"An old friend comes over again... Um, what is that?!"The moment Leif calmly raised his head, he felt that other demon pillars were coming. But when he really saw the scene in the sky, his expression froze, and his pupils suddenly expanded, filled with The bloodshot eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

That was a pure land! Sacred and transcendent, vigorous and full of vitality...

In that pure land, there were immortal birds and beasts playing and playing, and wild and ferocious beasts like mountains fighting and fighting. The ancient trees hold up the sky, and the King of Medicine shakes the leaves and spreads the fairy essence. The most important thing is... in the dome of the sky, there is a stretching and sacred palace of heaven. It is like the human world has opened a door to the divine world, and it is like The content in the myth has truly come into reality... No, it's not like that, it's the world of gods, it's the myth!

Gudazi opened her eyes, and she looked up at the vast and glorious world, with excitement and excitement in her eyes. Expressing gratitude, she knelt on the ground and kowtowed deeply,"Welcome God to come to this world."

Olga Marie and Matthew were completely stunned. They raised their heads stiffly and stared at the sky. Their hearts were shaken and they couldn't say a word.

"……how come? Doctor Roman was already"460" too late to be embarrassed.

His sharp eyes were staring at the holy scene in the sky, and a lot of thoughts were flowing through his mind. Although he has become an ordinary person now, he still has magic. The memory of the king’s period is still there, and I know many secrets

"Nantianmen...Heaven? Is it the mythical system of the Eastern world that is completely isolated from the basis of magic?"

"That's not right... I know that the Eastern heroic spirit system and mythological system are unique and very different from those in the West. But even if they are stronger than the West, their strength is limited... They have never reached such an incredible level!"

Doctor Roman's words were confused. He sadly discovered that... his knowledge of the Magic King could not explain the situation in front of him...

In the end, he could only sigh with emotion. It was indeed a terrifying existence that far surpassed God that he recognized from the bottom of his heart.!

But at the next moment, something happened to the altar. Dr. Roman suddenly turned his head, his pupils shrank again, and that scene came into his eyes, and even his worldview began to collapse."……how come?!"

Beside the altar, King Arthur, who was wearing a black armor, suddenly opened his eyes.

Her injuries healed in an instant, and her breath returned to its peak. At the same time, the scale of her spiritual base was increasing at an extremely terrifying speed. In just a few breaths, it became so huge that it was impossible to observe or imagine...

The whole world was trembling, as if it couldn't bear her existence at all.

"impossible! This feeling, this is... a king? No, even our king...impossible, how could she surpass our king? Our King is the most powerful and the most supreme!"Leif collapsed completely. He kept falling back, and suddenly tripped over a stone, and sat down on the ground, his face still filled with confusion and doubt.

At the same time, the blush in Cu Chulainn's body The blood was continuously absorbed by the altar, and slowly spread along the lines on the altar...

Soon, the entire altar was dyed with a layer of blood at this moment...

With a crisp sound, Cu Chulainn's body Disappeared... He turned into two extremely bright rays of light!

The sacred radiance slowly floated to the sky. It was like there were two more suns in the sky, sacred and majestic!

At this moment, a calm The voice suddenly sounded, and this voice broke through the barriers of time and space...

Whether it was a few people at the first singularity, or many staff in Chaldea... or even other singularities. For example, the world of the Evil Dragon Hundred Years War with the first singularity, the world of the Continuous Crazy Empire with the second singularity... even the world of the Absolute Warcraft Front, the final crowned Temple of Time... all living things, all powerful Everyone has heard itん."The devout believer Gudazi sacrifices to the gods and has merit! Enjoy the baptism of roots!"

Gudazi's eyes suddenly widened, Matthew's hand holding the shield shook, and Olga Marie's little mouth slowly opened...

Everyone in the world of magicians knows how important the root is to magic. , that was the highest opportunity that could make them abandon their wives and children, their humanity, and all their pursuits...

Gudazi's heart stirred up huge waves. She seemed to have peered through the vast heaven and saw the statue sitting deep in the heaven. The divine existence.

Although Gudazi could not see the true face of the supreme existence, nor could she understand the mystery contained in Him. However, she naturally thought of a sentence...

He is one, He is the whole , He is everything.

Yes! That God is everything, He is the source... No!

"It should be said that the source is only a part of Him... After all, God is everything, and everything naturally also contains the source."Gu Dazi murmured, almost sleepwalking. At this moment, her spirit began to sublimate. A mysterious aura gradually emerged around her... The five-color brilliance lingered around her, revealing five kinds of completely different mysteries

"Demon, magician?!"Olga Marie felt dizzy. Although Olga Marie is a bit arrogant, her nature is actually kind. It can even be said that if we look at her according to the moral standards of a magician, then she can be canonized as a saint......

But even so, at this moment, Olga Marie's whole eyes are still red... She is really jealous! She also wants to look directly at the root, no, this is the baptism of the root? Well, even if she does not have the baptism of the root, she is simply It's okay to look directly at the root cause...

Olga Marie's emotions are too excited. She is obviously a soul body, but she feels that her blood is rushing to her head at this moment. She can't bear the stimulation and is about to faint...

Doctor Roman looked at her repeatedly. Gudazi, he was the King of Magic after all, he quickly figured out what was going on and said in a voiceless voice,"How could it be? He's not just a magician... Do these five kinds of light symbolize the five existing magics?!"

"It doesn't make sense. Can't a magic be possessed by only one person?"

Dr. Roman was in confusion. He felt that all the magic knowledge he had compiled during his time as the Magic King was all false... However, he glanced at the holy scene in the sky and imagined the sacred sight he had gazed at while reciting the superior sacrificial method. Existence...

He felt that it was no big deal.

Such an extremely great existence, no matter what unimaginable miracles it creates, is it natural, right?!

Deep in the Heavenly Palace.......Su Han looked puzzled. Although he has not yet merged the root law obtained by the sacrifice, this law already belongs to him after all... He used his divine power to let the root law slightly affect a person. There is no problem...

After thinking for a while, he narrowed his eyes slightly again. This time he no longer peeked through the obstacles in space to control the source law... He looked at the other side, which was as bright as the sun on the Law of Heroic Spirits.……

"Well, although there is no fusion, there is still no problem in using it for a short period of time."Su Han made a decision immediately, tapped his finger gently, and then spoke. The incomparable sacred voice once again sounded in the ears of many creatures at many singular points in time and space.

"Gudazi, you will save the world in the future, and your achievements will be engraved in human nature... In this case, then you can get the glory you deserve in advance."

Gudazi's pupils dilated, and the experience of another person she had glimpsed in her dream appeared naturally in her mind... Every bit, every drop, was very clear... Then, she Her aura increased sharply again, and her body had an extremely large spiritual reaction.

"……Heroic spirit! Is she transforming into a heroic spirit? Dr. Roman lost his voice for the second time, and finally reacted suddenly,"No, the heroic spirit is a dead existence, and has no potential to grow. However, she is still alive. She is a living heroic spirit, and she is also a living human being!" It combines the concepts of human beings and heroic spirits at the same time"

"Such a huge spiritual base... a crown? Maybe even higher! The Hall of Valor shouldn’t be able to carry...well, this was created by that god……"

"Wait a minute, this is forcibly moving the achievements of the future salvation to the present, creating a savior spiritual base... In the future, it will be much easier for Gudazi to save the world with the help of this spiritual base.……"

Not to mention anything else, a dragon slayer who kills a dragon will gain 0.9 characteristics against dragons after becoming a heroic spirit...

Then in the future, he will solve many blackened heroic spirits, pass through countless singularities, and even fight with many top heroic spirits. What will the Gudazi who has passed through the Temple of Crowns gain after becoming a heroic spirit?

That must be specifically aimed at the enemies along this route, and even at the characteristics of Goetia, the Demon God Pillar King!

What's even more frightening is that because Gudazi is still alive, if she goes through this salvation journey...and experiences more things later, then those glorious experiences of hers will continue to be engraved into human beings, and then fed back into her spirit base to make her stronger again……

"The spiritual base of the savior! Paired with the five major methods……"Dr. Roman was speechless.

He looked at the vast heavenly palace with reverence and fear.

God...how powerful and terrifying a savior have you created?

Your love for the world, your love for mankind...how deep and broad is it?!

If Dr. Roman once felt despair because the Human King Goetia was standing across the Temple of Time... then now, not only was all his worries gone... he even felt a little pity for the Human King Goetia. _To read the uncrossed version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP! Support

the original works of Faloo Novel Network (b.faloo.com).

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