As Su Han thought, several brilliant rays of light suddenly rose up beside him.

There are two of them, as bright as the sun... these are the Law of Origin and the Law of Heroic Spirits!

As for the last light that doesn't look very bright... it is the production method of the Hall of Valor.

Without hesitation, Su Han directly fused them. Suddenly, a large amount of information emerged in Su Han's mind.

The root contains all the mysteries and mysteries of the world of Xingyue. Therefore, after integrating the Law of Origin, Su Han can cast all kinds of magic in the moon world as long as he wants to.

Moreover, with the increase of the root law, Su Han can increase even the weakest fireball to the point where it can destroy the planet.

"I see! A little better than I expected, although not much better."Su Han nodded slightly. If this thing were given to a magician from the Moon World, it would definitely make him reach the sky in one step...

But for Su Han, who is a god himself, this can only be said to be a very interesting little trick.

"Compared with the Law of Roots, the Law of Heroes and the production of the Hall of Heroes... are interesting. Um? Wait a minute, can the Law of Origin also amplify the Law of Heroic Spirits? And if I create heroic spirits in the future, I can also use the Law of Origin to give the heroic spirits growth."

All the heroic spirits in the world of Xingyue are dead, so they cannot grow. Don't look at the different strengths of different professions, and in FGO, servants can upgrade if they meet certain special conditions...

However, Their upper limit is the heroic spirit body. Once they reach the point of the heroic spirit body, there is no progress.

But the Law of Roots complements each other... which makes the Hall of Heroes much more valuable to Su Han... and can continue to grow in the future!

Su Han Sitting in his seat, he savored it for a long time. Finally he stood up and took a step forward. Su Han appeared directly at the western edge of the heaven.

Although there were palaces here and there, they were uninhabited. Although it had a sacred charm, But very cold

"That's it."Su Han waved his hand, and ten refined iron mines, eight divine jade mines, and three immortal gold mines within ten thousand miles exploded. Tens of millions of tons of minerals floated to the sky..

Then, lightning flashed and thundered in the sky... Fire from the sky crashed down, burning them continuously and refining the impurities in them. In the end, only hundreds of thousands of tons of refined iron, divine jade, and fairy gold were left.

Brush With a sound, these top-quality materials broke through the void and appeared directly in the heaven, all floating in the sky in front of Su Han.

Then, Su Han stretched out his palm and pressed it down gently.

Hundreds of thousands Tons of mythical metal crashed to the ground, constantly reorganizing...

With just a few breaths, a majestic palace covered with dense and strange traces was cast.

Su Han drew his finger in the void, and dragons and phoenixes appeared above the palace. Three words, Hall of Valor

"alright."Su Han let out a long breath, and then walked into it. Although the Hall of Heroes is vast and vast, the internal structure is very strange... There are no living rooms in it, only spiritual tablets. These spiritual tablets are placed In the high halls, no names were written.

Yes, heroic spirits are people who have died.

Therefore, if you want a person to become a heroic spirit, let him record his name in the heroic spirit after death. At the spiritual place in the temple, his soul would naturally gather there.

Later, because Su Han had outlined the Law of Origin in it, the Law of Origin would naturally bless them.

This resulted in that as long as they were in the world before their death , there are still people who remember them, then they will naturally collect this kind of thought power to make themselves stronger.

"The Hall of Valor is much more useful than I thought."Su Han looked puzzled. He now understands.

The so-called Heroic Spirits Hall, the heroic spirits enshrined in it, are actually simplified versions of the Holy Spirit. They can also serve as Su Han's apostles... and they have become stronger through practice and have understood the secret. It will also be fed back into Su Han's body through the Hall of Heroes cast by Su Han. It doesn't seem like a big deal... but this actually greatly lowers the threshold for God's servants. For example, the Holy Spirit is basically They are God's reserves. They are the sons and daughters of the destiny of the world. This is why they are too rare! It is basically impossible for the middle god to have the Holy Spirit. If the god is lucky, how many can he have? However, the number of such lucky gods is extremely rare...

Only those who have reached the realm of gods can be considered relatively common to have the Holy Spirit, but not everyone has it...

According to statistics from ancient Eastern countries, the average is three to five Among the gods, one has the Holy Spirit... Yes, it is such an exaggeration. After all, there are only two in a world on average!

In comparison, although the heroic spirits are simplified versions, the requirements are not high. There is no need for a person of destiny... only It only takes a person who has made great achievements in the world, or a person who has a lot of luck, to be able to transform...

As he thought about it, Su Han suddenly realized something. His calm expression froze, and a trace of solemnity and dignity appeared in his pupils. Shocked,"No... I underestimated the value of the Hall of Valor!"

"The Hall of Valor construction technology and the Heroic Spirit conversion technology are priceless. Perhaps it can be worth trillions of rays of faith to the outside world... No, it may be more. This is an important weapon of the country!"

Su Han was trembling in his heart.

Yes, if this Hall of Heroes construction technology spreads, the middle gods can go to the crystal wall system, search for the world, and then cultivate their own heroic spirits... Everyone can have a few of the upper gods. Ten heroic spirits, not to mention the gods...

What does this mean?

This means that the entire pantheon of gods will benefit from this method.

"I saw people bragging about me online before, saying that I could rival Newton and Einstein. In fact, I was just looking at it, and I didn’t feel confident mentally."

"Because I actually relied on the chat group to increase the thousand-fold amplification system to get to this point in such a short period of time. I may surpass them in strength in the future, but that's just strength."

Su Han closed his eyes. He had a very clear understanding of himself in his heart.

Why was he able to make such huge waves in the real world after surpassing Newton and Einstein?

Because Newton created the world of modern physics. Tao, this at least allowed the Western pantheon to have millions more gods in modern times... Yes, these gods followed the path pioneered by Newton, constantly extended the branches of this path, and then created their own Follow your own path, and then prove the Tao.

The ancient Eastern countries have always followed a pure philosophical system of theology, for example, the mind is the representative of this aspect. The way of modern physics, the Eastern theology was a few hundred years later...

This is directly This led to the strong strength of the Western pantheon... Even a hundred or two hundred years ago, the West used the ocean divine boat to open the divine door... suppressed the Eastern pantheon and humiliated it wantonly... Until the country was re-established a hundred years ago, the god leaders of that generation They gritted their teeth, gritted their bones, and made up lessons bit by bit... Only then did the Eastern God System catch up again.

But it was just catching up, and the gap between the two sides in the number of gods was still too big... After all, the East is developing, and the West is also developing...

This is the possibility of a young god who has stepped into the realm of the first god at a young age!

Creating a path can help the entire pantheon of gods prosper, and even in the next few years Millions of gods will appear within a hundred years... allowing one god system to dominate the world of gods!

"The manufacturing technology of Hall of Valor is even less valuable than the modern physics pioneered by Newton. At least it will not be lower in value than the theory of relativity pioneered by Einstein...maybe higher"

".He may not let the ancient eastern country have millions more gods in the future! But he can make the ancient Eastern countries start from the middle gods, and the strength of the gods in each realm will be greatly increased, far surpassing the gods in the West who have not built the Hall of Valor at the same stage!"

Su Han's eyes were blazing. He paced repeatedly on the spot and finally exhaled,"Okay, when I break through to the gods, maybe I can consider writing a divine book! Proposed the theory of making Hall of Valor."

Only relying on this theory, Su Han can have a status that can directly catch up with Einstein in the academia of the gods. This is very important! Very important.

With that status, Su Han will truly sit back and relax, even if the Western theology In the future, he realized that he was a threat and wanted to send the Lord God and even the Ancestral God to attack him. The ancient Eastern countries would also fully protect him and even go to war with other gods for him!

Moreover, Su Han could also have huge wealth because of this.

After all, The theory is put forward, will others buy your book? Although Su Han has countless power of faith through a thousand-fold increase, people can still think that the power of faith is small.become?

Besides, a theory is just a theory. If you want to truly learn the casting of the Hall of Heroes, don't you have to learn from Su Han?

"The world of gods also has academic patent laws similar to those in the previous life... If I apply for a patent, every Eastern god who casts the Hall of Valor will have to hand over the power of faith to me... The billions of gods in the ancient Eastern countries can at least provide I gained trillions of rays of power of faith!"

Of course, only the Eastern gods can learn!

The West? Haha, why did you block the modern physics academic system from us (Wang Qianzhao), how can we block it back now! The more

Su Han thinks about it, the happier he is.

Status, Fame, wealth, importance...all can be possessed through this technology.

And the announcement of this news will have no impact on Su Han...Su Han didn't go to the crystal wall system to work hard to find the world, and then create heroic spirits...

Chat group The many worlds inside are his pasture of faith, the pasture of heroic spirits!

"There are only advantages and no disadvantages! Su Han was filled with emotion,"Damn it, I never thought that the chat group Century could actually get me this for free.""

"But... just be patient, I will soon be able to break through the gods."Su Han rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

Newton and Einstein, they all came up with their own theories only after reaching the realm of gods...

Although these gods have already walked their own path, they are only prototypes. Gods It is only in its preliminary form... Only at this stage is it qualified to spread.

Although Su Han's technology has taken shape and can be spread at any time, he still tries to dress up like the geniuses of the same age in history!

He is too genius, and he is easy to suffer. People are jealous... She is so beautiful in the forest!

Although Su Han knew it himself... He was actually lying to himself. After all, he broke through to the gods a few days later... Damn, this continued to set a new record for the earliest age to set foot in the gods.

Then, he came up with the Hall of Valor theory... Damn it, I really can’t hide it even if I want to!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP!

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