"That's good."Ying Zheng nodded slightly, and soon he began to read other information. Looking at the information about the anti-Qin alliance members one after another, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He had two purposes. One, By using the power of worshiping gods, it was further determined that the Creation God Religion would be the state religion of the Qin State, allowing more people of the Six Kingdoms to believe in the God.

Secondly, Yingzheng could also gather together those die-hard people who were not convinced by the Qin Dynasty. He won the battle and imprisoned and assimilated those who were not die-hard anti-Qin people.

If everything goes according to his plan, then after today, Great Qin will have no internal worries. It can be fully mobilized as a fighting machine, build ships, and expedition to South Asia. and the Roman Empire.

Time passed quickly.

Soon, it was time for the official sacrifice.

Ying Zheng, wearing a black dragon robe, walked to the top of Mount Tai. Because he gave the order not to stop him, Mount Tai was crowded with people at this time..

However, these people who gathered around were very quiet. They raised their heads with excitement and looked up in the direction of the top of Mount Tai. Many people simply closed their eyes, lowered their heads, and prayed devoutly. Finally,

Ying Zheng came to the altar. A cold voice suddenly sounded,"Tyrant, suffer death!"

Gao Jianli, who had been lurking in the crowd for a long time, took action at this moment. He had prepared for this opportunity for several hours, and once he took action at this moment, it was a decisive blow...

Because Ying Zheng did not stop others from climbing, it directly led to the number of people on the top of Mount Tai. There are quite a few, and many of them are civilians.

It is naturally easy for everyone in the Mohist family to blend in.

Ying Zheng's face did not change, he simply released his surging inner power.

Gao Jianli's pupils suddenly expanded, and his heart was shaken. At this moment , it was even difficult for him to get within ten steps of Ying Zheng, as if there was... a wall of air in front of him!

With a crisp sound, Gao Jianli shot out like a cannonball and hit the stone. Smoke and dust were scattered in all directions. Gao Jianli's face changed. Pale, with blood bleeding from the corners of his mouth. At this moment, he smashed a huge crater with a radius of ten meters, and all the bones and meridians in his body were broken by the terrifying shock wave... The reason why he has not died now is only because of his strong internal strength and forced to continue. He is full of energy

"You, how could you?"Gao Jianli spoke intermittently, spitting out large mouthfuls of blood with every word, and there were even fragments of internal organs.

At this time, the masters of the Anti-Qin Alliance who were still hiding in the crowd were all silent. Their faces were horrified. Staring at the Emperor of Qin.

Within ten steps, the inner strength condensed into substance!

Even a slight tremor caused an expert to hit him to death... What kind of unbelievable cultivation is this?!

Even if they tried to exhaust all the family and sect classics I can't think of any records in the world, but which peerless master in history had such shocking methods?

"It seems that except for you... everyone else has temporarily given up on killing others?"Ying Zheng's voice was calm, and his eyes flashed across the faces of everyone at the scene one by one.

It turned out that many civilians looked panicked and angry when they saw the assassination.

Even though many of them were not from the old Qin, Ying Zheng was the same He is also their pope. When the sacrifice is about to be held, the pope dies. Will this make the god angry? No longer care for common people like them?!

When thinking of this, these survivors of the Six Kingdoms looked at Gao Jianli, with eyes Only hatred was left. Intermittent roars came, gradually intertwined together, and turned into a raging public opinion.

"Kill them!"

"Drag out all those who disrespect the Pope and God! Killing, blood sacrifice."

Xun" The God of Creation is eternal! Long live our emperor, long live the sage.

Noisy voices sounded. This surge of public opinion made the Mo family, farmers, and even the Xiang clan hidden in the crowd feel chilled from the bottom of their hearts..They are even a little confused. Even after losing the support of people everywhere, can they really still be able to shake the Qin Dynasty, this terrifying monster?

Especially at the critical moment when it is confirmed that Yingzheng's own power is truly unmatched in the world... he cannot kill this tyrant! You can't shake Tianyi!

No more support from the people! Even if they kill the tyrant, it will still be difficult for them to overthrow the Qin Dynasty.

"calm down!"Ying Zheng raised his palm and pressed it down gently.

Suddenly, all the people at the scene were silent. They stared at Ying Zheng quietly, with respect and doubt in their eyes.

Ying Zheng's expression remained the same as before. , he said softly,"I know you are here! I know you are looking at me. You even still have in your hands the great killing weapon stolen from the Qin Dynasty!"

"You may think that maybe martial arts masters can't kill Ying Zheng, but those powerful killing weapons can certainly"

"It's all up to you! You can use a variety of weapons, and you can also fight around and fight! Today is your only chance to kill me... although I don't think you can really succeed."

"Anti Qin, not God! really good."Ying Zheng said leisurely,"I originally wanted to kill all of you, but these five words changed my mind.……"

"Why not, I will give you a new choice.

After a short pause, Ying Zheng continued to speak,"Let it go, no longer resist Qin, and worship the god piously!" I am willing to tolerate you, and I also ask you... to integrate into Da Qin under the gaze of God! Join me and pray devoutly to God!"

After the words fell, Ying Zheng turned around. He completely ignored the killers hiding among the people and waved his hands.

Suddenly, the Xianyang Palace maids in palace maid uniforms led one after another in costumes. The beautiful woman walked up to the altar.

A certain corner on the top of Mount Tai.

The crowd here was sparse, and the Mohists gathered here.

"……Miss Duanmu."The thief stared at one of them closely, clenched his fists tightly, and could not help but rush forward several times. But Yan Dan held him firmly at the side and did not allow him to move. At this time, Yan Dan saw Ji Ruqiantaki in the crowd, and there was a deep gloom in his eyes. However, his strong self-control allowed him to shift his gaze and look at Ying Zheng's back.

"……Giant!"Thief Zhi almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"Do you want to die? Yan Dan had completely calmed down and said coldly,"Moreover, didn't you notice that the faces of those women... didn't show any rejection at all?""

"Duan Murong, I never thought that that kind of longing would appear on her face."

"That must be because she was forced to recite the sacrificial method for the deceased! I have long said that it is evil... cholera mind."The thieves were indignant.

Master Xu looked at them coldly and said softly,"Rebel against Qin but not against God...Then why, great master, do you have a strict order not to recite the sacrificial method?"

"You giant, how long will you continue to be stubborn? How long will you continue to lie to yourself?"

Taizhi's body paused. He suddenly turned his head and stared at Master Xu. He realized something, and there was surprise and disbelief in his eyes.

After a brief silence, Yan Dan stared closely. Master Xu,"You… violated the ban?"

"Yes, I've had enough of playing house with you here. Master Xu said calmly,"I used to be loyal to the Mohist family, but one day, while reciting the sacrificial method, I caught a glimpse of the supreme and holy figure of the god. I figured it out……"

"How insignificant is everything in this world compared with the incalculable and immeasurable God of creation? How ridiculous is our Mohist idea of ​​anti-Qin?"

"Save the world and the people? However, with the spread of the Creation God Religion and the reforms of Qin Emperor Yingzheng, the people have become better and better! Our Mohist ideal has been achieved"

"So that day, I handed over to the Qin Dynasty."The corners of Xu Master's mouth curled up slightly. He looked at the shocked, angry and disbelieving people at the scene and said calmly,"Unexpected, right? We... no, I should say you, have actually been under the surveillance of the Qin Dynasty. All the contents discussed in private by the Mo family will be sent to Ying Zheng’s table soon."

"Facts have proved that my choice was not wrong... Even if I can reach out and strangle you to death at any time, Your Holiness the Pope still has a magnanimous attitude. Even now, he is still persuading you to let go of your hatred and integrate into Qin... He has no intention of pursuing you!"There was fanaticism in Mrs. Xu's eyes.

Yan Dan stared blankly at the old man of the Mo family. His lips were trembling. He wanted to say something, wanted to curse something, but in the end, he couldn't say anything. I haven't said it...because no matter what I say now, it has no meaning.

The other side

Ying Zheng walked up to the altar, and he bowed his hands to Young Siming, Ji Ruqianlong, and Shi Lan,"Everyone! Please"

"Why do you need so much courtesy, Your Majesty?" Duan Murong said with a complicated expression. She now has feelings of hatred and love for the Qin Dynasty.

Hate because she was once a member of the Mo family, and love because she believed in gods, and therefore respects the Creation God Religion as the state religion. Da Qin felt strange emotions.

Taking a deep breath, Duan Murong continued,"To be able to ascend to the divine realm on this site of national sacrifice, serve the God, and become immortal... This is the highest honor for us believers.!"

"Your Majesty, we should be grateful to you for achieving the highest honor of serving God personally."

After Ying Zheng was silent for a long time, he nodded.

Immediately, he walked to the main sacrificial position, raised his head, and said with a serious face,"The sacrificial ceremony begins!"

After the words fell, Ying Zheng recited the words of sacrifice loudly.

At this moment, it was not just him... believers of the Creation God Cult everywhere in Mount Tai, and inside and outside the Creation Temples in various places in Daqin, all were in perfect agreement. With his face, he was reciting sacrificial verses enthusiastically.

The chanting of the sacrificial rituals resounded in every land of Da Qin!_To read the unlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP!

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