"OK, all right!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, a trace of panic appeared in Liu Menghan's beautiful eyes, but she agreed immediately.

When she was traveling before, she was used to sleeping with Zhang Feng.

Even after not sleeping with him in his arms, Liu Menghan often had some strange dreams.

After Liu Menghan agreed, Zhang Feng also gently turned off the lights in the room.

The peaceful night passed in a flash, and on the second day, everyone woke up a little late.

Perhaps it was because there was no competition schedule, everyone was basically resting, and when Zhang Feng woke up, Liu Menghan, who was beside him, had already left, leaving only a burst of fragrance.

After all, the girl's face is still too thin, and she was also afraid that her mother who woke up early would know that she had spent the night in Zhang Feng's room, so she returned to her room early.

After washing and getting dressed, because Liu Menghan hadn't come over and asked him to go to dinner, Zhang Feng was also sitting on the sofa, picked up the tablet and looked at the Elf Forum.

A little bit into the Elf forum, Zhang Feng saw all kinds of discussions about the contestants.

Zhang Feng took a closer look. Daketo, Adair, Michelle, himself, Xiaochi, Mei, and Takuya, these... The players also received the most attention.

At the same time, in the analysis of his own post, he also attached every battle video since the Huaxia Conference.

After taking a look, the player with the highest audience support rate is... He himself, Dakoto, and Mei are slightly inferior to both of them.

But it's also normal. After all, the audience is still easily influenced. The top 16 Dakto and Zhang Feng, one summoned the Emperor Yan, and the other defeated the Quasi-God. It was normal for their popularity to be high.

Thinking of the players, Zhang Feng's mind immediately recalled that... the red-haired trainer from his own country, Akashi.

He always felt that the person was not simple! "Zhang Feng, come out to eat!"

At this moment, Liu Menghan's knock on the door also interrupted Zhang Feng's thinking.

"Ok, coming soon!"

After packing up the tablet, Zhang Feng also followed Liu Menghan downstairs.

At this time downstairs, Xiao Chi and others had already eaten.

235. Top 8, Mei vs Takuya

The day's rest time passed, and on the second day, the sixteen-to-eight knockout match of the China Conference also began.

Starting in the morning, all the top 8 spots will be decided within one day.

As the game went on for several days, more spectators who had not had time to arrive came to Jinghua City. Even if there were no tickets, they chose to watch the game outside the main venue.

After all, this is a conference where you can get in touch with various famous trainers, and even the Four Heavenly Kings and Champions of China.

And there are also some people who are attracted by the splendid competition of the top sixteen.

In the morning, the lottery was over, and the two sides in the first battle looked very interesting, Meai Takuya.

"Zhang Feng, Yayi is the strongest trainer in the country, who do you think will win?"

Xiao Chi was also a little curious. He watched Takuya's and Mei's top 32 opponents in the match before, and the two of them easily crushed their opponents, so he couldn't see their true strength at all.

"Yi, although this Takuya is quite strong, he is still a lot worse than Dakto."

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Feng also said.

"Okay, the first game of the China Conference quarterfinals, now begins."

As the host's voice sounded, the game officially started.

Similarly, the audience also shouted the name of Mei Yi, cheering for her.

At the beginning of the battle, Mei Yi changed her previous routine and chose the first elf to appear, the Electric Dragon.

Seeing the electric dragon, Zhang Feng also smiled slightly, and Mei's electric dragon level was much higher than when she was in the city of fate.

And Takuya's first sprite was a soil turtle, and the grass type's resistance to... electricity type attacks is still very good.

At the beginning of the battle, Takuya's Tutai Turtle occupied some slight advantages, using his own powerful defensive power to withstand the attack of the Electric Dragon, he was able to immediately.

Counterattack against the electric dragon.

Moreover, the recovery ability of grass-type elves is also very good, and it has always been known for its durability.

However, Mei Yi is not simple. Knowing that the Tutai Turtle has a strong recovery ability, he chose to come up and ignore the defense.

Although this is an overloaded fighting method for the electric dragon, it also does not give the Tutai turtle any chance to recover its stamina.

In addition, the speed of the Tutai Turtle is not too slow compared to the Electric Dragon. In the end, Takuya's Tutai Turtle fell under the unexpected flame fist of the Yayi Electric Dragon.

Next, the battle continued. Takuya's second elf was the circle bear. Seeing this, Mei also took back the electric dragon, which was consuming a lot of physical strength, and chose to let the Kirby beast fight.

This is a battle of strength, there are not so many fancy skills and moves, it is just... simple and rude hand-to-hand combat.

Mei, the kibbit beast, has been specially trained by Shiba, and in terms of strength, it directly pressed Takuya's circle bear to fight.

Similarly, Takuya was also stunned by the violent Kirby beast, and once he got the upper hand, the Kirby beast became more and more brave after the battle.

2: In the cheers of the audience, the circle bear fell down, but at present, all the elves are still alive in Yayi.

Seeing this, not only Takuya, but the entire country's players' seats looked very ugly.

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