At this time, Su Han had already entered the divine realm.

He was sitting in a small seat in the central heavenly palace with a serious look on his face. A crisp sound sounded in his ears

"Ding! It has been detected that the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty has begun to offer sacrifices……"

"Ding! It has been detected that the Qin Emperor and his ministers contributed ten points of faith. Thirteen million points of the power of faith of the whole country of the Great Qin Empire have been detected. Gao Yue, Shi Lan, the daughter of destiny, has been detected. Shao Siming, Da Siming, Yueshen, Xiaomeng, and Duanmu Rong have been detected as carrying great fortunes.……"

"Ding! Congratulations on triggering a thousand-fold increase! This is the first time for a unified country to worship the gods on Mount Tai, triggering an additional tenfold increase."

"Ding! After the increase, the Qin Emperor and his ministers contributed 100,000 points of faith power, which has now been converted into 100,000 source power. Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining 130 billion power of faith. Congratulations on successfully obtaining Holy Spirit Gaoyue and Holy Spirit Stone Orchid. Congratulations on successfully obtaining the extraordinary heroic spirit Shao Si Ming and the extraordinary heroic spirit Moon God.……"

Continuous beeps sounded in Su Han's ears, causing Su Han's expression to change slightly.

"The power of one hundred thousand origins, the power of one hundred and thirty billion faith? Two Holy Spirits, and five extraordinary heroic spirits."

Su Han's eyes were bright. Although he had guessed before the Yingzheng Sacrifice that his harvest this time would be big, he still didn't expect that it would be so much.

This has already caught up with before. Gudazi's sacrifice paid off... Of course, it was just a direct pursuit. After all, the bonus points from the Hall of Heroes were too great. Even this time, Shao Siming and the others were also taking advantage of the bonuses from the Heroic Spirits.

"Extraordinary heroic spirits... that's right, their basic attributes have been increased ten thousand times, and then transformed into heroic spirits. Even compared to the Awakened One, he should only be stronger, not weaker.……"

"Moreover, after they become heroic spirits, they are nourished by the Law of Origin and can progress. If they get the opportunity in the future, they may go one step further and break through the limitations of heroic spirits and become true holy spirits."

This is a great thing," Su Han said from the bottom of his heart. In the future, girls with great fortune can transform into heroic spirits, which changes their embarrassing status of being only servants of gods and neither in the heaven nor in the heaven.

"By the way, I have to transform the previous divine attendants, Yun Yun and Yao Ye." Su Han's eyes shone with joy.

He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and fell into thinking,"Then the question is... Next, what kind of reward should I give Ying Zheng?"

"Or is it customary... to give him internal strength? And a long life?"

After thinking for a moment, Su Han gave up this option.

Of course, internal strength and life span are helpful to Ying Zheng, but they are not as great as imagined. After all, he is now invincible, and a life span of ten thousand years is enough for him....

Ying Zheng's goal is, after all, the Kingdom of God on earth!

The profit this time is so huge, Su Han has no intention of perverting Ying Zheng casually

"By the way," Su Han suddenly thought of the lessons he had learned before, and his eyes lit up for a moment,"The world has been upgraded! How could I forget this?!"

The Mingyue World during the Qin Dynasty had a sparse population. There were only twenty to thirty million people in the entire Qin Dynasty, and there were only hundreds of millions of people in the world...

This made Ying Zheng no matter how hard he worked, the power of faith he contributed to Su Han could not match that of the Qin Dynasty. Wandering Earth, a densely populated world like Chen Long's Adventures...

But what if Mingyue in Qin Dynasty was upgraded? What if a large number of strong people emerged in that world! Or even popularized cultivation... After becoming stronger, they would look like Su Han contributed more and more pure power of faith……

"The professor of the promotion course at that time said that the ancient Eastern countries had very profound attainments in Guangzhou Yiyi. The most extreme achievement is to upgrade through management, so that an ordinary feudal world can provide the power of faith to God... It has been more than twice as long as they have achieved this achievement, and they have been operating for a hundred years."

But if I do," Su Han raised his palm and raised the corners of his mouth slightly,"I can use a lot of power of faith to directly cross these hundred years."

Forcibly upgrade the world through the power of faith... …The amount of faith it takes is undoubtedly an astronomical figure. It will take a long time to earn back the power of faith invested in it. For the once poor ancient Eastern country, it was naturally impossible.

But for Su Han, there is no such problem. What he has is the power of faith! And after upgrading to the world, there is still a guaranteed increase of a thousand times, which ensures that the time for him to recover the cost is one thousandth of that of other people who do this.

And what follows is pure profit!

"In this case, then plan carefully."Su Han closed his eyes and began to think about the many information about Qin Shi Mingyue,"Well, there were immortals and gods in that ancient world.……"

"Okay, then I will transform the world of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty into the world of Xianxia."


In the Qin Dynasty, the bright moon world was at the top of Mount Tai.

On the altar, the bodies of the seven women exuded dazzling brilliance. At this moment, they are really like fairies who have been banished to the world, with an ethereal aura that is difficult to describe in words.

Ji Ruqianlong's whole body was shimmering with extremely brilliant fairy light. A small lavender dragon sprang out from her body, lingering around her body and letting out a high-pitched and crisp dragon roar. She suddenly opened her eyes, and at this moment she was as domineering as a human king.

The surging internal energy surged out of Shi Lan's body. At this moment, it even condenses into substance, visible to the naked eye. There are thousands of illusory snake shadows swimming in her internal power, just like fish swimming in the sea.

There is a bright moon beside the Moon God, and an ancient Moon God shadow appears behind her. The same is true for Shao Siming, Da Siming and others. Their names come from the gods in Chu Ci. This was originally just a code name, but at this moment, they seem to have really transformed into such gods, with that kind of flavor.

The two girls, Xiaomeng and Duanmu Rong, were dressed in fluttering clothes, and their skin was like white jade. As time went by, it became more and more crystal clear, revealing a fairy charm... The auras of the two girls were intertwined, which was too terrifying. It's like several gods in mythology have entered the human world!

There was silence.

Immediately, there was a complete uproar and a complete explosion.

Large numbers of people enthusiastically knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the altar.


"The great God of creation! Your devout believers pray to you"

"Praise you, our Lord and our Father"

"May I ascend to your kingdom after death and believe in you forever!"

"Thanks you! If it weren't for your divine grace, my father would have died! Really, I can’t thank you enough"

"I once believed in those false gods, and I was guilty. It wasn’t until I received your grace that I realized how ridiculous my previous beliefs were. I don’t ask you to forgive my sins! But I beg you, let me qualify to become your believer, and let me pray devoutly throughout my life to atone for my sins."

All living beings are different. The only thing that remains unchanged is the kind of devotion to God and the kind of fanaticism.

Many members of the Anti-Qin Alliance, in order to ensure that they are not different from others, all knelt on the ground and pretended to be A look of pious prayer

"……you."Taizhi almost squeezed out a word from between his teeth. He stared closely at Master Xu who was praying devoutly and fervently. He still can't believe that he betrayed......................,...

Yan Dan remained silent, clasping his palms together, silently raising his head and staring at his daughter Gao Yue. Staring at the little purple dragon swimming beside her

"……Kingly luck manifests as a true dragon. Could this legendary thing actually happen?!"Yan Dan's emotions were extremely complicated.

He was excited, happy, stunned, and at a loss from the bottom of his heart. He understood that he had lost! Completely defeated.

Yes, this time Ying Zheng's sacrifice , the real thing is not to cruelly put these beautiful girls on the altar and kill them as the survivors of the Six Kingdoms said... but to really let them ascend to the sky and enjoy eternity and immortality.

Even Therefore, Yingzheng was so courageous that he was willing to give such a huge opportunity to the destroyed princess of the Yan Kingdom... and even let her royal destiny manifest into a real dragon without any scruples.

"It is my fault!"After a long silence, Yan Dan's tears flowed down. Various emotions were intertwined on his face, which seemed to be sadness and relief.

"Ying Zheng, I have always been unable to compare with you. I could not compare with you when I was a child. I could not compare with you when I was a king. Even now... Do you want to crush me even with courage and magnanimity... As expected of you ah."

Finally, Yan Dan united his palms, and together with others, he softly recited the method of sacrificing the deceased.

God! Thank you for spreading your divine grace to all living beings without hesitation, even me. Waiting for the subjugated prince, my daughter, you will love and care for everyone equally...

May my daughter ascend to the sky and be with you!

Robber Zhi:"?"

Robber Zhi was confused, completely confused.

He stared at Yan Dan closely, his face gradually turning red. groove! What about the ban you issued? Why did you take the lead in disobeying it yourself?

Are you really impressed by Da Qin? Are you planning to join Yingzheng in the future?!

Bastard, you was you who single-handedly led the Mo family onto this anti-Qin road! Now, you actually take the lead in betrayal? Are you still a human being? _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - hiding, recommending and sharing!

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