Liu Peiqiang:"……This video is a bit scary. All the humans on the earth have been burned to death. Do you want to travel through time and save humanity?

Liu Peiqiang:"Wucao, is this worse than my place?" Ye

Hei:"It's not bad to travel through time... Oh my god, you don't use scientific means to travel through time, but use magic methods?"!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Routine operation! They all sit down."

Great Qin Zulong:"I am still very strange... How did you join the religion? You act like this, making this group of people in the group only want to spread the gospel of God... It's like punching cotton, it's very frustrating.-"

Liu Peiqiang:"Having said suddenly occurred to me that the Evil King's first sentence when he joined the group chat was to believe in religion. -emmm㐈…"

Yao Lao:"Lord God: Very good, you are very conscious! I like it very much."

Chen Xiaoyu:"It's scary."

Gu Dazi:"Hey, hey, actually, I have been diving since I joined the chat group before. In fact, I don’t really believe in the existence of gods, but I think this is just a trap! It’s specially designed to trick me."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"……It seems that the world view of your world is darker?"

The strongest man's deputy:"No, no, no... Is this basic vigilance? Miss Huang Rong, I feel that your world is full of sunshine... Or maybe you are protected too well by your father?"

The deputy of the most powerful man:"You have become the emperor now, so you can't be cruel. Ye Hei:"

Speaking of cruelty... Please allow me to introduce to you the great purge skills of the northern power!" After clicking this point, my parents no longer have to worry about the corruption of my dynasty!"

Liu Peiqiang:"……Yes, it is true that they are no longer corrupt and they are all killed. Mr. Steel's iron-blooded ferocity is no less than that of Zhu Yuanzhang……"

Prince Zhu family:"……"

Prince Zhu:"Originally, I didn't know who Gang Gang was, but I figured it out when you mentioned grandpa.……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Steel... is not the same as Zhu Yuanzhang, right? But in terms of pure murder, it may be more than Zhu Yuanzhang."

The prince of the Zhu family:"!!!"

Zhu Gaochi was shocked. More ruthless than his grandfather?!

Liu Peiqiang:"This is something that can't be helped... After all, science and technology has developed and people's living standards have improved, but the killing efficiency of weapons has also improved. Not to mention, the impact of steel is like a meat grinder. -war……"

Ye Hei:"The topic has gone a bit far? Miss newcomer, can you continue to talk about the situation on your side?"

Gudazi:"emmm... It's actually very simple, it's that my side has encountered a crisis of annihilation. Then God Let me see my future!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"?"

Great Qin Zulong:"??"

Gudazi:"It was an extremely sad future, and I paid an extremely heavy price to move forward... At that time, I was already grateful to God from the bottom of my heart. He gave me a new possibility."

Guda Zi:"But then, I sacrificed to God! God gave me immeasurable grace... That was power, enough to achieve my goal, to defeat all the strong men who wanted to destroy the world, and to save me the power to save everything.……"

Gudazi:"At this time, I am willing to give everything. Body, soul, and even more things, as long as I want! You can take them all." The deputy of the strongest man:" I suspect you are doing it……"Kang Liu Peiqiang:"Yes, I am very sure, this is in GHS!" ah! No...I didn't mean that. I just expressed my respect and love for God! After reacting

, Gudazi's cheeks turned red for a moment.

Ye Hei:"Understood!" I understand exactly what you mean. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"You know a hammer... you are a bad coward who is afraid of chaos in the world."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Since you sacrificed to God and saved your world...then, can you upload the video of the sacrifice?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Yes, I'm very curious! That, and...since God has allowed you to see your future? Your future videos should also be extracted, right? Yao

Lao:"Yes...this should be no problem." The videos in the chat group can directly extract memories from your own mind!

Gudazi:"The former one is no problem, but the latter one... bastard!" This involves a lot of my privacy, so I have to respect the self-esteem of a girl.

Ye Hei:"Wouldn't it be better if the privacy is blocked?" Anyway, it was edited according to your ideas.

Gudazi:"That's it... okay!" Then I'll give it a try."

Soon, Gudazi sent two new videos.

Su Han raised his eyebrows and chose Zai. Of course, it goes without saying that Gudazi's future videos will be... This is Su Han Combining the games he played in his previous life and using his divine power to deduce the future of that world, the result... is

99% authentic.

Because he already understood it, Su Han took a second look at it and threw it away. , I chose to watch the scene of my own trance. Conventionally... There is indeed a big difference between looking at this from the perspective of God and from Gudazi's perspective...

Especially when Gudazi is in the first person, The despair of wanting to save Mashu but not being able to be saved was well exaggerated. Also, facing the dilemma, he finally chose to sacrifice to the gods to break the situation with his own strength...

Su Han seemed to have a different flavor at the moment.

Ye Hei :"……"

Great Qin Zulong:"?!"

The strongest man's deputy:"Oh my God... That world, this, is it too scary?!"

The strongest man's deputy:"Especially that Demonic Pillar……Can't even be beaten to death! If the doctor were not willing to sacrifice and die together, it is impossible to imagine how to solve the problem.


Yehei:"Doctor, you died so miserably." (Weeping loudly.jpg)"

Great Qin Zulong:"The five great laws... I don't understand this. But it looks like it's very powerful?

Gudazi:"Let's put it this way, the five great laws symbolize the five highest magical mysteries in our world." As long as you possess it and become a magician, you will be the most powerful person in our world!

Gudazi:"For example, the gem man is in charge of the second method, the infinite parallel world interference method... He can freely travel through parallel time and space if he wants to." And when fighting, you can draw unlimited energy from parallel worlds!

Gudazi:"The biggest miracle he created... was to block the moon projected by Zhu Yue, the King of True Ancestors.""

The Immortal Evil King:"……Moon, moon?!"

Shi Zhixuan swallowed his saliva. You told him a lot about parallel worlds and unlimited extraction of energy... He didn't have much idea about this.


But when you say you can block the moon with your bare hands...he will understand!

What incredible power is this? I can’t even think about it!

And this is only one of the five great laws... Gudazi obtained all five great laws. He is truly worthy of being a god... No.

Shi Zhixuan woke up suddenly, his eyes suddenly expanded, and he spoke quickly.

Immortal Evil King:"Wait, according to the information in that video... Gudazi, it seems that he just glanced at his true form! Has he become so powerful?"

Ye Hei:"???"

Ye Hei:"Wucao... I thought about it for a while, and it seems to be true. (Everyone was shocked.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Wait a minute, I also saw the true form of God. In my world, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of people saw the true form of God... Although they couldn't see clearly, they couldn't see directly. Look...but Miss Gudazi didn't look directly at the true face of God!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Why don't I control any of the five great magics?!"

Gudazi:"Because you are not a magician.."

Chen Xiaoyu:"I burst into tears.jpg. I suddenly felt that I had lost 100 million."

Ye Hei:"Damn, you already have the Eight Immortals to protect your body. What more five great methods do you need? I have never I have seen someone as shameless as you. (Envy makes me twisted.jpg)"

The strongest man's deputy:"By the way, can't Mr. Ye also be able to hammer the moon with his bare hands? What are you envious of?"

Immortal Evil King:"???"


The Crown Prince of the Zhu family:"The people in this group look more ordinary than the others... But when they reveal their strength and feet, they are more terrifying than the others."

Great Qin Zulong:"They are all gifts from God! It's nothing."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Yes, if I have to say it, I can only say... Lord Shangshen, the eternal God!! (Broken Sound.jpg) Great"_Please read the unlined version of the novel by Zai Fei Lu Novel APP! Support

Feilu XiaoNet ( original works, all

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