On the other hand, Dakdo didn't seem to take Heechul seriously, and he casually directed Lucario's attack.

Heechul chose to use the eagle to fight Lucario because he wanted to take advantage of the eagle's high mobility and flight ability.

And all of this doesn't seem to work very well in front of Dakoto. Lucario has seen through almost all the actions of the eagle, and once the eagle wants to attack Lucario at close range, it will be even more dangerous.

And while flying in the sky, Lucario can also attack with wave missiles.

In the end, after dodging a brave bird of Bidiao, Lucario also directly defeated Bidiao in melee combat with super speed.

Two sprites in a row were defeated, but did not cause any damage to the opposing sprite, and Heechul's face turned completely dark.

"This guy is so strong! He won't think that he will still rely on only one Lucario to win the top 32 game!"

"Why do I think he is stronger than Zhang Feng and Xiaochi, how can I not let the people from the United States win the championship!"

"Isn't there Miss Yayi?"

Such a one-sided battle made the audience a little angry. After all, watching trainers from other countries crush their own country's players at the Huaxia Conference, this feeling... For a time, many voices mocking Heechul also rang out. Get up, such as let him roll down quickly, don't be ashamed and so on.

At this time, Heechul's face on the field was even more ugly.

"Heechul's strength is very good, but it's a pity that he met Dakto."

"According to the information, as the core player of the United States, Dakoto has another Yan Emperor who has overturned all the gymnasiums. Heechul can't possibly beat him."

On the high platform, King Juzi and Uncle Liu also spoke one after another.

Hearing these words, Shiba glanced at Heechul lightly, with a calm expression, and didn't say much.

"Boy, finish it early! You are too weak."

Looking at Heechul who lowered his head in silence, Dakdo shouted impatiently.

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Heechul's face was also ashen when he heard Dakdo's words, although the other party's words were harsh, but he did not have the strength to refute.

"Heechul what happened to him"

Seeing Heechul who had not called out the third elf for a long time, Serena asked worriedly.

"It's okay, he should be able to recover soon!"

Hearing Serena's words, Zhang Feng frowned and said, at this time, Heechul was obviously a little suspicious of his life after being beaten by Dakduo.

But in fact, in Zhang Feng's opinion, Dakdo is much bigger than Heechul, and his elf level completely suppresses Heechul's elves, so it is normal to lose! Zhang Feng even knows that Heechul is coming to the China Conference this time. That is... I participated with the idea of ​​training myself, so even if I lost, I wouldn't care too much.

But he happened to meet Dakdo, this almost crushing method, coupled with the public attention, Heechul's mentality could not be stabilized.

"Player Heechul, please immediately.

Send out a battle elves, otherwise it will be handled as abandonment."

Through the microphone, the host also reminded Heechul that Heechul was still in the battle.

On the battlefield, Heechul also took out the Poké Ball with a firm look in his eyes.

"Big stinger, please fight with me!"

Throwing the Poké Ball, a white light flashed, and the large needle bee flew in front of Heechul and took a fighting stance towards Lucario.

"Lucario, end this farce as soon as possible! Wave missiles!"

Dakduo glanced at the giant stinger and shouted with disdain on his face.

Immediately, Lucario, who received the order, immediately gathered the waveguide energy between his hands and turned into a blue light bullet that shot directly at the large needle bee in mid-air.

"Big Needle Bee, Missile Needle!"

Upon hearing Heechul's order, Bumblebee also immediately.

The twin needles flickered with white light, and the sharp needles like missiles shot out directly, intercepting the wave missile halfway.

Boom! The explosion occurred, and gusts of wind pressure spread, and the power of the two sides' unique moves was comparable.

Seeing that the power of the two sides' unique moves was comparable, Heechul also directly pointed out the keystone at his wrist and aimed it at the giant hornbee, and shouted solemnly: "The hornbill, show the world your strength! Evolution."

As Heechul's voice sounded, under the shocked gazes of the entire audience, the keystone on his wrist and the evolution stone on the giant hornbee flashed colorful lights at the same time, and the ray of light became more and more bright with the giant needle bee.

"Looks like Heechul bet everything on the hornet."

Zhang Feng looked at the evolving big one in the field and said word by word.

After the evolution, the great power will usher in a qualitative change, and this is the only way for Heechul to fight Dakduo at present.

"Looks like your son hasn't given up yet."

On the high platform, mother-in-law Chrysanthemum also spoke suddenly.

Sheeba frowned and stared at Heechul in the venue, ignoring Kikuko, and was surprised that Heechul had a giant stinger that could only evolve.

The colorful rays of light dissipated, the poisonous needles on both hands grew a part similar to lance guards, and the legs became double needles with black and yellow stripes, and a more handsome large needle bee appeared in the venue.

"Oh, it seems that our Heechul player hasn't given up the game yet, let's see if the evolved stinger can defeat Lucario of the Dakdo player."

"Let's see if Heechul can force Dakdo to send a second elf at the Huaxia Conference!"

The host also shouted excitedly.

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