Uncle Liu also asked, even if he is very optimistic about Xiao Chi at this moment, he still has a general result in his heart, even if Xiao Chi encounters Zhang Feng, it is not easy to win him.

"No, just intuition!"

Frowning, Du also spoke slowly, at this time he was also a little surprised.

If the elf used by Zhang Feng at this time is the fast dragon, he will not be surprised if the nightmare god Darkrai or Latias, but it is an elf whose name they cannot name. upper hand.

Back to the battle, after several rounds of confrontation, Zeraora still had the upper hand. Its speed was too fast, and it became very difficult for the giant gold monster to use its super power to block it.

Seeing that, the scars on the giant gold monster are getting more and more, and the cheers of the audience are getting louder and louder. After all, in their eyes, it is really rare that Zeraora can fight against the giant gold monster.

But in Zhang Feng's view, it is normal, not to mention that Zeraora is a tyrannical beast, plus it cooperates with Zhang Feng tacitly.

On the other hand, Liu Cheng and the giant gold monster are not only unfamiliar with each other, but sometimes the giant gold monster doesn't buy into Liu Cheng's orders, and follows his own attack mode.

This is the result of a typical trainer whose level is not enough... and forcibly commanding spirits with too many levels beyond what he can command.

So, Zhang Feng commanding Zeraora seems to be fighting a wild giant gold monster, although it has rich fighting experience.

But in the end, he is still used to being commanded by the elves, and it is not surprising that Zeraora can fight against the giant gold monster.

In this way, one to two, following the sudden explosion of Zeraora's speed, the unexpected plasma lightning punch, and the game with the giant gold monster also came to an end! At this time, Liu Cheng's complexion had completely darkened, put away The giant golden monster fled the venue without saying a word.

At this point, the last top 1 spot has also been released! Similarly, more people in the venue also blew the name Zhang Feng, and also boasted about his tyrannical monster called Zelao, who can crush the quasi-god giant gold monster. Pulled cat elf.

And the contestants naturally remembered this player who might be their strong enemy next.

Today's Huaxia Conference has also come to an end.

234. One day off

On the high stage, seeing Zhang Feng defeating his opponent, the host also praised him well. After all, Zhang Feng is now a super popular player.

And he also heard the conversation between the Four Heavenly Kings, and had a general understanding of... Zhang Feng's strength! Seeing that the audience was about to leave, Zhang Feng also walked towards the auditorium.

"Zhang Feng, the last match was very good! You are pressing and beating the giant gold monsters, they are quasi-god-level elves!"

Heechul said to Zhang Feng a little excitedly, Zhang Feng had defeated even the evolutionary quasi-god when he fought against the master of the gymnasium, and now defeating the giant gold monster is also what he expected.

But he still looked very excited, after all, this is the charm of elves fighting, full of unknowns.

"It's nothing, my opponent is much weaker than yours."

Zhang Feng also said with a chuckle, it was true that his opponent Liu Cheng was not very strong, and he couldn't control the only giant gold monster to be aware of.

During the battle, aware of the rigid cooperation between the giant gold monster and Liu Cheng, Zhang Feng naturally solved the opponent easily.

"Okay, Zhang Feng, let's go back and have a good rest."

On one side, Xiao Chi also said with a smile, after all, it was a whole day of battle today.

After reuniting with their parents and Liu Menghan, the group returned to the hotel talking and laughing together.

In the evening, Zhang Feng and the others also got together for a while. It was a celebration for him and Xiaochi's successful entry into the top sixteen, and it was also a gathering for the members of the organization.

And Serena was also in it, but Zhang Feng didn't mention the organization to her, so as not to involve the ordinary and kind-hearted her.

In the blink of an eye, it was late at night, and Zhang Feng, who was a little drunk, also returned to his bedroom.

Because after the top sixteen came out, there would be a whole day of rest, so everyone naturally chose to relax.

Zhang Feng was about to lie down when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Who, please come in, the door is unlocked"

Zhang Feng looked towards the door and said slowly.

Immediately after the door was opened, Liu Menghan came in! "Menghan, why are you here? It's so late, what can you do to me?"

Seeing that it was Liu Menghan, Zhang Feng also asked with a gentle smile, his relationship with Liu Menghan had basically been established, so coming to his room late at night was nothing.

"Then, that..., you drank today, and I'm just here to see you."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Liu Menghan pursed her lips slightly, and said softly that she came to the boys' room in the middle of the night, and Liu Menghan was still a little shy.

"I'm fine, I drink very little."

While talking, Zhang Feng walked and closed the door.

Closing it again, he pulled up Liu Menghan's little hand and motioned her to sit down:.

Liu Menghan was also dragged by Ren Zhang Feng with a blushing face and sat on the bed.

"Menghan, thank you for being with my parents!"

After sitting down, he held Liu Menghan's little hand and rubbed it. Zhang Feng also spoke first. He was busy with the Huaxia Conference these two days. Every day when his parents played, Liu Menghan greeted him. Zhang Feng also saw these things in his eyes.

"Nothing, this is what I should do!"

Liu Menghan also said with a chuckle, followed by closing his eyes and leaning towards Zhang Feng.

Feeling the fragrance of the girl, Zhang Feng naturally took her into his arms.

After a while, Zhang Feng also spoke.

"Menghan, sleep with me today!"

Zhang Feng's voice was very soft, but it was unquestionable.

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