Crown Time Temple.

This is a place separated from the world, mysterious, profound and terrifying.

Goetia sat high on the throne, his face was cold and ferocious, and there was a strange brilliance flashing in his eyes,"This voice suddenly appeared in my mind... And, Gudazi? Save the world in the future? Human reason!"

"Haha, human principles are destined to be burned to the ground! There is no hope for mankind... Do you want to save the world by crossing my body?"

"Come on then! Let me see who is so bold."

Goetia used clairvoyance. However, even with the highest level of clairvoyance, he could only see that there was a problem with the original singularity... but could not see what exactly was wrong...

That world seemed to Completely isolated from the outside world

"how come? Goetia reached out and touched his eyes, and his expression changed for the first time.

After pondering for a while, he murmured,"However, I remember that Leif seemed to have gone there... In that case.""

Goetia raised his palm, and the nine rings on it sparkled. He used the art of divine descent.


Burning the world of Fuyuki City.

Leif, who had been lying on the ground and doubting his life, was shaking violently at this moment. He seemed to sense something, and his face was full of enthusiasm," great God! You finally cast your gaze down."...Ah."

Leif let out a scream, and then his expression suddenly turned cold,"Is this this world? It doesn't look like much.……"

Goetia used Leif's body to look up at the direction of the sky. Clairvoyance was effective at this moment... but the moment his eyes entered the heaven...he didn't even know what he saw, but he felt severe pain in his brain.

"Ahhhh?!"Goetia let out a shrill scream. And Leif's body turned into blood mist with a bang.

At the same time, the Crown Time Temple.

Goetia was also screaming in shrill screams. It's not just him... Many demon pillars in the Temple of Crown Time were all spiritually connected to Goetia through contracts. They wanted to ask what happened... Then, they were all severely injured!

Goetia's body exploded and turned into blood mist.. The bodies of all the Demon God Pillars also exploded...

However, this is the Crown Time Temple after all.

As long as the Demon God Pillars are in this Temple of Time, they are immortal.

Soon, their bodies regenerated. Gathered together. The whole hall fell into silence for a long time.

Goetia sat on the throne, with a trace of paleness appearing on his devil-like cheeks. After being silent for a long time, he finally spoke, with a trembling voice. ,"Then...what on earth is that?"!"


Burning the world of Fuyuki City.

Gudazi finally digested what she had gained. She remained silent and kowtowed again without saying anything. Because she felt that with such a mighty gift from God, no matter what she said... it was not enough to express her inner gratitude.

God, on the other hand, also did not continue to say anything. King

Arthur calmly stared at Guda. She held the Sword of Victory in her hand and rose into the air. Then, he knelt in front of the Nantian Gate, tapped his forehead on the ground, and made no other movements.

Two brilliance as bright as the sun instantly rose into the sky and disappeared into another world. The void is constantly rippling. The majestic and sacred scene in the sky disappeared...

Fuyuki City was still burning. The sky was pitch black...everywhere he looked, it was a scene of world destruction.

But at this moment, there was no haze in Gudazi's heart. She clenched her fists and her fighting spirit was high.

She slowly came to Olga Marie and Matthew

"Senior...are we going to let the doctor operate the spirit transfer machine and then go back?"Ma Xiu said softly.

"Right, right! Dr. Roman suddenly woke up. There was still a daze on his face that had not completely dissipated."Now that it's solved... come back!" Sorry, I was too shocked before and didn't react for a moment... However, although Olga Marie's soul is much stronger, she can still transfer her soul in this state.……"

"Not that troublesome."Gudazi smiled gently. She stretched out her palms and placed them on Olga Marie and Matthew respectively. In a moment, the five major magics were activated.

The void was distorted, and she appeared in an instant and was barely repaired. In the good control room... Next to them were Doctor Roman and the Chaldean staff.

The scene was silent.

After a long time, the applause sounded, more and more...

Finally, everyone stood up , applauded fiercely. Their faces were filled with intense joy and emotion.


In the realm of gods.

Su Han looked at the outside of the Heavenly Palace with a subtle expression. King Arthur was still kneeling there and did not get up for a long time. And looking at it like this, she was still prepared to keep kneeling down

"this."Su Han didn't know what kind of expression he should show. He had only encountered Xun'er kneeling and taking a step forward before... At that time, he already thought Xun'er was slow, but he never expected that , I can actually meet a more stubborn person

"Sure enough, if you have been a god for a long time, you can encounter anything."Su Han complained. Then his expression condensed, and he waved his palm gently.

King Arthur felt a strange movement around him, and soon, she found herself in a sacred palace.

"……here it is?"King Arthur was stunned for a moment, then slowly raised his head, and saw Su Han with a smile on his face. At this moment, King Arthur felt that his heart had been penetrated, and it was difficult for her to describe her mood at the moment in words.... Even the pale face had a hint of crimson

"Get up! My Holy Spirit."Su Han's voice was gentle.

"Please forgive me for not obeying my orders!"King Arthur suddenly woke up, her expression returned to seriousness, and her voice was sonorous,"I am guilty. I actually attacked the chosen one of the gods in the world... This crime is blasphemy. It is an unforgivable crime."

"I beg God to send down divine punishment to punish me, a sinner! Let my soul find peace in your pure land."

Su Han's expression is still calm, but there are waves in his heart.

Can you still do this kind of operation? This kind of explanation? You have become a Holy Spirit, and you still think about this?!

Well, considering that in the original work of Xingyue, King Arthur was originally like this Her character is very stubborn...

Although she has become dark now, after the baptism of Su Han's divine power, King Arthur has converted to Su Han, and the extremely evil aspect of his character has been eliminated, which has turned her into a normal version. King Arthur is approaching.

Although compared to the normal version of King Arthur, this Arthur has completely abandoned the so-called chivalry.

Her honor, everything about her, has been dedicated to God. No matter what God wants to do She will do anything without hesitation. Because God is her justice and God is everything to her.

"If this is the case, then I will punish you... raise war horses! Take good care of the horses in this world. Su Han suddenly thought of Sun Wukong and smiled hoarsely,"By the way, you should live in the Tianqi Palace among the seventy-two palaces in the south.""

With a breath, King Arthur only felt a distortion in front of him. She had already appeared outside the palace. She stood outside the palace for a long time, finally kowtowed again, and then left. In fact, she still felt uneasy in her heart, even though she raised a horse It sounds a bit insulting... However, King Arthur thinks that this is not enough to atone for his sins. After she plans to complete God's instructions, she will come to ask for forgiveness.


Central Heavenly Palace.

Su Han suddenly fell into deep thinking,"Speaking of which... King Arthur won't follow in the footsteps of Yun Yun, Medusa and the others, right? Um.……"

After thinking about it, Su Han put the matter behind him. If he really comes from the same family, can he still refuse? This also disrespects the determination of the Holy Spirits when they made this decision.

But having said that... King Arthur now has the top spiritual base, which has transcended the limitations of the Moon World...

In other words, if she wants to, she can transform into different forms... such as Bai Dai, Gun Dai, and... She is currently in a state of darkness.……

"I always feel like she really comes to my door and keeps switching between several states... It will be very exciting then. Su

Han suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly,"Well, after what happened to Xun'er and the others, it's easier to think about this now... That's all, don't mention this, let's get down to business first."

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