Su Han raised his eyebrows, looking a little confused,"This girl... But having said that, although she joined the chat group relatively late, she is indeed one of these guys, A more pious one."

Of course, Su Han didn't mean to answer Chen Xiaoyu. It's just a prayer, does this still require his consent? If you have the ability, don’t stop for 24 hours. Keep chanting continuously to provide him with the power of faith.

Ye Hei:"As expected, the God has never appeared. (Disappointment.jpg)"

Yao Lao:"I didn't see the God speak in the group, and I feel that the ritual chanting today is not as fragrant as before."

Liu Peiqiang:" Then stop reading! Leave this burden of worshiping the gods to me alone."

Miaomushan Sage:"?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Yes, leave this responsibility to me. I have decided to devote my life to God! You can do whatever you want."

Ye Hei:"It's so scary."

Great Qin Zulong:"The country cooperates... Thirty thousand More than 10,000 people recite the sacrificial method together? The scene will be unimaginably spectacular, right? Is there a video?"

Ye Hei:"+1. Is there a video? I want to see it too."

Chen Xiaoyu:"……"

"Ding! Chen Xiaoyu uploaded a video, please download it to watch."

Soon, everyone downloaded the video one after another. Su Han also downloaded it, and then watched it with gusto...

In the early stage, he returned to Xiangcheng from Citiland, and then contacted Yanhuang... Next, he obtained official permission and fully cooperated.! In the end, God's grace came to the world and blessed the whole Yanhuang... Up to this point, it was no different from what Su Han remembered.

But what happened next was the most exciting! 113

Because then, Chen Xiaoyu easily killed the Saint. Lord, she found twelve talismans falling in the void... She put the talismans away temporarily, then handed them over to the official people, and finally played with her mobile phone... The numerous information on the mobile phone is the most important. Eye-catching!

All the pop-up news pop-ups. The hot lists of various online platforms have all been slaughtered by today's events.

This is almost destined to be a sleepless night!

Countless netizens are going crazy Venting their manic emotions on the Internet...

They are asking, which god in Eastern mythology is the real person of that god with great divine grace?

However, coincidentally, Bihu, Weibo, and KouKou The question that ranks No. 1 on major lists such as what to watch is:"What is the method of sacrificial sacrifice that the gods said that 30 million people recited together? How can I obtain it and recite it?"".


Xiaoyu in the video logged on to the foreign Twitter platform again, and then discovered that many Western media had also made headlines about what happened tonight. After watching it,

Su Han rubbed his chin and said,"Surprisingly, Has the heat reached this level... Although it is natural."

Immediately, Su Han glanced at the systematic increase in the power of faith that he had blocked. He found that he was now at a peak of believers' concentrated prayers... The power of faith he had obtained was about three times that of the previous period.……

"Same as I guessed before."With a casual smile, Su Han turned his attention to the chat group again.

Prince Zhu:"……Is this the future world? That small thing in your hand looks very convenient.".Liu Peiqiang:"It's terrible... This level of popularity cannot be overestimated by Xiaoyu's discussion of gods. There must be billions of people around the world, right?".Ye Hei:"It should be said that except for those who have no access to external information channels...or are sleeping, I guess everyone is discussing this aspect intensively." Ye Hei: Ye Hahaha, looking at the West On the Twitter platform Wei, a bunch of people were frantically looking for evidence to prove that God must be God... Then, they were asked by Yanhuang netizens, why does your Emperor not favor you?……"

Ye Hei:"Pfft, hahahaha, this scene... is about to make me burst out laughing."

Chen Xiaoyu:"It's normal... Their mentality has completely collapsed."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Now the Twitter side is going crazy. Banning our Yanhuang address and not allowing us to express our opinions on his platform... In fact, their officials began to post videos of divine manifestations."

Ye Hei:"Is this freedom of speech? It's really funny."

Ye Hei felt extremely happy.

Ye Hei:"Then what?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Then, the cracks started! Such a high temperature... I can't hide it even if I want to!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Huh? Now the situation has begun to change again. What happened a few days ago? All Western official media deleted the video... but now it has been released again! Maybe they have given up on treatment."

Ye Hei:"Lie down and get beaten!"

Ye Hei:"Since you can't cover it up, then just do it. Post the video and earn some traffic money... You can't fight with anyone, and you can't fight with money! (Gotou.jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"I just found out today... It turns out that each and every one of you is the Great Onmyoji. Ah!"

Great Qin Zulong:"Only a few people are thinking, are 140,000,000 people receiving divine grace at the same time? It is really unimaginable how incredible the power of God has reached. It is shocking and admirable."

The deputy of the strongest man:"Yeah, 140,000... It's too scary. In my pirate world, if all the people in the world are put together, I don't know if there are so many people."

Liu Peiqiang:"I don't have any idea. No surprise! God has saved our entire world... What does it mean to bless 140 million people?"

Ye Hei:"So, Miss Xiaoyu, what are you going to do in the future? Just go to school."?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"No, no, no, my primary school is my primary school. But at the same time, I also want to create the Creation God Religion, and then transfer the God'sBenefit spread to every corner of the earth……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I have been discussing with the officials here, and they have given me the green light all the way. They have even provided me with assistance. Now the official website of the Internet has disclosed the news that Shangshen is the God of Creation! They have also disclosed the method of offering sacrifices to the highest level.."

Chen Xiaoyu:"The number of downloads of the top-grade sacrificial method exceeded one billion in three minutes! Breaking the historical record."

Ye Hei:"????"

Ye Hei:"God broke one billion in three minutes... Are you kidding me? There are only so many Yanhuang netizens, and everyone downloaded it in three minutes?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Oh, I checked... It seems that 60% of the account addresses in it are from abroad."

Ye Hei:"?"

Liu Peiqiang:"???"

Su Han's expression became very subtle. He glanced at the amplification system interface again, and then discovered that at this moment, there were indeed many foreigners praying to him...even the number was not much less than the people praying in Yanhuang.……

"……Are you abandoning the Emperor so quickly? Or do they really believe the lie that I am God? Sure enough, the benefits are the most important thing, and it’s worthy of you."Su Han's expression was a little subtle.

As for Westerners' beliefs, he naturally...accepted them all. Anyway, he doesn't know how to sanctify the West. If a leek comes to the door crying and begging him to cut it, why not cut it?

Of course, Su Han also He will also give them one thousandth of the feedback. After all, these are the rules he set from the beginning. Only by maintaining the rules can he spread the belief to a greater extent... And on the other hand, if the world of Chen Long's Adventures, Most people in the West believe in him, but the Creation God Cult is established in the East...

Tsk tsk, in the end... I am afraid that if Chen Xiaoyu, the leader of the Creation God Cult, says a word, his influence will surpass those of the great leaders in the West. They...

Cultural invasion? Haha, compared with the invasion of faith, that's nothing!

The more Westerners believe, the more faith Su Han gets, and the greater the East's voice in the world with the help of divine religions......This is a win-win-win situation!

Ordinary Westerners gain feedback, Su Han gains faith, and the East gains influence and voice... We all have a bright future!

Liu Peiqiang:"But by the way... the country is actually completely liberalizing This aspect also surprised me a little.

Chen Xiaoyu:"What's this?" We in the East believe in freedom! And I only spread the faith and accept believers...I won't set up a bunch of red cardinals like Western Christianity.……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I am not seeking power, I am only seeking to spread faith, and spread God's light of faith to every corner of this land!"

Ye Hei:"There is a saying, after all, the ancient Eastern countries are pragmatists.……"

Ye Hei:"Not to mention, the benefits represented by God's gift are too great.……"

Ye Hei:"Forbidden belief? Not to mention ordinary people who have become healthy and strong... Just those disabled people who have recovered their health, and those old people who have become children again, I guess they won't agree."

Liu Peiqiang:"…That's right."

Liu Peiqiang thought about the situation on his side and nodded in agreement. But before he could say anything more, two crisp notification tones suddenly sounded.

"Ding! The Immortal Evil King has successfully joined the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group"

"Ding! Gudazi has successfully joined the Wanjie chat group."

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