Su Han took out his divine phone, glanced at the time, and then pulled out the class schedule,"Well, in half an hour... there will be a world upgrade class? Huh?" This course seems interesting!"

Su Han thought for a moment, then checked online and found that the World Upgrading Course was very popular. Moreover, this course is an old skill of Jinling Shenming Academy... Let alone the East, even if you look at the whole world, it is still at a level that can only compete with three.

"Then continue taking this course later."

After all, the name is quite interesting... Not to mention, Su Han has a vague feeling that this course may be very useful to him. The feeling of God is not a false illusion, but may be truly specified. A corner of the future

"But before that, let’s talk about the Hall of Valor first."Su Han organized his language and entered the chat group to speak.

God:"There are many devout believers in the group! I feel so relieved that I specially created and promulgated the divine law!"

God:"If everyone in the world is a devout believer and prays to me, the kingdom of God on earth can be transformed. The person who sacrifices is upgraded to"Six Four Three" and belongs to my gods, holding high the Kingdom of God! The residents of the Kingdom of God on earth are protected by me and will be protected from all calamities and will never be destroyed."

God:"If the number of believers in the vast world exceeds 90%, we will create world faith! Achieve great achievements! Then after death, you can ascend to my Kingdom of God, achieve the Holy Spirit, and be with me."

God:"If it were an ordinary world, my devout believers who made meritorious deeds and left their names in the world... could also be promoted to my divine kingdom, become heroic spirits, and be with the divine realm."

At this moment, the entire chat group fell into a brief silence. Then, it completely exploded.

Ye Hei:"!!!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Master Shangshen has spoken!!"

Yao Lao:"Greetings to Master Shangshen, I offer you my most sincere greetings and prayers."

Gudazi:"May your glory envelope me forever! Supreme! The most holy, my Lord and Father."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Wow, Lord God, the followers of the Creation God Religion that I founded have exceeded 100 million! Thirty million of them are foreign...that, you Wouldn't it be very repulsive to foreigners to protect Yanhuang? If you are repellent, I will take away their religious membership soon."

The prince of the Zhu family said:"?"

Liu Peiqiang:"Are you sure you let people in first and then kick them out? And this religion is truly divine... really won't hit those people hard and make them commit suicide afterwards?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"……Of course I'm afraid, it's scary to think about this kind of thing. But there is no way, God’s will is absolute! God

:"Gods, humans, and even beasts, if they believe in me, I will give them peace and divine grace!" Ascend to my kingdom after death! If you don’t believe me, let him be. Those who blaspheme me will lose their souls and will never be reincarnated."

Great Qin Zulong:"!!!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Understood... I will increase my efforts now! No matter which country, we will accept all people. As long as they are pious!"

Ye Hei:"The God is awesome! Look at the spirit of the God, he has never been strong. -Forcing others to believe in religion, but it also saves all living beings, regardless of men, women, old or young, humans, animals, gods or demons... But this is precisely the charm of the Creation God's religion."

The strongest man's deputy:"Finally, Don’t worry... My father and my brothers must be regarded as the ones who left their names in the world! As long as they are pious, then they will be with me in the future and follow the gods." Kong-. Immortal Evil King:"……".The Second Immortal Evil King:"Oh my god... a devout believer who has made great achievements and left a name in the world, can he be promoted to your country and live forever?" The

Immortal Evil King:"Then I meet this requirement now.."

Shi Zhixuan looked dull, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

Eternal life, what a fascinating word? It made all the princes and generals crazy about it, and even the trigger for the demise of many dynasties was related to this...

However, it happened so suddenly... Shi Zhixuan knew that now he could live forever. This kind of surprise was so great that it overwhelmed him for a moment and made his mind go blank.

Miaomushan Immortal:"It's embarrassing... God said so many things, but you only remember the last sentence?!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Yes, the first sentence is the strongest. To build the Kingdom of God on earth, everything in the Kingdom of God will be destroyed." Immortality."

Liu Peiqiang:"This is God. He said a long time ago that he is with everything he cherishes... No, this is even more terrifying than what God said. Because this is not just what you cherish. , even those you don’t value, just know, or even don’t know, can still be with you."

Da Qin Zulong:"The first sentence is indeed the strongest. It belongs to gods... and is also a god. I have decided to get closer to this goal. I want to become a god! I want to be with Qin!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I am different... I feel that I have no hope in the first and second place."

Chen Xiaoyu imagined her The corners of the mouths of the huge population in this world are twitching wildly.

Gudazi:"I think...well, the only people left in this world are me and the people from Chaldea. If it is based on this standard, then I will probably be the first to build the Kingdom of Earth, right?""

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

The strongest man’s deputy:"???"

Su Han's expression also became extremely wonderful at this moment. Damn, what Gudazi said seems to be correct.

Gudazi:"You're kidding, this is not a game. How can I dare to exploit bugs under God's watchful eye? Not to mention, this is God's favor. Blindly exploring bugs is too much, obscene- It's a violation of God's good intentions."

Gudazi:"I'd better save the world honestly first, and then preach honestly."

Ye Hei:"I think I...well, there is no hope. Damn it. , After thinking about it, I haven’t even stepped out of a corner of the Eastern Wilderness in my missionary work... I can’t help but have the urge to cry."

Great Qin Zulong:"Pull me down, your world is a world of immortal cultivation! Even if you don't go up, Given the gift of God, it is not impossible for you to live for a long time."

Ye Hei:"Forget it, there are no immortals in this world, and there is no way to live forever. The ancient emperors only had 20,000 years plus the elixir, so counting on this life span...I might as well beg God to grant him grace. The experience of Qin Shihuang has fully told me that a little bit of life lost between the fingers of applause is calculated on a ten thousand basis."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said:"Perhaps you really couldn't do it before. Become an immortal! However, you who believe in this god have infinite possibilities."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"If immortals existed in your history, there is no reason why you, who believe in gods, are weaker than them! But if there are no immortals in your history, , I believe that under the gaze of God, you can also create something from scratch and embark on a path of immortality."

Ye Hei:"……Been taught a lesson."

The most powerful man's deputy:"I always feel... Ye Hei may not be suitable for preaching."

The deputy of the most powerful man:"Look, how about you train someone in that world yourself and let him preach! Just keep getting stronger.

Ye Hei:" Huh?"! (Alert.jpg)",

Ye Hei:"Am I sick? Cultivate individuals and let them grab God’s grace with me!"

Great Qin Zulong:"!!!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"It's terrible. What he said is unexpectedly reasonable!"

Ye Hei:"However, we should really consider it... Alas, although I am reluctant to part with it, God's mission is the most important thing. (Hug) I have a headache and cry.jpg)"

Su Han stared at the chat group with a subtle expression and muttered in his heart. The difficulty of building the earthly kingdom is beyond imagination... According to 2.4's eyes, none of the members of the chat group can do it in a short time... except for the loophole method Gudazi mentioned.

Of course, this is only for a short time. For example, Ying Zheng is full of's obviously not because he thinks he can complete it in a short time. But the key problem is that Yingzheng's lifespan is too long. A lifespan of ten thousand years is enough for him to continue his layout, enough to change the whole world for thousands of generations... How can a thousand generations of preaching prevent the earth from turning into earth? The kingdom of God?!

The other people are almost the same...well, except for Ye Hei who is real. There is no way, the world is too big!

And even if Su Han shows mercy, one planet counts as one world. It's not easy for him to just preach in Beidou...

What's more, what if all the practitioners in Beidou are really convinced? Don't forget that there are still a bunch of old and immortal Self-Death Gods waiting for Ye Hei to brush in the Forbidden Land of Life.

He shook his head and thought about it in his mind, it was almost time. Su Han immediately turned his attention away from the chat room, stretched his body, and said,"I'm going to school."

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