In the field, after Emperor Yan fell into a coma, a faint layer of black light appeared all over his body, and then, Emperor Yan's complexion also changed: he was in extreme pain, and it was Darkrai's Nightmare feature that was successfully activated!" Clay, let's go, make a trick!"

Emperor Yan was hit by a black hole and fell asleep, but Zhang Feng was not in a hurry to launch an attack! When the trick was launched, Darkrai's special attack also ushered in a great improvement in an instant! "Okay, just do it!"

Xiao Chi, who saw this scene in the auditorium, also brightened his eyes. If he could stack up several tricks, it would put a lot of pressure on the elf who was going to appear next! Intention, the scene where Michelle was crushed before also reappeared in his mind! Without any hesitation, Dakto also took out the Poke Ball belonging to Emperor Yan and aimed it at the sleeping Emperor Yan! "Come back, Emperor Yan! "

That's right, the best way that Dakota can think of at the moment is to directly let the Yan Emperor return to the Poké Ball, which also prevents Darkrai from continuing to recklessly rely on tricks to improve his strength! "Don't think about it, Darkrai, darkness Sight!"

Seeing Dakto's actions, Zhang Feng also shouted loudly at Dakley without hesitation! Immediately.

, Before the red light of the Poké Ball hit the Emperor Yan, Darkrai's scarlet eyes shot out a strange black light! The black light instantly wrapped the body of the Emperor Yan, and directly forcibly bounced the red light of the Poké Ball away! "What dark sight? "

Seeing this scene, Dakto's hand holding the Poké Ball froze in mid-air! "Oh, Zhang Feng beautifully used the dark vision of Nightmare God Darkrai to interrupt the person who wanted to take Yandi back to the Poké Ball. Dakoto's thoughts!"

"Emperor Yan is still: lethargic, the situation is not optimistic, then, next, the Dakoto players will use: How to deal with it?"

361. Appearance, Reshiram, Akashi's Reaction

Looking at the situation in the field, the host is also immediately.

He analyzed it for the audience at the scene! Similarly, he was also very curious about what strategy Dakota would take next... What kind of strategy to deal with! Glancing at the Emperor Yan, who was still sleeping and showing no signs of awakening, Zhang Feng also continued. He opened his mouth and shouted: "Darklay, continue to launch tricks!"

Seeing this, Darkrai's eyes flashed with red light, and his strength was greatly improved again! Seeing this scene, Darko's face became extremely ugly, and he shouted loudly, "Emperor Yan, wake up quickly. !"

Maybe it was Daketo's voice that played a role, or maybe it was the torture of the nightmare that made Emperor Yan about to wake up, and Emperor Yan's eyelids moved! Unfortunately, this scene happened to be caught in Zhang Feng's eyes!" Do you want to wake up so much, let’s end it, Darkrai, Wave of Evil!”

Zhang Feng was very decisive and did not continue to choose to strengthen his own strength. After all, the awakened Yan Emperor would definitely be a little trouble! The creepy evil energy was gathered in the hands of Darkrai, and the two tricks were added. The wave of evil is about to blast towards the gradually awakening Yan Emperor! "Oops, it is impossible for Yan Emperor to react in time to his current state!"

Looking at the battle in the field, Adair's expression is also quite anxious! At this moment, Dakdo's Yan Emperor may be defeated directly, not to mention, what makes him even more uncomfortable is that Zhang Feng's Darkrai's power is almost normal at this moment. It is more than twice as much! Then, Dakoto's next elf will have to deal with this power to reach his peak, Darkrai! There is also Dakoto who is also very anxious, looking at the wave of evil that is getting closer and closer, He could only shout at Emperor Yan, trying to wake it up! But obviously, the time was too late! Just as Emperor Yan opened his eyes, the wave of evil also bombarded it directly! "Boom"


"It's just a little bit, it can be seen that Emperor Yan is about to wake up from the nightmare, but the wave of evil still hits!"

Seeing this scene, the host covered his chest and tried to calm his excitement. This level of battle is really exciting! Just woke up and was bombarded by the tyrannical wave of evil, which Emperor Yan also issued directly. He screamed in extreme pain, and was directly incapacitated by the bursting energy fluctuations! "Great!"

"Zhang Feng's response was very fast, but fortunately, Emperor Yan has not completely woken up!"

Looking at Emperor Yan who lost his fighting ability in the field, a smile appeared on Shangguan Wan'er's face! She was looking forward to Zhang Feng being the champion of this summer conference! "Emperor Yan lost his fighting ability, and it was Zhang Feng who won the victory. Darkrai of Contestants!"

The referee's voice just fell, and Dakoto looked gloomily at Darkrai who was floating in front of Zhang Feng! The battle between his own Yan Emperor and his Darkrai could almost be called a fiasco! Staring at Zhang Feng for a long time, Daketuo also said coldly: "Next, you will usher in the biggest fiasco of this China Conference, and I will not give you any chance to come back!"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, but when he saw Dakduo's next move, he also understood! I saw that a purple pokeball was thrown high into the air by Dakto. , Following the white light flickering, a huge shadow appeared over the venue of the Huaxia Conference! "Yes... it's the White Dragon Reshiram"

"Why is this happening, Dakoto can't wait so much, so he made Reshiram the fifth appearance"

Looking at Reshiram, who has a huge body on top of Dakto's head, the audience is also stunned! Indeed, in the past, Dakdo would let Reshiram, who is enough to handle all situations, appear last, but today facing Zhang Feng But he chose to let Reshiram appear in advance! Could it be because Dakduo was a little afraid of Zhang Feng at the moment, or because he knew that his other elf couldn't defeat Daklei who was on Zhang Feng's field at this moment?" Okay, very good, didn't let me down! Dakto!"

Seeing Reshiram's appearance, Akashi also clapped and applauded! After all, although Akashi made a promise with Dakto before handing over his Regichkas to him, that is... Come and defeat Zhang Feng's Kakuza by yourself! And this agreement, Dakoto can completely ignore it when he is on the field! But at this moment, Dakoto chooses to let Reshiram appear, which also makes Akashi very satisfied! "Humph!"

Seeing Akashi quite happy, Adair on the side also snorted coldly! After all, his eldest brother Yandi had just been defeated, and Akashi could still laugh! Adair also endured the thought of wanting to beat Akashi next to him, and turned his eyes back. On the field! On the field, staring at the huge figure of Reshiram in mid-air, Zhang Feng frowned! To be honest, he was a little surprised that Dakotao would let Reshiram appear at this time! However, Zhang Feng did not either. After too much hesitation, he directly issued an attack order to Darkrai! "Darklay, the wave of evil!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Darkrai's blue eyes stared at Reshiram in mid-air, and began to gather evil energy! "Reshiram, let him see the true power, the wave of the dragon!"

With the roar of Dakota, the violent dragon energy gathered in the mouth of Reshiram in mid-air. Perhaps he felt the anger of the master, and Reshiram also became: quite violent! In an instant, the two energies were convenient for They slammed into each other in mid-air, and the blue and black rays of light almost filled the entire venue. The next moment, the wave of dragon and wave of evil also exploded directly in mid-air, and huge smoke and dust scattered in mid-air! "Damn! "

Looking at the midair, Darkrai did not lose the slightest in his confrontation with Reshiram, and Darkdo's face was extremely ugly!!,

362 The splendid blooming blue flame

Of course, he couldn't blame others for making Zhang Feng's Darkrai power so terrifying. If he had to blame himself, he was thinking about letting Reshiram appear directly! In the end, he chose to let Emperor Yan deal with Dak. Ley, he caused the current situation! Seeing Darkrai successfully blocking Reshiram's Dragon Wave, Zhang Feng's mouth also evoked a smile! At this moment, he is also holding a try After all, it is still relatively reluctant to face Reshiram with his Darkrai at the moment! But at the moment when he saw Darkrai's Evil Wave blocking Reshiram's Dragon Wave, he let Darkrai be in his heart. The idea of ​​continuing to fight is also confirmed! The two tricks plus the bonus of black glasses also give Darkrai a very terrifying power for a short time! "Darkley, it's time for us to attack, and use Reshiram. Black hole!"

Zhang Feng pointed at Reshiram in mid-air and shouted at Darkrai! Seeing this, Darkrai also immediately.

Gathered a black ball of light and threw it directly at Reshiram! "Reshiram, go as fast as you can to avoid!"

Staring at Darkrai's black ball of light without any hesitation, Reshiram slapped his wings and rose at an extreme speed, avoiding the attack! "It's our turn, staggered flames!"

Without any hesitation, after seeing Reshiram avoiding the black hole, Dakdo continued to shout! High in the sky, Reshiram's tail, who heard Dakdo's voice, began to burn with crimson flames! Looking down at Dak, who was not far from the ground Ley, a huge circular fireball blasted out in an instant! "Darklay, avoid it!"

Zhang Feng raised his head slightly to see such a huge fireball, and immediately.

Shouting at Darkrai! Darkrai naturally felt the terrifying power contained in the fireball, and almost instantly rushed towards the sidelines, beyond the range of the staggered flames! The huge fireball slammed into it. In the venue, there were bursts of smoke and dust. Looking at Darkrai, who had avoided Reshiram's attack, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief! The terrifying power of Reshiram's attack also made him Zhang Feng understands that even if his Darkrai can compete against Reshiram a little, he must play a [-]-point spirit! Any slightest distraction in the battle may lead to Darkrai's defeat!" Darkrai , increase the intensity, and use the black hole that covers the whole field!"

After concentrating and taking a deep breath, Zhang Feng also shouted to Darkrai! The next second, a black ball of light that was several times larger in Darkrai's hands! Followed, countless small black light balls Shoot from it and attack Reshiram in the air! "Reshiram, move sideways to avoid!"

Frowning, Dakoto shouted directly at Reshiram in the sky! Even if he was commanding the first-level god Hiram at the moment, he didn't want to be hit by Darkrai's black hole, because the price was too great! Looking at the countless black light balls shot towards him, Reshiram also flapped his wings in the air to dodge the attack of the black light balls! Of course, the large-scale black hole attack also affected... Darkrai's physical strength. A great test, this attack only lasted for three seconds3! Staring at Reshiram who successfully avoided all the black holes in the air, Zhang Feng's complexion became more and more solemn! "No"

"Is this kind of attack all avoided? It's incredible,"

Serena, who witnessed all this, also felt a little incredible! "That's right, in the first two battles, Reshiram basically belonged to the offensive side, and there was no regression!"

"So, it's understandable that he can show such excellent flying skills at this moment!"

Staring at Reshiram in the sky, Xiao Chi also said slowly with a complicated expression! That's right, no matter what...

Facing him or facing Mei, basically Daketo is directing Reshiram's non-stop attack! Only at this moment when facing Zhang Feng's Darkrai's black hole attack that covers the whole field, Daketuo is really meaningful The boss ordered Reshiram to back down! "Dakdo has finally let go of his boring self-esteem, not just attacking like before!"

On the high platform, Liu Bo stroked his beard and said with a smile! "Indeed, from the current point of view, Darkrai is still reluctant to face Reshiram!"

Kona looked at Liubo and nodded and said! Back in the field, Dakoto, who has been watching Reshiram, seems to be not surprised that Reshiram can avoid all black hole attacks! "Darkley, solve it. , unleash the strongest blue flame with all your strength!"

Dakoto's confident voice sounded! "Qingyan!"

Zhang Feng, who heard Dakduo's voice, was also immediately.

Pupils shrink!" Immediately.

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