At this moment, the sky was filled with wind and clouds.

With a loud bang, the void shattered, as if a portal to the divine world had been opened.

That is a vast pure land! Sacred beasts are everywhere, ancient sacred trees hold up the sky, and an ancient and sacred heaven stands above the sky, overlooking all living beings.

When the portal between the two worlds opened, the endless fairy clouds swarmed out, and the fairy clouds scattered on the earth, making the people who worshiped on the earth feel comfortable and their bodies became stronger and stronger.

Immediately, they worshiped even more fervently

"This is a gift from God! What a gift from God……"

"No, this is just the appearance of the fairy world, giving us a little bit of the spirit of the fairy, making the gods mighty!"

"The God of creation is eternal! Long live my emperor!"

At this moment, it is no longer just the top of Mount Tai. Anyone within the scope of Mount Tai, or even farther away, can see the endless scene of the divine realm and the sacred and majestic heaven as long as they raise their heads.

So. , throughout Mount Tai... the believers prayed"Nine Five Three" even more devoutly.

Those who had not believed in God and had always stubbornly believed that Ying Zheng was just using some kind of cover-up method to deceive the common people, now began to doubt Life.

There are more, ordinary people who originally had an indifferent attitude towards this. They believed in the existence of gods, fell to their knees on the ground with a plop, and began to pray along with others.

A calm and majestic voice suddenly sounded, resounding throughout The vast world

"Emperor Qin Yingzheng, the sacrifice was meritorious! Reward one hundred thousand years of inner strength!"

A vast stream of light poured down from the sky. Ying Zheng's pupils suddenly expanded, and he felt that the energy he could control at the moment was expanding at an extremely terrifying speed. In just a few breaths, it reached a terrifying level.

Even , Ying Zheng clearly felt that because the internal force was contained in his body, and his body strength was limited, he was still strengthening his body. The internal force and his body... had transformed at least ten times because of these one hundred thousand years of internal force.!

Ying Zheng lowered his head in confusion, and he shook his palm. At this time, he could no longer imagine how powerful he was. He even had a feeling that if he wanted to, he could slide with one palm now.丅, you can even cut Mount Tai in half

"Thank you God for your gift!"Ying Zheng looked serious and leaned over to knock on the ground.

"I see your piety. Therefore, in the future, please redouble your efforts to spread your faith to this world." The extremely majestic voice sounded again, making the void tremble, and there seemed to be some appreciation in it. He said calmly,"Thank you, this is an opportunity for the world to upgrade.!"

Then, the God Realm changed.

The extremely sacred heaven, hanging high above the sky, emitted countless brilliance at this moment, even more dazzling than the sun on the sky at this moment.

Finally, those brilliance fell off, It turned into rays of sacred brilliance, forcibly crossing the world barrier, and suddenly descended on this world.

Yingzheng's pupils suddenly expanded, and he looked around, and there was light in all directions. There was a lot of light integrated into it at this moment. In his body, there is also light integrated into the bodies of ordinary civilians around him, and light integrated into the flowers and plants on Mount Tai...

No, it's not just these places! @Head. At this moment, everything before People who had seen the heaven felt inexplicably that they had seen an extremely strange scene...

They seemed to have seen a huge and incomprehensible existence.

That existence was surrounded by endless brilliance, and its eyes were the sun and the moon. , He stood here and held up the heaven and the earth.

At this time, that infinite existence slowly held up a blue star...

This is an extremely sacred sight. Even if many people can't understand it at all......But they can still feel that this is a very remarkable thing, and they are vaguely aware that what they are experiencing now may become an important part of the future myth...

But Ying Zheng understood, his body was shaking violently Trembling, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The existence shrouded in infinite light was God... and the planet he held up was the earth! It was the earth he stepped on!!

At the same time, As the immeasurable brilliance merged into Ying Zheng's body, Ying Zheng suddenly found that a large amount of information in his mind was changing.

The cultivation methods he had practiced in the past were constantly sublimating and transformed into a series of immortals. Classic.

The surging inner force in his body continued to transform and become more solid at this moment, and finally transformed into the power of a hundred thousand year immortal spirit. After praying devoutly, Yan Dan's body shook violently, and a large amount of white light merged into his body. Helping the internal power in his body transform into spiritual power...

He took a long breath. If it weren't for the sacrifice at this time, Yan Dan might have screamed out...

Feeling the changes in his body, his expression was shocked and stunned, doubting his body. In a dream. This is not only an increase in strength, but also an upgrade in life level.

Yan Dan has clearly realized that he is no longer a martial arts master who has practiced inner strength for decades, but a martial arts master who has practiced inner strength for several decades. A cultivator with ten years of spiritual power... even if he does not break through in cultivation now, he will be able to live for at least another three hundred years in the future...

Taoist Beimingzi, the master of Xiaomeng...he is here where Emperor Qin Yingzheng worships the gods. He naturally arrived at the important moment and had prayed before. But now, Bei Mingzi's life level has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although his hair is still gray, the wrinkles on his face have all disappeared, and he looks good. If you say he is twenty years old, you can also say he is thirty or forty years old... The

Taoist practice in his mind is similar to the original one, but it is more complicated and mysterious. It is not so much martial arts and Taoism. , it is better to say it is the magic of the immortal family...

But that is not what shocked Bei Mingzi, or it is not just this... What shocked him was that the alchemy methods in his mind also transformed and sublimated at this moment. , he had a vague feeling that if he followed these new elixir recipes, he might be able to make a real elixir.……

"So that’s it, that’s it!"Bei Mingzi glanced around blankly. He watched the ordinary grass gradually mutate into some kind of magical herb recorded in his mind. He saw those birds and beasts at this moment. Gradually, I gained more spirituality...and suddenly I burst into tears.........,

"I once dreamed of reaching the pinnacle of cultivation and ascending to the immortal world that I didn’t know existed! But God took action and turned our world into a fairyland!"

Bei Mingzi was wailing and kowtowing. He kowtowed so fast that even his forehead was stained with blood, but he didn't care. His voice was filled with tears,"God, how kind and generous you are! How kind you are to us believers!"

"We are really not worthy of you... I am ashamed of myself and all living beings are ashamed!!"

In the anti-Qin alliance, the martial arts masters who were still firmly anti-Qin even after seeing the previous scene saw that the martial arts masters praying seriously around them had undergone earth-shaking changes one by one. From martial arts masters to immortal cultivators, each and every one of them was They were dumbfounded and completely stunned.

These freshly trained cultivators were either looking fanatical, excited, or bursting into tears. There were even more than half of them, just like Bei Mingzi, with emotions 2.0 He was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and kowtowed crazily until his forehead was stained with blood...

Even the people who had higher martial arts skills in the past were now more enthusiastic about God's kowtow... For example, Donghuang Taiyi, who was now kowtowing in black The mask was full of cracks, and traces of blood flowed out from the cracks and dripped on the ground, but he ignored it.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with clouds, lightning and thunder.

Ying Zheng suddenly raised his head, He had an inexplicable feeling that the thunder was coming towards him.

If it weren't for the fact that God has not retreated! Even the heaven and earth bowed to the feet of that god... maybe the extremely powerful thunder had suddenly fallen.

One word suddenly Appeared in Ying Zheng's mind...overcoming the tribulation and becoming an immortal!

His eyes became brighter and brighter. Ying Zheng forcibly calmed down his mood and kowtowed respectfully again. He looked extremely serious and said word by word,"Ying Zheng, on behalf of The 12 million followers of the Creation God Religion represent the vast number of people in this world, and represent the entire vast world... Thank God for your grace, your glory will illuminate this world forever!"_To read the uncrossed version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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