Next, the battle with Liu Cheng also showed a one-sided trend. After the Fang Lu Shark had dealt with his two remaining elves, Zhang Feng took back the Poké Ball due to his physical exhaustion.

At this point, Liu Cheng has only one elf left. At this time, his face is bitter and sweat is pouring out of his forehead! To be honest, although he refuses to admit defeat, the terrifying pressure brought by Zhang Feng is almost as great as it is. It squeezed him out of breath.

After swallowing and looking at Zhang Feng, Liu Cheng threw the last Elf Ball, and now he can only use the ace Elf that his grandfather gave him to save the situation.

"Golden Monster, it's your turn to appear!"

"It's up to you, Zeraora!"

The two summoned the elf at the same time. Seeing the giant golden monster standing in front of Liu Cheng, Zhang Feng's eyes were filled with surprise! Not only because Liu Cheng's last elf was a quasi-god-level existence, but also because of this The giant gold monster's level has reached 1...

This giant golden monster of Liu Cheng is obviously qualified to become the main elf of the Four Heavenly Kings of China, which is completely different from Liu Cheng's previous elf strength.

"Wow! Let's see, Liu Cheng, who was cornered by Zhang Feng, is obviously ready to give it a shot."

"His elf is actually a quasi-god giant golden monster. This should be the rarest elf that has ever appeared in this conference except... Yandi."

"I have never seen Zhang Feng's elf. I don't know what kind of game the two players will bring me."

When the giant gold monster appeared, the host was also excited. As one of the rare quasi-gods, the giant gold monster itself has a lot of popularity. Although it is not as good as the fast dragon, it is enough to attract the attention of the audience.

"Golden Monster, give it some color and see, bang!"

As soon as the giant gold monster appeared, Liu Cheng's confidence was also greatly increased, and the tone of his speech was a notch higher, there was no way, this was his grandfather's ace elf, and in his opinion, it should be more than enough to deal with Zhang Feng.

233, the sixteenth, released

Indeed, not only Liu Cheng, but the audience at the scene, after comparing Zhang Feng and Liu Cheng's elves, they also came to the conclusion that the Giant Golden Monster is obviously superior.

The giant gold monsters are quasi-gods, and Zhang Feng's Zeraora and the others have also seen them. Although they are very strong, they don't have a resounding name. They are more optimistic about the giant gold monsters.

"Zeraora, there's a flash of lightning here!"

Zeraora, who turned into a white streamer, slammed into the giant gold monster, a burst of air pressure dissipated, and the two figures bounced off at the same time.

The two sides are fairly evenly matched in strength.


And Zeraora, who hasn't played for a long time, seems to be a little excited, just at the giant gold monster... With a roar, the divine beast aura pressed against the giant gold monster without reservation! The giant gold monster also roared not to be outdone, as a quasi-god It also has its dignity.

"Golden Monster, Comet Fist!"

Liu Cheng ordered without hesitation, commanding his grandfather's ace elf, and he was also a little lost for a while.

The giant golden monster reacted quickly, and instantly curled up with all four limbs, and at the same time, the blue energy released violently slammed into Zeraora in front of him.

"Zeraora, use a float to escape!"

Zeraora also sensed the attack of the giant golden monster, a pair of fists, the blue part of the forehead lit up with white light, and the body directly accelerated and rose into the air.

"What, keep attacking! Comet fist, giant gold monster!"

Seeing that the attack failed, although he was surprised that Zeraora could fly, Liu Cheng continued to command the attack.

The giant golden monster slightly raised its head, curled up again, and released the blue energy wrapped around the whole body again, slamming towards Zeraora in midair.

"Zeraora, counterattack, plasma lightning punch!"

Obviously, continuing to dodge like this is not an option. At the same time, it also increases the momentum of the giant gold monster. Zhang Feng also chose to attack without hesitation.

As a result, Zeraora's fists of golden electric current burst into full force, and the giant golden monster slammed into it! Head-to-head confrontation! The golden electric current and blue energy clashed in the air, not giving in to each other, a gust of wind pressure spread, and the giant The golden monster was blasted to the ground.

"No, it's absolutely impossible!"

Liu Cheng looked in the air, his face ashen. In his expectation, it should be his giant gold monster that completely crushed Zhang Feng's elves, but now his giant gold monster actually lost in the power competition.

This made him completely unacceptable. He didn't realize it at this time, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes when he looked at Zhang Feng.

He always thought that his grandfather was a strong trainer in addition to the Four Heavenly Kings and the champion, and this conference borrowed the giant golden monster from his grandfather to get a higher ranking in Huaxia University for the family.

Originally, he thought that at least 8 should be stable, but he didn't want to be eliminated in the round of 32.

On the high platform, all the heavenly kings also frowned, and they recognized the giant golden monster as soon as it made a move.

"Humph! Liu Chenglong is such a shameless old man that he actually gave his grandson all his giant gold monsters!"

The outspoken Shiba was also the first to speak up. He looked down on this kind of person very much. He must know that he directly raised his son Heechul.

Just give him some knowledge of the elf, the experience of battle and the training method, as for which step he can go, it all depends on himself.

Now, seeing that someone older than him actually handed over his ace elf to his son, he was really angry.

"Wife, I'm looking forward to this battle. You can see that Zhang Feng's elf called Zeraora is no weaker than the Liu family's giant gold monster."

Granny Kikuko looked at Zeraora in mid-air with interest and said.

"Indeed! The strength of the giant gold monster of the Liu family is quite good. Zhang Feng, this elf, can actually press down on it and fight."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that we really underestimated this Zhang Feng this time."

Shiba also pondered for a moment, and then spoke.

When she saw Zhang Feng's Zeraora again, Kona's eyes flashed slightly. She always felt that Zhang Feng was very mysterious, because every time she gave Zhang Feng's strength a definition in her heart.

Zhang Feng will soon be able to break her definition and shock her! "Du, you were the only one who recommended this boy, did you know this boy?"

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