The strongest man's deputy:"It's been a while since I've seen new people join the group... Welcome."

The strongest man's deputy:"Then the usual……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Newcomers, are you interested in learning about our Father and Lord, God of Creation, Lord of Creation, and the origin of all living things?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Also, are you interested in joining the religion? ? If so... I can personally be your applicant for admission! (Smiley face.jpg)"

The strongest man's deputy:"!-!!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"The poor deputy was slapped in the face and was snatched away from me."

Liu Peiqiang:"Are you falling in love and killing each other again?"

The deputy of the strongest man:"No, what the hell is an applicant for admission to the religion?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I am the leader of the Creation God Religion! Aren't you? (Confident and confident.jpg)",

Ye Hei:"I seem to... well, it's really, troubling. (For a moment, I was helpless. Right.jpg)"

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Dare to ask... who here is not the leader of the Cult of Creation? Oh, I am not, I am the leader of the Cult of the Moon Worshiping, nms1."

Ye Hei:"666 Sixty-six. The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is truly ruthless, he even denounces himself!"

While speaking, Ye Hei was sighing with emotion. After joining the chat group for such a long time, even an ancient person like the Moon Worshiping Cult Master... now, under the influence of a few of them modern people, has become no different from a normal netizen in the 21st century... The

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Ahem Well, just kidding... don't pay too much attention to the details."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"What I mean is that I am willing to patiently introduce our father and Lord to him! Help him establish the Creation God Religion, and then help God spreads faith."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island said:"After all, even if the newcomer joins my religion... I can't go across the world to command him. Besides, I also spread faith for God, how can I have any higher status? What's the difference?"

Yao Lao:"It's reasonable and convincing."


This is a place with green mountains, flowing water, and dense vegetation.

A middle-aged man wearing a black robe stood among the branches. The branches were obviously very thin, but he stood very firmly, and the branches did not even bend, as if the branches were not under any pressure at all.

The middle-aged man watched a girl in green clothes disappear into the depths of the jungle in the distance, and a touch of kindness appeared in his eyes. But then, the kindness quickly turned into coldness

"This feeling illusion? Appeared directly in my mind?"

"Interesting, could it be the hands of the four bald donkeys in Buddhism? That's not right. Those four bald donkeys are indeed powerful, but if they want to attack me, all four of them must come out together and use Zen Yin Buddhism... It is absolutely impossible for them to let me enter the hallucination without showing up... Could it be."

The middle-aged man's pupils suddenly dilated, and his heart stirred up.

Yes, he suddenly realized one thing. Those four trapdoor bald donkeys are already the top masters in the world... none of them can do such a thing. , so who can do it?

Almost instantly, a name that deterred good and evil hundreds of years ago popped into his mind.

"……Evil Emperor, Xiang Yutian."

The middle-aged man is Shi Zhixuan, one of the few masters in the world today. The Evil King of Demon Sect.

Without the slightest hesitation, Shi Zhixuan stepped lightly with the sole of his foot, like a wild goose spreading its wings and galloping towards the depths of the jungle on the other side at a very fast speed..

5. If you really want to fight against a top master, then the further away from Shi Qingxuan, the better...

Arriving at the depths of the jungle, Shi Zhixuan landed lightly on the ground. He lowered his eyes and said softly,"……You can come out now."

After a long time, no one spoke.

Shi Zhixuan:"?"

His brows furrowed, and then he tested it several times. I found that there was still no response... I immediately realized something was wrong.

He closed his eyes and focused on the image in his mind. There were a lot of people communicating there... The kind of text they were communicating with was a bit like today's Sui writing, but it was a very simplified version...

Moreover, when Shi Zhixuan read these texts, even if there were many words he didn't recognize, he instantly understood them. I understood what he meant.

Shi Zhixuan stopped in place for a long time, a large number of possibilities flashed through his mind, but in the end he denied them one by one. As he thought, he kept pulling up the pictures in his mind and looking at the communication records of this group of people.

Gradually, huge waves arose in his heart

"god? Blessing 140 million people at the same time? How can this be? Looking at the world, there are only tens of millions of people. Where can there be 140 million people?"

"Moreover, how could gods really exist? He was as powerful as Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han, but in the end, he also caused great consequences because of his pursuit of the way of gods and ghosts!"

"unless……"Shi Zhixuan's temples could not help beating, and he clenched his fists.

Unless, that person, or the people in this chat group, the world he lives in is not his world……

"The rest of the world?"Shi Zhixuan's eyes were sharp. He was not surprised by this...

After all, he knew the existence of Shattered Void, so he could naturally know through this matter that the world was not the only one... Of course, he was also curious about the world where these people lived. Could it be the world after Shattered Void...

While thinking about it, he quickly saw the video posted by Chen Xiaoyu, and clicked it with some confusion. Suddenly, the picture expanded in his mind. He finished watching the video quickly.

Shi Zhixuan stood there, silent for a long time.

Even with his evil king's ambition and vision, he was completely frightened at this moment.

"What kind of world is that? The buildings tower into the sky, people come and go on the streets, and the domesticated steel giants carry people walking... and there is also the demon called the Holy Lord! He controls the twelve talismans, possesses various divine powers, and is immortal." flower

"And the statue of the Eight's so magical! Yes, that world must be the legendary fairyland after the Shattered Void."

Shi Zhixuan's face showed a hint of excitement, and then his face turned pale again. Because he suddenly thought that even the immortals and demons in the immortal world were like ants in front of that god. How powerful they were. God!

It seems that he is in a higher world than the fairy world... That fairy world can't even bear His arrival. Just approaching the portal between the two worlds caused dense cracks to appear in the void.

Moreover, that teenage girl Wazi... He could see at a glance that he must be an ordinary person. Although he was surprised that there were ordinary people in the fairy world, he thought that in the mortal world, besides martial arts masters, there were also ordinary people, and he said he could accept it...

However, the horror is that...

The god created a human immortal with a simple finger, and even allowed the little girl to control the immortal's vision... Not to mention, the divine hand created the sun and moon, allowing the sun and moon to descend into the world and transform into human beings. For God’s grace, bless 140,000 people.


"Calm down... Shi Zhixuan, you are the evil king of the Demon Sect."Shi Zhixuan's face kept changing at this moment. Sometimes he became cold and cruel, sometimes he became kind and gentle...

He was too shocked and could not control his mental state, which directly led to his schizophrenia at this moment....

After a long time, Shi Zhixuan closed his eyes and regained his composure. He seemed to be talking to himself or to someone,"Believe in God and receive divine grace. For me... maybe, maybe, it's also a good choice……"

For a great master like Shi Zhixuan, this choice is difficult to make.

After all, every grandmaster is arrogant and looks down on the world... let alone a great master like him... they simply cannot accept being inferior to others!

However, he was too far away from that God. It was so far away that all his energy... didn't even dare to rise... His arrogance was completely interrupted by that real and magical scene!

Even if he shatters the void, can he defeat the Demon Lord?

He had no confidence at all.

But the ten-year-old girl who was created by God's random gift used vision... to kill the demon Lord with one move!

Haha, this is so ridiculous.

God can create such immortal gods at will, so what does the great master cultivation he has cultivated over the past few decades count?

He controls the world and uses the collapse of the dynasty as nourishment. What does the Immortal Seal that he finally understood mean?

Everything is just illusion...

Only the Supreme and Holy God is eternal!

After taking a breath, Shi Zhixuan entered the chat group and spoke.

Immortal Evil King:"I want to join the religion, believe in God, and receive divine grace... I would like to ask everyone, what should I do next?"_

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