As soon as she appeared on the stage, Mei Yi almost attracted the attention of the audience. Her extremely high appearance and strong strength also made her have a large number of fans.

He glanced at him and kept waving and cheering, and he kept shouting "Yi" in his mouth.


Xiao Chi also said, "She's so popular!"

In this battle, Yayi still chose to send the Monarch Snake directly to end the game with an almost crushing gesture and advance to the top 16.

"Sure enough! She's a bit perverted because of her strength."

Heechul looked at the monarch snake still standing in the venue, and his expression became more solemn.

Zhang Feng disagreed, Mei's talent was supposed to be much stronger than Ye Hong, of course not stronger than Xiao Chi, but after all, she traveled for a long time, and with the efforts of the Elf Association to cultivate, the Elf's strength is stronger than Xiao Chi It's also normal.

After Mei's game ended, the big screen started rolling again, and at this time, neither Zhang Feng nor Heechul appeared!

227, Heechul, was crushed

With the scrolling of the big screen, the eyes of Heechul and Zhang Feng were also drawn to the past.

For...the two of them, if they met in the top 32, it would be really bloody.

The screen freezes, and Heechul's name is on it. After seeing that the name on the other side is not Zhang Feng, Heechul is also relieved.

"Oh, luckily I didn't meet you in the top 32!"

Standing up, Heechul also spoke.

"Be careful, your opponent is Dakdo!"

On the other side, Xiao Chi also opened his mouth to remind.

Heechul waved his hand and went directly to the stage. He has watched the games in the past few days, and he also knows how strong Dakdo is, but it is Zhang Feng who he does not want to face.

On the other side of the auditorium, Daketo also stood up and walked towards the player channel with an indifferent expression.

"Hongliang, he's on the court again, he's in the top 16, I hope that... Heechul can let us see his strength clearly."

In the national player seat, Takuya also spoke up.

"Understood, Takuya-san, I think Akashi-san is too cautious, this guy named Dakto, I can take care of him."

The younger Hongliang also spoke up.

"Nonsense, Dakto is not that simple, and you are not allowed to mention Akashi."

After speaking, Takuya looked at the red-haired young man sitting on his left with an inexplicable expression.

During the speech, Dakoto and Heechul also appeared in the venue.

As soon as Heechul appeared on the stage, Shiba, who was originally lazy on the high platform, also cheered up and sat up straight.

As the referee's voice sounded, the two also threw the Pokeball at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, Dakdo's first elf was also the only elf to appear in this conference, Lucario.

On the other hand, Heechul's elf was a sturdy monster, and it was obvious that the previous phantom had evolved.

Looking at both sides of the battle, Xiao Chi also spoke up.

"Zhang Feng, this guy named Dakoto is obviously... the strongest trainer sent by the United States, do you think Heechul can beat him?"

Only one Lucario can reach the top 32, and anyone can feel the strength of Dakdo.

"It's hard, just this Lucario Heechul is hard to deal with."

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Feng also spoke.

Under the guidance of Zhang Feng, the Lucario of Dakdo has reached the terrifying level of 1.

, almost catching up with Mei's monarch snake's level.

At the beginning of the battle, Dakoto's road showed terrifying strength, no matter...

Whether it's speed or strength, they basically completely overwhelm Heechul's strange power.

And the moment Heechul relied on was not a match for Lucario of Dakdo at all.

After being hit by Lucario's wave missiles in succession, and with a bone stick thrust, Heechul's strange power couldn't support it and collapsed.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it only took less than 3 minutes, and Lucario won it neatly.

At this time, Heechul's face was also ashen, as if he had not recovered from the battle just now.

The strange power is basically the strongest elf in his hands except for... the big needle bee, but he almost didn't hold on to it for three minutes under Dakdo's Lucario.

Heechul is a little unacceptable for this difference.

"This Lucario is very, very strong."

In the auditorium, Xiao Chi also said with a serious face.

Zhang Feng also nodded. From the reaction ability, speed, and strength of Lucario just now, it can be seen that he must have undergone strict special training, and this Lucario's level is far higher. Heechul has a lot of strange power, so it is not wrong to lose Heechul's strange power.

Withdrawn the strange power, Heechul's second elf appeared, a purple aptitude Bijiao, and the level was not too high.

Compared with Xiao Chi and Zhang Feng, Heechul was still a lot weaker, and the big stinger was basically a standout among his main elf lineup.

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