, Darkrai, unleash the strongest wave of evil with all your strength!"

As Zhang Feng's anxious voice sounded, Darkrai also immediately.

The evil energy began to gather! At this time, in the high altitude, the tail of Reshiram in overclocking mode was burning with hot flames, and then, a dazzling blue flame from its mouth went straight towards Darkrai on the ground. Everywhere you go, the space is almost distorted. As a terrifying move that Reshiram can only learn at level 18, Qing Yan was shown for the first time in this venue! Nearly approaching a desperate situation, Dakoto didn't let Reshiram use it! Staring at the terrifying Qingyan, Darkrai also used the wave of evil that was gathered together! Under the shocked eyes of the audience, Qingyan only As soon as he came into contact with the wave of evil, he defeated it without any suspense and continued to move forward, and slammed on Darkrai's body! Clay looked extremely painful! "Darklay!"

Looking at Darkrai who was directly hit by Qingyan, Zhang Feng's expression also became: quite heavy! The wave of evil and Qingyan were defeated in just one second, and he still underestimated the white dragon Lehira Mum!

363、Do you want to try?

As the blue flames gradually dissipated, Darkrai, who had been lying on the ground and lost his ability to fight, also slowly appeared in front of everyone! Seeing this scene, a smug smile finally appeared on Darkdo's face! At this moment, defeating Zhang Feng has become a very important thing for him! "Wow! It's a pity, Darkrai still failed to compete with Reshiram after all. …,…, Falling under the terrifying blue flames!"

The host stared at Zhang Feng who was preparing to take Darkrai back to the Poké Ball, and said regretfully! In fact, he still hoped that Darkrai could create a miracle to defeat Reshiram! "Ah! It's still too much. barely?"

Looking at Reshiram in mid-air, Serena shook her head and said! "Although the two tricks have greatly increased Darkrai's strength, it is clear that if Reshiram is serious, Darkrai still has no chance. of!"

After taking Serena's words, Xiao Chi also said slowly! Recalling his Reshiram's battle, he was also calculating Reshiram, the magic space and curse of the night demon, and the wind speed of the ignition characteristic. Dog! It can be said that I relied on the characteristics of the elf and some weird ghost-type moves to hold out in front of Reshiram for so long! But Zhang Feng's Darkrai is fighting Reshiram's attack head-on. The pressure can be imagined! "Hehe! Zhang Feng, if you want to fight with my White Dragon, your Sky Slitting Seat should also appear!"

"Trust me, your other elves won't be of any use in the upcoming battle of gods!"

Waved his hand lightly, Daketuo also said to Zhang Feng! Daketuo hopes that he can completely overwhelm Zhang Feng at least in terms of momentum! It seems that he also saw Daketo's intention, Zhang Feng frowned, and followed from A Poke Ball was taken out from his waist! "What do you mean!"

Seeing that the Poké Ball in Zhang Feng's hand was not a Master Ball, Daketo was also immediately.

His pupils shrank! He seemed to have guessed Zhang Feng's idea wrong. Zhang Feng actually didn't have the idea of ​​using the split empty seat to fight against his own white dragon. "Fly in the sky! Latias!"

As Zhang Feng's voice sounded, in a bright white light, with a low cry, the noble Latias appeared! Red and white body, jet-like wings, triangular ears! , Latias turned his body and flew around in a circle, showing his superb flying skills to the audience on the venue of the Huaxia Conference! "Wow! This is so handsome!"

"Mmmmm! Yes, it's much more handsome than Miss Mei's Latios!"

Latias' handsome debut also welcomed the scene, and the audience cheered and jumped! In the field, Zhang Feng also reluctantly pushed the little head of Latias away, who was about to rub against himself! "woohoo"

Latias, who was pushed away by Zhang Feng, also looked at Zhang Feng with a resentful look on his face. He was quite innocent and looked very cute! "Be normal, Latias, your opponent is not so easy to deal with. !"

Zhang Feng also smiled slightly, and said to Latias who was facing him in a gentle tone! "Haha! Besides... Crackling Seat, you also have a Latias"

"Did you not see the battle between me and the girl who... saw Mei? Her Latios is just... vulnerable in front of my white dragon!"

Staring at Latias, Daketo said sarcastically! Of course, it is impossible for Daketo at this moment to have any contempt for Zhang Feng. He mentioned Yayi just to see if he could get Zhang Feng Maple's mentality! "Latias, use your full strength and evolve!"

Holding up the keystone belonging to Latias, Zhang Feng also shouted loudly at Latias! At this moment, he didn't seem to have heard Daketo's words, and he decided to let Latias appear and speak to him. At the moment of the dragon, he thought about it, and he must let Latias face Reshiram with the strongest attitude! The audience and Dakto are all staring at the dazzling colorful lights in the field in shock! They I really didn't expect that Zhang Feng would actually have the evolution stone of Latias, what a precious secret treasure the evolution stone that can allow the legendary elf to carry out. "We have been looking for the evolution stone of Latias for so long. , he has it, what's the matter with this kid?"

Staring at Latias in the colorful rays of light below, a look of shock appeared on Sheba's face! Since the Elf Association has Latios and Latias, a pair of brother and sister elves, They have been looking for evolution stones that can make them stronger! With the financial resources and manpower of the Elf Association, they have not found a set of evolution stones for ten years, but Zhang Feng has only one set of evolution stones after traveling for a year. "I knew it before. He has a Latias, but I really didn't know it could evolve!"

, Also shocked is Kona, she originally thought that she already knew Zhang Feng very well, but now it seems that it is far from it! "Secret treasures such as evolution stones are scattered all over the world, but they are hard to find. Perhaps Zhang Feng Feng has something to do with her!"

On the main seat, Mr. Damalanqi also stroked his beard and said with a smile! He doesn't care where Zhang Feng's evolution stone came from. The stronger Zhang Feng is, the happier he is! In the field, the white light dissipated. , The evolved Latias appeared in mid-air! Compared with before the evolution, the part of its arm has become larger, and the pattern on the body has also become purple and white! "This is Latias, don't you? Think you can rely on it to defeat my white dragon!"

, Looking at Zhang Feng, Duck said word by word! "Then try it!"

"Okay, just try it!"

Daketo's voice sounded almost at the same time as Zhang Feng's voice!!,

364 , Latias' Air Combat Achievements

"Reshiram, unleash the staggered flames!"

Dakoto was provoked by Zhang Feng and chose to attack first without hesitation! The fire was surging at the tail, Reshiram's blue eyes stared coldly at Latias, and the huge fireball instantly moved towards Latias. Boom! "Latias, rise at a high speed, spin to avoid, pay attention to its wide range of moves!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng also immediately.

He opened his mouth to remind Latias, after all, Darkrai had suffered a lot before! I saw that Latias faced Reshiram's attack with a firm expression, and saw that the attack was about to hit it. The next moment, the audience was stunned! I saw that Latias turned sideways and rotated his body at a high speed before the attack of the fireball, perfectly avoiding the attack of the staggered flames! "Good job, Latias, Claw of the Dragon!"

Seeing that Latias successfully avoided Reshiram's staggered flames and was still rushing towards Reshiram, Zhang Feng also shouted excitedly with his fists! The next moment, Latias' claws flashed with blue light, With a violent force, a claw slammed into Reshiram's body! After the blow, Latias also took advantage of Reshiram's pain and quickly opened the distance from it! A terrifying elf battle that may lose its ability to fight with one move, every detail must be rigorous enough! Zhang Feng also let Latias rely on his own speed to fight a guerrilla war with Reshiram! When the claws hit, Rao, the physically strong Reshiram, also roared in pain! Dakdo, who had been staring at the aerial battle, was also quite gloomy. Now it seems that the attack of the evolved Latias has hit Reshiram. Hiram is also a threat! "Since it wants to match your speed, then we'll accompany it! Rehiram, catch up with it!"

After thinking about it, Daketo also gritted his teeth and shouted! After Latias evolved, his speed increased a lot, and his body was much lighter than Reshiram, so Zhang Feng relied on speed to deal with it! With the roar of the entire venue, Reshiram soared and charged directly towards Latias! "Latias, dive down!"

Seeing that Daketo decided to fight against his Latias, the corners of Zhang Feng's mouth also rose slightly! Glancing at Reshiram behind him, Latias instantly accelerated towards the field and began to dive! Of course, Reshiram also Followed closely, although its body is huge, it is not slow to fly at all! "Reshiram, aim at Latias, the wave!"

Looking at Reshiram who was chasing behind Latias, Dakdo shouted! Seeing this, Reshiram flew and said: The wave is also slamming directly at Latias below!" Dias, that is..., make an emergency stop, adjust your body, and accelerate in a straight line!"

Zhang Feng's voice sounded, and Latias, who was about to hit the ground of the venue, made an emergency stop. After stabilizing his body, he accelerated again in a straight line and flew close to the ground! The waves of the dragon roared on the venue, bursting with energy The wind spread, causing a burst of smoke and dust! Latias avoided the attack without a hitch! "Reshiram, Flare Charge!"

The wave of the dragon hit the air, and Dakto continued to shout with great resentment! Reshiram, who heard Dakdo's order, was also full of flames, and also flew behind Latias, hitting it. ! "Latias, rise again, shadow ball!"

Zhang Feng's order came in time, and Latias turned sharply again and rose again, avoiding Reshiram's attack and opening the distance between it! And Latias in the air continued to rise at a high speed. , At the same time, a shadow ball condensed in front of his mouth during the flight! The jet-black energy ball that came at high speed also accurately hit the unsuspecting Reshiram! Duck frowned slightly when he saw this, although Reshiram's The defense is very strong, but if you are hit by shadow balls in a row, it will still have an impact! After all, Dakodor still needs Reshiram to ensure sufficient physical strength to fight against the next Sky Seat! "It's so handsome, Reshiram simply Can't you get close to Latias?"

"Is this the real air battle? Meai's Latios was defeated without showing his true advantage at all!"

"Tsk tsk tsk still Zhang Feng is amazing!"

Seeing that the shadow ball successfully hit Reshiram, the audience was also excited! It was also because of Xiaochi's wonderful performance in the battle before that they understood that even a first-level god can be defeated. As long as you work hard enough, nothing will happen. Impossible! "Latias, another round, shadow ball!"

Looking at the distance between Reshiram and Latias, Zhang Feng also shouted again! Latias, who did not stop flying, once again condensed a shadow ball and blasted towards Reshiram below!" Damn, Reshiram, Dragon Claw!"

Obviously, the fact that the attack never hit Latias also made Dakduo a little irritable, and he began to choose to rely on Reshiram's power to attack! I saw that Reshiram's claws flashed with blue light, and he aimed directly at the attacking person. The shadow ball is... .. go up with one claw! The blasting energy exploded, a gust of wind spread, and Reshiram rushed straight up from the energy fluctuations, rushing towards Latias without any loss of momentum!" Dias, let it see your power and cleanse it!"

Zhang Feng's voice sounded, condescending, Latias stared at Reshiram, and the pink energy in his mouth slowly gathered! But Reshiram was still unmoved, and went straight to Latias! The next second, The clean luster was released, and the terrifying pink energy almost devoured Reshiram's body! The bang bang bang energy exploded, and the pink energy ripples filled the entire venue. Under the shocked eyes of the audience, Reshiram's huge body began to Falling powerless! Seeing this scene, Xiaochi and his party in the contestant seat showed a happy expression, on the other hand, the American party was gloomy!

365 , Zhang Feng's mistake

Huraishiram's huge body fell to the ground, and the entire field shook! In this case, the bigger the elf will be, the more terrifying the impact will be! "Cut, that's it, if this guy's white dragon loses Latias who gave it to Zhang Feng is a joke!"

At this moment, the mentality of Akashi, who is watching the game off the field, has also undergone some changes. If the white dragon Reshiram is consumed too much by Latias, then there may be some accidents!" Reshiram, stand up, staggered flame!"

Dakoto's voice also sounded a little anxious! Reshiram also stood up immediately, and a fiery fireball was fired into the air! "Latias, spin to avoid, use the Mind Hammer,"

Staring at Latias in midair, Zhang Feng also shouted loudly! Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, Latias also let out a low cry, facing the attacking fireball, swooping down straight, looking at the staggered The fire attack is about to hit Latias! "It's now, Latias!"

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