Sword and Fairy Legend World.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult suddenly opened his eyes, with an inexplicable luster shining in his eyes,"Come, change direction! Head to Shushan."

Immediately, the scene became quiet. Many black-robed believers at the scene looked at each other. Finally, an elder came out and spoke in a low voice,"Leader, that Jiu Sword Immortal... is a disciple of Shushan, but in fact he does things freely and casually."

"He came to stop us this time, perhaps because of what happened more than ten years ago, which has something to do with this snake demon... no, the descendants of Nuwa, and has nothing to do with Shushan."

"If we become hostile to Shushan because of this, the gains outweigh the losses."

"I have my own plan!"Moon Worshiper's voice was calm, and he calmly glanced at everyone present.

Suddenly, everyone present shuddered and did not dare to say anything.

The leader of Moon Worshipers has great prestige among Moon Worshipers. Especially when he spreads the word After using the method of sacrificial sacrifice and allowing many Moon Worshipers to see the true God...

Immediately, the Moon Worshipers team changed direction... They originally headed towards Southern Xinjiang from Fairy Island, but now they changed their route midway. , go to Shushan

""673" Shushan is not close to here, but it is also not far away. With all their efforts, they arrived there in just one day

"How magnificent?"Baiyue raised her head and stared at the island suspended in the sky, her voice inexplicable.

"Ten Thousand Sword Jue!"With a cold voice, endless sword blades appeared from the sky, descended suddenly, and rolled towards the leader of the Moon Worship Cult. It was cold and the sound of cutting through the air was harsh.

"What are you doing? There is no hostility in my coming this time."Baiyue sighed quietly.

He raised his palm and patted it towards the sky lightly.

Suddenly, the extremely surging spiritual power was released from his body. Colliding with the endless sharp blade, the entire world in front of him was destroyed. torn apart

"brute."The Wine Sword Immortal appeared in an instant. He smelled of alcohol and had a rather ferocious face. He immediately took off a wine gourd from his waist and prepared to drink and cast the Dionysus Spell. Suddenly, an ethereal and transcendent voice suddenly sounded,"Bring it on. Come up."

Jiu Jianxian's body suddenly paused, and he looked in the direction of Xuankong Mountain in disbelief."……Senior brother?"

However, there was no response.

The Jiujianxian's expression changed several times, and finally he glanced at the Moon Worshiping Cult leader bitterly and said coldly,"Follow me."

Immediately, the Jiu Sword Immortal rose into the sky. The leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect smiled noncommittally and gestured behind him, asking them to take Zhao Ling'er to follow him.

The disciples of the Moon Worshiping Sect are generally low in strength. However, in spreading the high-grade sacrificial method After that, this situation was effectively changed...even many capable people emerged among them.

This time, the people sent by the leader of the Moon Worship Sect to search for Nuwa's descendants were all the elites of the Moon Worship Sect. Naturally, they can fly into the air.

After landing in front of the gate of Shushan Mountain, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked calm, slowly followed the Jiujianxian, and stepped into the first immortal gate in the world.

Finally, at the back of Shushan Mountain, they saw what they see today. Shushan leader Dugu Yuyun!

Jiujianxian stood beside Dugu Yuyun. Although he was silent, there was still resentment and hatred in his eyes as he stared at the Moon Worship Sect..Dugu Yuyun looked at the Moon Worship Cult with an incomprehensible expression. He said softly,"You shouldn't have come to me! Maybe you don't know... Lin Qing'er, who you once killed, has a close relationship with me.".Jiujianxian's eyelids twitched for a few seconds. He glanced at Dugu Yuyun with a strange expression. In fact, he also hated the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult because of Lin Qing'er... Lin Qing'er was the descendant of Nuwa and Zhao Ling'er's mother, and he admired her sincerely.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult narrowed his eyes slightly. The bodies of the many moon worshipers behind him were all tense. Although they secretly complained in their hearts, they didn't say anything more and were ready to fight to the death for the leader.

"I came here this time to save the world."The Moon Worshiper opened his arms and spoke rather passionately,"Maybe I made a lot of wrong things in the past! But so what? Maybe I will be judged one day, but there is only one person who can really judge me!"

Yes, if he really has to be judged one day... the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult only wants to be judged by God.

Dugu Yuyun looked a little strange. The person the Moon Worshiping Cult said made him quite concerned, but he still forced himself He suppressed his curiosity and asked a more important question,"What is your mission?""

Dugu Yuyun's cultivation level is extremely high, even to the point where he can peek into the movement of heaven and deduce the future.

In the future that he peeked into, there was absolutely no scene of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader coming to Shushan... Especially since the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader was still there. Taking Zhao Ling'er with him.

In his eyes, this could no longer be described as death.

However, Dugu Yuyun also knew in his heart that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult in front of him was cunning and cunning, so he must have made enough preparations before he came... Kill him The other party, it is very likely that the other party will not really die.

Moreover, maybe the other party letting him take action here is also part of the other party's plan, and there is some kind of calculation hidden behind it, so he is particularly cautious.

"Spread the glory of God!"The leader of the Moon Worshipers clasped his palms together, with piety and respect on his face. At this moment, the Moon Worshipers around him also made the same move as him, showing the same look.

"ha? You came to Shushan just to talk about this?"Jiu Sword Immortal finally sarcastically spoke, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Dugu Yuyun,"Senior brother, please allow me to take action to punish evil!"

Dugu Yuyun did not speak.

His expression became more solemn than ever at this moment, because he did not detect anything wrong in the words of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

This is unreasonable!

In theory, if we talk about worshiping the moon The leader wanted to deceive him with these words. He should be able to vaguely sense that something was wrong... instead of not being able to notice anything at all! This is determined by his cultivation. To the point where he is so powerful, as long as he thinks about it, he can Can glimpse the secrets of heaven........, you can see even the secrets of heaven, let alone the conspiracies of man.

"Well, you can recite a sacrificial verse with me! The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult smiled hoarsely,"After you finish reciting, you will understand our Lord and Father, and our supreme God!""

After the words fell, the leader of the Moon Worship Cult recited profoundly. And the disciples of the Moon Worship Cult beside him followed closely behind him.

"Senior brother!"The Wine Sword Immortal suddenly pulled out the sword on his waist. He could take action at any time to interrupt the chanting of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader...

Although he didn't know what this chanting meant, but considering that the other party was hostile to them after all, Maybe it's some killer move, or maybe it's a vicious curse.

"You might as well... recite it again and try it!"Dugu Yuyun said softly.

On the one hand, his spiritual sense did not warn him. Instead, he had an inexplicable feeling that this might be his great opportunity.

On the other hand, he had read all kinds of books, so he knew very well. The words described by the Moon Cult Master had nothing to do with any curse or summons...

Taken together, he was determined to give it a try.

Of course, he also had enough confidence. If this was really a variant of the summons, he wanted to It would be difficult to summon those with great supernatural powers from other realms to cross the realm... It is estimated that what was summoned was also a ray of soul.

He could have cut off that ray of soul, which would actually reduce the danger in the future.

Thinking of this, Dugu Yuyun immediately began to recite softly.

Jiujianxian's expression changed uncertainly. He glanced at Zhao Ling'er, who was surrounded by many moon worshipers and looked equally confused and panicked, and gritted his teeth. He held the sword in one hand and silently chanted in the other hand. He grabbed a token around his waist.

He was ready. If the senior brother really understood the Tao, then he would immediately summon the many disciples in Shushan 2.8... and then come together.

There is no need to talk about evil ways. The rules of a famous family?!

Finally, Dugu Yuyun finished reciting it for the first time, accompanied by a crisp sound. At this moment, he seemed to see a sacred scene that was difficult to describe in words.

It was a vast and glorious place. The Heavenly Palace is filled with endless chaos. A being whose face cannot be seen clearly sits quietly on the throne of the Heavenly Palace.

Around him, sometimes three thousand Buddhas are kowtowing. There are pieces of small worlds, emerging from the chaos. Born out of thin air, it continued to evolve completely.

Finally, the existence opened its eyes. No, those eyes were clearly the sun and the moon...

Dugu Yuyun's eyes widened, and he suddenly woke up, and then he realized that there was a lot of people behind him. It was cold sweat. He lived up to his previous calmness, and his face showed shock and disbelief.

"Who is that...Pangu? No, although the sun and moon turned into his eyes, and there was a sign of the creation of the world... But Pangu was already dead! It couldn't be Him...but if not Him, who else could it be?!"

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