The glory of the divine world remains the same, and the majesty of the heaven remains the same.

The seven girls who had completed their transformation, like Chang'e flying to the moon, soared into the sky at this moment, passed through the void portal, and entered the vast and magnificent Nantian Gate.

The void is twisting. With a crisp buzzing sound, it completely disappeared from the world.

The God has left, but this world is very different from before.

Ying Zheng glanced at everything around him with an expressionless face. His powerful soul power seeped out, allowing him to sense every corner of Mount Tai.

I don’t know about places farther away. But within the scope of Mount Tai, many ordinary grasses have turned into spiritual grasses containing spiritual energy and fairy energy.

The seeds of rice randomly planted on the mountains have also become spiritual, and the yield of each plant has increased several times compared with ordinary rice straw.

Birds and beasts seem to be enlightened, their eyes are bright

"I used to envy Zhu Gaochi...but now I know that God treats all living beings who believe in Him the same way.

Ying Zheng sighed quietly,"He treats us equally and generously!""

As soon as his voice fell, he soared into the sky with a whoosh.

At this moment, the thunder that had been accumulated for a long time suddenly fell. At this moment, the sky was completely transformed into a sea of ​​thunder. The sun could not be seen, and no other sounds could be heard....

Only the bright electric light shone in the sky and the earth, and only the deafening thunder resounded throughout the fields.

Even in the face of this scene of world destruction, no one panicked, even the most ordinary civilians..

They clasped their palms together, praying softly, and believed that even if the catastrophe of the world came, God would protect them. Finally

, the thunder dispersed.

Ying Zheng, wearing a black dragon robe, floated in the sky. Above the sky, he looked a little tired, and his dragon robe became tattered. But his spirit was countless times stronger than before.

Zhao Gao shook his body and bowed to the ground. The voice said,"The God of Creation is eternal! Congratulations to Your Majesty for surviving the thunder tribulation and becoming a true immortal!"

Don't let everyone else react to this shout. They shouted in unison that God is eternal and congratulated Ying Zheng for becoming a true immortal.


In the realm of gods.

Su Han got off his seat. He put his hands behind his back and said with joy on his face,"The power of faith gained from the world of Qin Shi Mingyue... soared at this moment. At least three or four times!"

Three or four times doesn't seem like much. But this is just the beginning of promotion!

Moreover, after the world is upgraded, the real way to gain the power of faith is to popularize the cultivation of that everyone can embark on the path of cultivating immortality. At that time, it was the real explosion!

"But this time, it took a full 20 billion of faith." Su Han sighed with emotion. At first glance, it seems that this is not as much as the world of The Adventures of Chen Long, but the two are completely different in nature. The

Adventures of Chen Long is a blessing out of thin air, covering 140 million people! But this This time, the power of faith that Su Han spent on people... was exhausted. It only transformed the internal power of the martial arts masters who believed in him into spiritual power, and transformed the martial arts in the minds of those martial arts masters into immortal arts......

The bulk of the power of faith he really spent was actually transforming a large number of flowers, plants and trees into spiritual grasses and spiritual trees. Even allowing them to form a large cycle biosphere of the birth of spiritual energy within the entire Qin State.

Yes, this Able to independently generate spiritual power. The ecological circle composed of grass spirit trees is the focus of world upgrading.

Because they can give birth to spiritual energy, because they themselves contain spiritual power, they can be eaten and then absorbed by those people and animals. With this The environment in which they cultivated immortality, coupled with the immortal skills that were transformed in their minds... only then did it become possible to transform the mortal world into the immortal world!

"But before, I only transformed the land of the Qin Dynasty."Su Han rubbed his eyebrows.

Mainly because he couldn't bear it. After all, after spending 20 billion, he could still earn more than 100 billion...

If he transformed the whole world, then I guess the harvest this time might not be enough... He I have to post it inside...

But having said that, it is Da Qin who believes in him, so why does he have the right to transform the whole world?

What? What will happen if Da Qin conquers the world in the future? Da Qin's own practitioners will slowly transplant the spiritual grass and spiritual trees to other places , plant it!

Anyway, I hope he has stayed... People still have to be self-reliant!

Suddenly, Su Han's eyes narrowed, and he looked out the door with interest.

At this time, the girls were in Nalanyan Under the guidance, they arrived outside the Heavenly Palace. Then, Nalan Yan bowed respectfully and kowtowed.

The girls looked at each other, then knelt on the ground and spoke respectfully,"Daughters of mortal world, pay homage to me." Waiting Father and Lord! Meet the supreme God of Creation!"

Huh? Su Han raised his eyebrows. No, it seems that Shao Siming didn't speak, although Su Han could feel her piety and fanaticism, as well as a little uneasiness.

"Is it because of some kind of magic?"Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly. He realized something instantly, but after thinking about it, he was not ready to interfere. On the one hand, this technique is beneficial to Shao Siming. On the other hand, Su Han actually always felt that, Shao Siming was quite charming when he didn't speak.

He had many thoughts in his mind, and Su Han's words were as gentle as ever,"Come in.""

Nalan Yan then led a group of people into it, and then they all saw the young god who stepped down from the throne with a gentle smile on his face.

What a stunning existence he was, he seemed to be the world. The incarnation of all beauty, without the slightest flaw. Every move was consistent with heaven and earth, and just looking at it made them feel extremely comfortable.

Then, the young god smiled slightly. He said softly,"First meeting! My Holy Spirit, heroes."

At this moment, it was as if an invisible big hand held their hearts... leaving them red-faced, at a loss, and even their brains went blank.……

"Well……"Nalan Yan made a whimpering sound. When she saw Su Han, she felt happy and sad at the same time.

The happiness is that as long as she sees Su Han, she feels extremely happy...

As for the sadness, she knows that she will most likely toss and turn again tonight and find it difficult to sleep...

The seventh girl has no idea how she will get out. After leaving that heavenly palace, they thought about their reactions to meeting God, and their expressions changed slightly... How shameful!

Each and every one of them is the proud daughter of the heaven in the lower world, they are calm and graceful in their temperament. But when I met God, I felt like I was the little girl I fell in love with for the first time...

This can no longer even be described as embarrassing.

What makes them even more worried is that they were stunned before... Will this leave a bad impression on God?

"Well," Duan Murong spoke first, with a wry smile on her face,"do you still remember the oracle from the previous god? I seem to remember that Lord God arranged a place for us, but... I was so distracted just now that I ignored it."

Duan Murong was so generous, even when she talked about being dizzy, she was very calm and peaceful. This greatly alleviated the embarrassment in the hearts of everyone present.

"I knew it would be like this," Nalan Yan sighed, as if she had remembered something, a look of regret appeared on her face, she said softly,"But it doesn't matter, I have written down the residences of the two Holy Spirits....As for a few, well, Miss Yingling's residence is just living with me."

Having said that, Nalan Yan stared at Shi Lan and Ji Ru Qianlong with some envy...

563 Although there is no distinction between status in the Heavenly Palace. Even Medusa and Miss Xun'er actually get along very well......However, the Holy Spirit is enviable after all.

It’s not that I envy them for having their own palace... but that they can help God more and get more favor from God.

"Then please leave it to Miss Nalan. Shi Lan whispered


Su Han, who was in the central heavenly palace, sensed their departure and smiled noncommittally. Then he scanned the God's Domain and found that the general situation of the God's Domain was the same as before... The only one who caught his attention was King Arthur.

King Arthur was originally full of confidence in the mission given to him by God. After all...she started out as a trainee knight and finally became a king. As a knight, taking care of the horses that accompany you is a basic skill.

However, King Arthur never expected that there would be ordinary horses in this god's world.!

When she followed Yun Yun, who was very familiar with the knowledge of the God Realm, to the gathering place of the God Realm horses...

She looked at the horses that were hundreds of meters tall, with backs and wings, and each had their own strange phenomena. With a stamp of their feet, they could level the ground. The sacred Pegasus of a mountain couldn't help but fall into deep thinking.

Can this one horse overthrow her former Great Britain?!

The weakest one is far more powerful than before.The white dragon that brought disaster to Britain...

But fortunately, after King Arthur received divine favor, his strength was equal to that of Xun'er, Medusa and others, ranking among the top in the divine realm. There is no need to worry about not being able to beat these horses... and as long as they can beat them, they can be tamed...

Of course, if they can be trained, whether it will be troublesome or not... that is another matter.

However, King Arthur realized that the more trouble, the better... The more trouble, the more she could atone for the guilt she felt towards God. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - hiding, recommending and sharing!

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