"Really."After Su Han thought for a while, he stuffed his phone into his pocket again,"Not much to mention, according to the plan I made... I will have two more classes today."

Su Han was just about to leave the villa when he suddenly thought of something. He immediately closed his eyes and used the sacrificial sounds of each world to find out the information of those worlds.

Su Han wanted to know...whether anyone would sacrifice himself in the future!

Mainly... , if he was sacrificed during class, he would not be able to disappear directly from the professor's presence, right?

Although with his special characteristics, it would be okay to take a leave... but things would obviously be a lot more troublesome.

"Most of the world is good, Ye Hei... well, Ye Hei is still working hard to preach in the Eastern Wasteland! Then - fight with Fluctuating Light"

"Marco, now that he has entered the country of Wano, emmm. Is this hammering Kaido to the point where he has only one breath left? Not killed, are you going to sacrifice it to me? But it seems that he won't be able to offer sacrifices in a short time.……"

As he watched, Su Han suddenly frowned,"The Moon Worshiping Cult Master is a bit interesting here.……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult happened to be in a state of war with the Wine Sword Immortal.

Not far away, surrounded by many Moon Worshipers, there was a girl in green clothes standing tall, looking at the Wine Sword Immortal and the Moon Worshiper, with uneasiness in her eyes.

"……Zhao Linger? Su Han thought thoughtfully,"I see, is she the one the Moon Worshiping Cult Master is going to dedicate to me?""

Soon, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult successfully repelled the Jiu Sword Immortal. He chatted with Zhao Ling'er for a while, basically telling Zhao Ling'er about the God of Creation and persuading her to believe in the god. It was very obvious. , Zhao Ling'er knew the Jiujianxian who had saved her when she was a child. Therefore, she was hostile to the Moon Worshiping Leader who had repelled the Jiujianxian and forcibly sent people to arrest and imprison her...

She looked like you could say whatever You talked, but I just didn’t listen.

In the end, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked helpless and sat in the car beside him, closing his eyes and meditating.

"Although it can be seen that he is planning to offer sacrifices in the near future...but if he really does offer sacrifices with his own hands, it may take a long time."Su Han complained in his heart.

Su Han was not surprised at all that Zhao Ling'er did not cooperate with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

It can only be said that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was too impetuous in doing things. He arrested people directly and beat other people's benefactors in front of others. , and then I would like to add the last sentence for your own good... Anyone who touches this will be furious.

But thinking that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult does not believe in the existence of love in this world, Su Han suddenly understands everything... No People who believe in love will not be surprised if they do things without emotional intelligence...

Shaking his head, Su Han walked directly towards the teaching building. Let the leader of the worshiping moon do whatever he wants, as long as he is not worshiping in his class. There was no problem.

After entering the classroom early, Su Han took a look and saw that there were still ten minutes left before the official class. Out of boredom, he entered the chat room again, and then found... eating turtles and praying to the moon outside. The leader is now frantically scrolling in the group.

The leader of the worshiping moon:"These so-called decent people from famous families are so hateful! Always trying to mess up my plans."

Moon Worshiping Cult Leader:"More than ten years ago, if they hadn't stopped me, my plan would have been completed long ago. By that time, I will definitely be able to taste the true meaning of human love!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Well... I caused a catastrophe back then, so it's fair to say they stopped me. Now, I clearly want the descendants of Nuwa to serve God in heaven. This is a great good thing for her! Why are they still trying to stop me? Why don't they believe me at all?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"?"

Zhu Jiazi:"?"

Yao Lao:"Cause... cause a catastrophe?

Immortal Kangmiao Mushan:"……"

Er Yehei:"Trouble! After a long time, it turns out you are a villain." 丆. The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"? What kind of villain? I did it to prove the existence of love! Can something like proving the existence of love be called a villain?"

Liu Peiqiang:"Wait... Descendants of Nuwa? Hiss! That Nuwa who created humans? My God, although I have known for a long time that your world is the world of immortals, I really didn't expect that your world is actually There is such an ancient god……"

Ye Hei:"It's scary... It's okay to sacrifice the descendants of Nuwa to the gods."

Ye Hei:"I strongly suspect that if you are halfway through the sacrifice, the goddess Nuwa, who is most likely still alive, may come to your door in person to teach you. Be a human being."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"It can be said to be very scary."

Yao Lao:"Although from what you said, this Nuwa seems to be a very remarkable person... But let's forget about teaching the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult how to be a human being. , she will definitely not be able to disturb the sacrifice site of the God."

Immortal Miaomu Mountain:"I think so too."

Undead Evil King:"The God is invincible!"

Ye Hei:"By the way, Lord of the Moon Worshiping Cult, where are you planning to offer sacrifices? ?"

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Of course it's Nanzhao Kingdom! Otherwise?"

Ye Hei:"?"

Ye Hei:"Wait a minute, I did some research... Nanzhao Kingdom, this seems to be a country in the south of Central China during the Tang Dynasty, right? Later this country was destroyed and became the Dali Kingdom."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island :"emmm. You said I don't know Nanzhao, but I am very familiar with Dali."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Yes, to the north of our Nanzhao country is indeed the extremely powerful Tang Dynasty. Today, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin After ascending the throne, he strived for innovation and restructured the country. The country gradually became stronger!"

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"I have to say... the increasingly powerful Tang Dynasty put a lot of pressure on me, the Witch King of Nanzhao."

Liu Peiqiang :"???"

Liu Peiqiang:"Although I am not good at history...but I have checked the information now. Damn it, even when Nanzhao was just founded, Li Shimin had been dead for more than a hundred years, right?!"

Liu Peiqiang's eyes Hair straight. Are historical records wrong? But it's not that wrong.

Ye Hei:"Don't ask, ask about the parallel world. The parallel world can explain all phenomena! Not to mention that there are immortals in that world, so what if the age is slightly misaligned for a hundred years?" The

Immortal Evil King:"Li Shimin's Tang Dynasty Chao...it really makes people feel complicated."


Su Han's brows wrinkled at this moment. Something is wrong, very wrong!

Su Han suddenly remembered the Legend of Sword and Fairy 1 game he played in his previous life. It seems that according to the game's timeline, the plot of Legend of Sword and Fairy 1 should be set in the Southern Song Dynasty?!

The plot of Legend of Sword and Fairy III is before the plot of Legend of Sword and Fairy One...probably during the Northern Song Dynasty.

But why does Bai Yue now say that he was in the Tang Dynasty... Wait a minute.

Su Han suddenly realized something. Yes, the Moon Worshiping Leader should come from the world of the TV series Legend of Sword and Fairy... As we all know, TV series are adaptations, and the internal plot settings have changed compared to the games. This is normal.

"If you think about it this way, everything will be fine. Su Han suddenly understood,"The time of the TV series Fairy Sword is changed to the early Tang Dynasty.""

"Well, no wonder Liu Jinyuan said he wanted to go back to Chang'an, the capital of the Song Dynasty. When did Chang'an live in the capital of the Song Dynasty... It's also no wonder that at the end of Legend of Sword and Fairy III, the future Li Xiaoyao appeared."..0.....,..

"Maybe in the game, Fairy Sword One takes place after Fairy Sword Three... but in the TV series, Fairy Sword One takes place before Fairy Sword Three."

Although Su Han thought a lot, he still kept part of his attention in the chat group.

Ye Hei:"@白月教主. My personal suggestion is that you go directly to Li Shimin! In the final analysis, Nanzhao Kingdom is just a small country. Even if the sacrifices are completed... the number of followers you can develop in the future will be limited after all!"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"However, the Central Plains area will be very troublesome. There are many famous sects there such as Shushan... huh?! No, I understand.

Ye Hei:" ?" What do you understand?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"I don't offer sacrifices to God for some shady things."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Moreover, the world I live in is said to have six realms, and the three realms of demons and demons often invade our world! The duty of Shushan Sword Sect and many famous sects is to maintain the Well of Gods and Demons in ancient times. Prevent this well of gods and demons from connecting to other worlds and allowing other worlds to invade."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"If I let God's faith spread in this land, then God's gaze will naturally fall down, and His glory will surely shine on this world! Protect His followers."

Yue Worshiping Leader:"In this case, I am obviously an ally with the Shushan Zhengtong Sect! Why fight with them to the death? I should cooperate with them and then go to the court to use their power and the power of my Nanzhao country to worship the gods and spread faith."

The more the leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect spoke, the smoother he became, and his eyes shone with excitement and joy.

If the many famous and decent sects in Shushan and Central Earth were enemies, they would indeed be a very troublesome and desperate enemy.

But as allies... they appear to be very reliable!

Moreover, didn't Zhao Ling'er not believe in him?

Then after he reached a cooperation with Shushan, he asked the Jiujianxian whom Zhao Ling'er trusted to negotiate with her! _To read the uncrossed version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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