At a moment, Dugu Yuyun’s expression changed drastically. He stared down at his palms and clenched his fists.

"How can this be?"As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have broken some barrier, and his aura was increasing at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Senior brother!"Jiu Jianxian's eyes suddenly widened. He could see at a glance that his senior brother had made a breakthrough again... But if he remembered correctly, Dugu Yuyun's current state should be...

Jiu Jianxian raised his head, But what was beyond his expectation was that there was no cloud in the sky, and there was no scene of lightning tribulations gathering.

On the one hand, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and on the other hand, Jiujianxian was a little confused,"Senior brother, you are so What exactly?!"

Dugu Yuyun was silent for a long time, and finally said softly,"I have indeed made a breakthrough, and now I should suffer thunder tribulation, and then ascend to the divine world."


You've said so...what about Lei?!

"Unbelievable."Dugu Yuyun raised his head and stared at the sky. He murmured,"Just by reciting the sacrificial language, I received God's favor. It made my strength grow by leaps and bounds... What's even more frightening is that this kind of favor from God is beyond the jurisdiction of this world."

"Because my strength was achieved by God, this world has no right to punish me! So it's calm now."

Jiu Jianxian's expression changed drastically, and he said in disbelief,"How is this possible?"

Beyond heaven and earth... Even the legendary Emperor of the God Realm wouldn't dare to say such a thing, right?!

Dugu Yuyun took a deep look at the calm-looking leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, and said calmly,"Say it, you want it. What? As long as it doesn't violate our bottom line and purpose of Shushan! I totally agree."

That god 17 scared Dugu Yuyun.

It is precisely because he knows how incredible that god is that he does not dare to have the slightest arrogance now. The expression of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is a bit subtle, how should I say? Strength The stronger the person, the easier it is to feel the terror of God. I can only say... He is indeed a God!

Thoughts flashed in his heart, but the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked very calm. He spoke,"Shu Mountain is located between Pangu and Pangu." Heart! This is the best I hope that I can build an altar in Shushan. Used to worship gods"

"Can!"Dugu Yuyun agreed without hesitation.

"I hope that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, together with all the civil and military officials, can come together... to hold a national ceremony! Moreover, I hope they can issue an order to let as many people as possible in the Tang Dynasty recite the sacrificial words together."

"……It's hard!"Dugu Yuyun frowned. Although Shushan has contact with the imperial court, it is just like this. Shushan has no right to point fingers at the imperial court.

"Then you say, if you believe in my God, you will enjoy eternal life and gain immortality."The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said with a smile,"It doesn't matter whether it's the emperor or the civil and military officials."

"Are you crazy? It's a big taboo to allow a human emperor to achieve immortality... huh?!"Dugu Yuyun was silent again.

He suddenly thought that this taboo was based on the laws of heaven, and that god transcended heaven and earth... Therefore, as long as that god wanted to, he could really make the emperor live forever... and even become immortal.

"Junior brother, wait a minute before you go to Chang'an! Tell everything one by one... As for whether the emperor and civil and military officials will come, it depends on their own wishes."Dugu Yuyun turned to look at Jiujianxian.

Of course, even though he said this, he knew in his heart that it would be strange if Li Shimin and the civil and military officials didn't come to put the bait of longevity.

Although Jiujianxian's expression changed, Several times, but in the end he gritted his teeth and agreed.

"So finally, I hope that you can tell me the location of the Nine Wells of Heaven and Earth," the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said with a smile,"I hope to use the Nine Wells of Heaven and Earth as the node of the altar... to build a huge altar that covers the entire China!"Hey. The scene was silent.

Not to mention Dugu Yuyun and Jiujian. Even the Moon Worshipers in black were frightened at this moment and looked at their leader in disbelief.…….2. Do you really dare to say it?む."This really doesn’t work!"Jiu Jianxian's face was dark, and he said coldly,"The nine wells of heaven and earth are the nodes of the spiritual veins, which are very important. If something goes wrong, in the blink of an eye, the world will be overturned."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult smiled and said nothing. He just looked at Dugu Yuyun quietly.

Dugu Yuyun was silent for a long time and whispered,"Tushan can only give the location of three wells and the right to arrange them! This is the limit, there is no room for bargaining"

"good!"The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult followed suit and said,"Then let's use Chang'an and the southern border where I am to scrape together a few places and build it."

Jiu Jianxian stared at Dugu Yuyun as if he were looking at a stranger.

Is this really his jealous senior brother?!

Why? Why did the situation become like this? Senior brother's reaction to all this. , completely different from what he imagined...

Or is it the influence of the sacrificial method? Sure enough, there is something wrong with the sacrificial method!

The Jiujianxian wanted to interrupt the communication between the two parties, but he couldn't say anything.. He could only stare at Dugu Yuyun helplessly, and revealed the locations of the three wells one by one...

Then, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult took out a map and sketched it on the map to describe what kind of sacrifice he wanted to introduce. Taiwan... what size, how to completely connect these three wells, Chang'an, and even southern Xinjiang...

After the exchange, Jiu Jianxian was driven to Chang'an by Dugu Yuyun to meet the emperor.

Not only him, but all the disciples of Shushan were dispatched. According to the previous communication between Dugu Yuyun and the leader of the worshiping moon, the three wells of heaven and earth, as well as various spiritual veins, were arranged everywhere. In a little time A drop passed by.

At dusk, Dugu Yuyun and the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult stood side by side in front of an altar. This altar was made of five-color sacred materials and was located directly in front of the Demon Locking Tower.

After a long silence , Dugu Yuyun sighed quietly,"I regret letting you into Shushan! Maybe from the beginning, I shouldn’t have met you because your predictions were different from mine."

"Relax, this is a big opportunity."The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has a bright smile on his face,"It's not just mine, it's yours, and it's also the belongings of all living beings."

When he came, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult made a lot of plans, but after he actually arrived at Shushan and communicated with Dugu Yuyun... he suddenly realized that he had made too many plans.

Because Dugu Yuyun was too powerful! He sensed it The great terror of God... So now I don’t even have the slightest confidence to bargain!

Great God of Creation, you are really awesome!

"I only hope that after the sacrifice is completed, the situation in this world will not be worse."Dugu Yuyun said coldly. He gently touched the sword on his waist. He really regretted it... He always felt that he was walking step by step towards the unfathomable abyss...

But, he could pass it. Reciting the sacrificial incantation, I became aware of the location of that god... and even that god was able to feed back power to him.

What does this mean?

This means that if the god wants to, he can come at any time... and then destroy him. The power of sex destroys the world.

Therefore, he can only try his best to satisfy the god's opinions. Then, let him be happy and not harm the world.

This is very humble... But Dugu Yuyun has no choice.

He has already made his decision. Enlightenment, in order to protect this world, he is willing to sacrifice everything. Dignity, pride, glory...all of them are OK!

"It’s good to leave the troublesome matters to you!"The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult smiled and nodded,"But I'm curious...what method did you use to make Nuwa's descendants willingly become living sacrifices?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult rubbed his eyebrows in distress,"Although I never lied from the beginning, this is indeed a good thing for her."

Dugu Yuyun closed his eyes and said in a dry voice,"I just asked her to recite that memorial... The Nuwa bloodline in her body was completely revived. Then, she agreed!"

Dugu Yuyun felt a pain in his heart. That was Lin Qing'er's daughter... He really wanted to protect this daughter of his former lover, but unfortunately, he knew that he couldn't... The secret was determined!

According to what he wanted In the foreseeable future, Zhao Ling'er will inevitably give birth to another descendant of Nuwa in a year, then sacrifice herself and die together with the water monster.

Although now the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is suspected of getting rid of the so-called way of heaven and destiny because of the supreme god.

However, Zhao Linger is still burdened with this fate...

So, if Zhao Linger ascends to the sky, maybe she can change her destiny, right?

"Qinger! forgive me."Dugu Yuyun lowered his eyes. Yes, although he meant to protect Zhao Ling'er, he also knew that he also tried his best to appease the god, hoping that he would not harm the world after he was satisfied...

Dugu's thoughts were... Yuyun knew that the descendants of Nuwa were very similar to him. They all had great love in their hearts. If it was for the world, they would not hesitate to sacrifice themselves...

So after Zhao Ling'er knew everything that Dugu Yuyun knew, he understood In order to satisfy that god, what does it mean... Zhao Ling'er willingly served as a sacrifice and offered everything he had to the god...

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult glanced at Dugu Yuyun, with a smile on his face, as if everything was under his control. He was under control. But in fact, he felt MMP in his heart.

He suddenly realized something was wrong, and then began to think, how did things develop like this?!

As he said in the chat group, he really meant it We must cooperate with Dugu Yuyun to make this world a better place!

But why has it developed so far... that it seems like he is threatening this group of people with the destruction of the world? The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has some doubts about life! Could it be that he Is he really the great villain in life? He can only do bad things but not good things?!

After much deliberation, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult finally threw everything behind him.

Damn it, no matter if he is good or bad! Sacrifice first Let’s talk about other things.

After God comes and bestows immeasurable divine grace, this group of people will naturally be able to know the greatness and kindness of God._To read the unlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP!

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