ye Hong's praise, and of course he won't see his own strength clearly.

He has an absolutely clear understanding of himself.

Next, Adair and Michelle from the United States also played one after another. Michelle is more of a elf who uses superpowers. Her opponent is a male trainer in China. She also defeated it very easily. opponent.

And Adair's game was even more shocking. He only used a poisonous dragon scorpion and a poisonous toad fighter to solve the game, and his fighting method was very brutal. All 6 elves of the players he played against were poisoned. And seriously injured.

The competition for the top sixteen continued, and the whole morning was over, but Zhang Feng still did not play.

After lunch, Ye Hong chose to go back to the hotel first. Obviously, he was defeated by Xiao Chi in a nearly crushing manner. He felt a little uncomfortable and needed some time to recover.

The game in the afternoon was about to start, and Zhang Feng and his party also returned to the main venue.

And the first game in the afternoon was very exciting. It was Ya Yi who faced a female trainer in Huaxia.

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