Mount Tai is majestic and majestic.

At this moment, Taishan has been blocked by the dense Qin cavalry. There were believers of the Creation God Religion who came voluntarily one by one, carrying the stones to build the altar with enthusiasm, and climbed up Mount Tai little by little.

This is not a mandatory requirement of Yingzheng.

In fact, Ying Zheng was planning to use criminals from the beginning. But no one would have imagined that after he publicly announced that he would offer sacrifices to the gods on Mount Tai, a large number of people in the Qin Dynasty went crazy.

Believers in Xianyang City, as well as those from the Creation God Sect near Xianyang, entered the city one by one, and then knelt down in front of Xianyang Palace... They unanimously prayed to Yingzheng, and they would cast the altar!

Just because they feel... this is a huge honor for them!

After much hesitation, Ying Zheng agreed. The Creation God Religion is extremely important to Ying Zheng... because Ying Zheng now serves as the Pope of the Creation God God Religion. This position greatly eased the hostility towards him from the remaining people of the six countries who believed in the God of Creation.

Common beliefs are indeed a good way to eliminate hatred, assimilate the remaining people of the six countries, and establish national recognition!

And the reason why Ying Zheng hesitated was also because of this. The status of the Creation believers in his heart was no worse than that of the old Qin people who shed their lives and blood for the Great Qin... He was afraid that the believers would suffer heavy casualties.

After all, the labor intensity of building this kind of altar, and it was a very large-scale altar designed by himself, was basically equivalent to building the Great Wall of tens of kilometers.

Of course, Ying Zheng had to admit it after he tested it several times. As long as they take care of the food, these believers will work harder and harder! Not life-threatening at all.

After all, believers recite the superior sacrificial method in their free time, and get feedback from the gods. If they are injured, they will be healed, and if they are not injured, they will become stronger.

Even as the news spread, more and more believers gathered in Mount Tai, looking forward to seeing the god on that day... A rough calculation, there are no less than hundreds of thousands.

In response, Ying Zheng issued an order: as long as order is maintained and no disturbance is caused. Others follow them.

In an inn at the foot of Mount Tai.

Yan Dan, whose whole body was wrapped in a black robe, stared at the thieves in front of him and said solemnly,"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Daozhi gritted his teeth, his expression extremely ugly,"Miss Duanmu, was captured by that tyrant political faction! According to rumors, it is very likely that she will be sent to the altar as a tribute to the evil god"

"shut up!" Yan Dan's expression changed slightly. He stared at Robber Zhi closely, with a hint of coldness on his face,"You should remember what I said... We are anti-Qin and not anti-God!"

"The Creation God Religion has millions of followers... and what's even more frightening is that it's still growing rapidly! There is no doubt that it is only a matter of time before the number of believers reaches tens of millions."

"Not to mention that the God of Creation is real and possesses infinite power... In simple terms, when we say bad things about God and those believers hear it, they will really come up with knives and fight us to death! If the guards of the Qin Dynasty are disturbed by this, everything will be over."

"but!"Taizhi opened his mouth, hesitated several times, but finally let out a long sigh. His face was full of decadence and weakness.

Yan Dan let out a breath, and he glanced at Master Xu, Master Ban and others at the scene. He said softly,"This time, our goal is to kill Ying Zheng! However, the sacrifice cannot stop... It is best for us to lead this sacrifice after the attack on Ying Zheng! Obtain God's favor and approval."

Yan Dan's eyes shone with an inexplicable luster. He is a tyrant and a devout believer in God! We, the six royal families, also have people who are devout and believe in God!" Tai"The tyrant is willing to let everyone in the world believe in gods, then, In the new dynasty after the destruction of the Qin Dynasty, in those countries after enfeoffment, the royal family also allowed the people to believe in gods... We even did better than the tyrants!"

"This is not an exchange! It’s not about coercing God or anything. Yan Dan glanced at everyone present one by one and said calmly,"But we want God to know that we, the survivors of the Six Dynasties, are qualified to pursue a better life!" And this is just a battle between His believers!"

"What are our chances of winning at this time?" Master Ban said in a hoarse voice,"You should know that at this time, there are tens of thousands of Qin Dynasty warriors gathered in Mount Tai."

"We have contacted Yan Lu and Zhang Liang from Confucianism. Although they made it clear that Confucianism would not get involved, they would! Moreover, there is also the Human Sect of Taoism... Even Chu Nangong of the Yin and Yang family also expressed a lot to us in a subtle way.……"

"However, I heard that the tyrant’s government received divine favor for the first time! A lifetime of cultivation will carry out ancient and modern times! Master Xu could not help but hesitate,"And this time there are people from the Yin and Yang family coming."……"

"This time, several girls from the Yin Yang family were sacrificed. I don’t believe that the Yin and Yang family has no objection to the tyrant government... We can use Chu Nan Gong to divide them." After a pause, Yan Dan sneered,"As for Ying Zheng's strength being unparalleled? How is this possible? If he is so strong, why doesn't he just kill the top martial arts master? To rectify one's reputation."

Although Master Xu still had some doubts, seeing people like this at the scene were convinced, his lips twitched, and in the end he could only sigh and say nothing.

The people of the Mo family didn't know... Their chat records were placed on Ying Zheng’s desk twenty minutes later.

"Anti Qin, not God!" Ying Zheng murmured these five words softly and smiled dumbly,"It's really interesting."

Suddenly, Zhao Gao, who was serving beside him, shook his body and knelt on the ground with a plop, his voice trembling,"Your Majesty... those are just a group of fanatics with whims!" You are the God of Creation’s chosen one in the world! How can they compare to your position in the heart of God?"

"Calm down your anger...have a sip of tea! But you must not let your body get angry because of them."

Zhao Gao feels that something is not right recently. He is obviously serving Ying Zheng as always, but now, Ying Zheng looks at him with a cold look from time to time, and he is usually far less trusting than before... It's like , being alert and thinking about how to deal with him...

Therefore, Zhao Gao is now becoming more and more cautious in his words and deeds.

"No, no, no, I am just happy for them."The corner of Ying Zheng's lips curled up, and he said leisurely,"What could be more worthy of making me happy than...seeing that the enemy also believes in my god and fears my god?"

"Well, perhaps only the great Qin cavalry that conquered the Mauryan Dynasty in the far south can be compared with it. Zhao

Gao silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Ying Zheng turned to look at his eldest son Fusu, and said in a calm voice,"Taishan Fengchan, how are the preparations going?""

"all the best! In three hours, it will be time for sacrifices"

".This time, more than 300,000 believers came from various regions and gathered around Mount Tai! They will recite the superior sacrificial method together when you are making offerings."

"In addition, there should be a minimum of five million and a maximum of seven million believers in temples in various places... chanting the sacrificial method when you perform sacrifices."

Fusu paused for a moment, frowning slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he knelt down on the ground and said respectfully,"My dear father, I beg you! Don’t use human sacrifices as human sacrifices! This way is really harmful to the harmony of heaven and earth and is not tolerated by the world. Ying

Zheng stared at Fusu calmly and said indifferently,"Did the Confucian people tell you?" Haha, you should have your own thoughts"

"In this kind of national festival, I don't want to kill people and make the whole festival bloody. God will not be satisfied with this either... Although there are living sacrifices in this sacrifice, it is to allow them to ascend to the Kingdom of God and serve the God! immortality"

"Fusu, if you were not my son, but my daughter... maybe I would let you go with me."

Fusu's pupils suddenly dilated, and he fell into silence for a long time.

""Your Majesty," Zhao Gao showed a flattering smile,"Taoist Xiao Meng, Yin Yang Family, Shao Siming, Da Siming, and Moon God are all willing to serve the gods in heaven."

"The daughter of Yan Dan, Gao Yue... Oh no, she should be the disciple of the Moon God, Ji Ru Qianlong, and now she is also devoted to the god under the Moon God's means. And (De Nuo) you are focusing on the girl named Yu. Her current name seems to be Shi Lan? If it weren't for the fact that you asked us to follow the descendants of that family, it would be really difficult for us to find it."

Zhao Gao said respectfully,"Of course, there is also Duan Murong from the Mo family."

"Please rest assured! Our God’s gifts are endless and his love is generous. Anyone who recites the sacrificial ritual will show respect and love to our God. If they knew the truth about this living sacrifice, they would have no reason to refute. Ying

Zheng nodded slightly and asked again,"Then are they still pure?" This is very important!"

"This is inevitable." Zhao Gao's face instantly became serious and cold,"Xiao Meng, Moon God, Shao Siming, Da Siming, needless to say! Their contact with men is extremely poor. That Gao Yue is just a child, how can he know how to love?"

"Shi Lan seems to be childhood sweethearts with Xiang Shaoyu? There is nothing we can do about this. After all, that’s why we found her... However, Shi Lan’s relationship with Xiang Shaoyu is still a friendship. I have personally warned this, and it has been confirmed by the lunar nerve test.……"

"And now we have secretly killed Xiang Shaoyu... Therefore, Shi Lan is pure from mind to body."

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