Legend of Sword and Fairy World, Shushan.

Above the sky, the wind and clouds surged, and the void trembled.

With a loud bang, the sky cracked open at this moment, and immeasurable brilliance shone down from another world.

At this time, not to mention Li Shimin and others, even Dugu Yuyun, who had the highest level of cultivation at the scene, could not raise his head and look directly at the other world, and closed his eyes consciously. His pupils were greatly stimulated and tears were streaming down his face.

It seems like a moment, but it seems like a long time has passed!

The brilliance finally dissipated... and when Dugu Yuyun opened his eyes at a loss and saw the glorious world again, he was completely stunned.

It was a world so vast that it was difficult to describe it in words, brilliant and bright.

There are towering sacred trees, all of which are so tall that the top cannot be seen... There are fairy birds fighting in the sky, and there are sacred beasts cultivating on the ground... There are hundreds of meters high, the God of War Pegasus, which contains the charm, in the vast grassland~ The world is surging...

There are also sun, moon and starry sky around it.

However, the stars in the sky, the sun and the moon are all centered on the divine land and surrounding it... It seems to be a vast universe, and the divine land is the only center - the center of the world!

Sharp and long whistles echoed one after another.

The auras of the demons and ghosts on the altar were increasing at an extremely terrifying speed at this moment. They broke free from their talismans almost instantly, and then transformed into their true bodies, constantly mutating.

"Such power! This extremely powerful power...ah."A leopard demon has transformed into its true body, which is more than ten meters long. It is constantly expanding at the moment, its hair becomes like needles, and the demonic energy is increasing geometrically with every breath.

Its face is rampant , feeling this powerful power, looking at the Shushan sword cultivators around him, a hint of ferocity flashed through his eyes. It was these bastard human beings who imprisoned them here, and it wanted to recover...

However, in the next moment, Leopard The demon's eyes suddenly expanded.

It suddenly noticed that a huge and indescribably powerful existence suddenly appeared in its mind, but it seemed that it was not qualified to peek at that kind of existence. It only noticed his As it existed, its soul naturally collapsed...

Then, its soul was reorganized under a power that could not be described in words.

Suddenly, the ferocious look on the leopard demon's face slowly dissipated, and it became pious. And Fanatical. The monstrous demonic aura within it also began to slowly transform, becoming sacred.

At this moment, it was no longer that unparalleled demon, but as if it were a holy demon god who had attained enlightenment in a fairy court.

Not only It, all the monsters are changing. They were originally trapped in the Monster Lock Tower, and the resentment accumulated over the endless years has inexplicably dissipated... They seem to be baptized at this moment, from monsters spurned by the world, to Turned into the ancient sacred...

But there was an extremely powerful being inside the monster. When he realized something was wrong, his expression changed drastically, and he was shocked to the point that he could not describe it in words.

"No... Is this the transformation of a bald donkey? No... no, this is not so much a transformation, but a rebirth. Let us shed everything in the past, let our blood return to our ancestors, and become the sacredness of the earliest days of heaven and earth.……"

After realizing this, these powerful monsters no longer had the heart to resist, and they enthusiastically catered to this transformation...

Their bloodline returned to their ancestors, and they followed the source of the beginning of the world. They became stronger, and their potential became more terrifying. , just like the innate creatures that were born and raised...

Of course, they also lost the possibility of transforming into human forms.

But who cares?

How could the first demons and monsters born look like humans?!

Only those whose bloodlines have been diluted for countless generations need to transform into human forms, and then use this most suitable posture to practice and understand the way of heaven.

Everything is changing!

This was really terrifying. Hundreds of demons all took to the sky, evolving to rebel against their ancestors... The smallest of them also grew to several hundred meters. There are even some demons with the bloodline of ancient great supernatural beings who have directly transformed into thousand-meter divine demons. むThey are releasing their power in the sky! The world simply cannot bear their existence and is collapsing. At that moment, they seemed to notice something, waving their limbs, and naturally evolved a new world around them, which slowed the collapse of the world. But it only slows down the development of those small worlds. There are still dense void cracks appearing in the edge areas...

They are stationed in the new world they have opened up.

"……What on earth is this?!"Li Shimin's body was trembling. He was the Emperor of Ma'an, with both civil and military skills. He single-handedly conquered this world. He thought that no matter what situation he faced, he could deal with it calmly.

But at this moment, staring at Among the hundreds of sacred beasts in the sky, he knew he was wrong.

No matter how hard he forced himself to calm down, he couldn't calm down. His mind was in chaos, and he even couldn't help but want to kneel down... This was too scary!

Du Ruhui His body was trembling.

Originally, he thought something was wrong with the situation, and was still thinking whether it was a trap from the beginning... That god might also be an illusion arranged by the powerful one...

But now, he understands... It's really It's because he thought too much

"Yes, there was no problem with this matter from the beginning. No one wants to get anything from our hands or from Datang's hands." Fang Xuanling stared blankly at the sky, her voice vibrating with excitement,"This is divine grace...what a presence! Even if he is the Emperor of Heaven, no, even Pangu, the original god of heaven and earth, is not so powerful, right?!"

Those hundreds of monsters are just sacrifices...

However, the supreme gods who live in another world still spread amazing blessings, allowing them to transform into ancient gods.

What kind of power is this? What kind of kindness is this ?

Dugu Yuyun stared at this scene blankly.

He had already noticed the great terror of that god very early, and therefore cooperated with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult...

But at this moment, Dugu Yuyun understood what he thought was reasonable. Assessment, in fact, they still greatly underestimated that god...

No, this cannot even be described as underestimated... but that god was once so powerful that they could not imagine...

Now the majesty and strength displayed by these divine beasts in the sky , there is no doubt that what they want can penetrate the six realms... the heaven of gods and the supreme demon! They are all vulnerable and will be completely crushed into ashes under this torrent.

However...this is just that The seed god did not appear, and he even created it casually across the world...

There was another loud bang.

At this moment, the remains of the water monster on the altar shook, and then reorganized with the sky with a loud bang. His body was constantly Expanding, in just a few breaths, he transformed into a giant god... Endless Wang Yang emerged beside him!

If the sacred monsters before only opened up a small world, then this water monster that has completed its transformation, It is simply creating a new seventh realm, the water world, which is not inferior to the six realms... Although they raised their heads

, they could see the new and evolving water world there... But it was only Can see the tip of the iceberg of the water world...

And this water world forms an extremely sharp contrast with the divine world above the sky... Although no one can see how vast the divine world is, everyone is looking up At that moment, I had an inexplicable feeling in my heart...

The local world of the God's Realm was adding to the immeasurable starry sky surrounding the God's Realm. Its area was so huge... Even the water world, which was comparable to the six realms, was nothing in comparison. It's just a grain in the sand...

In a moment, another sacred brilliance burst out.

This time it was Zhao Ling'er.

Since the beginning of the sacrifice, she had clasped her hands together and prayed devoutly. She hoped that the supreme God can show favor to the world and protect all living beings.

Therefore, she did not notice the huge changes in the world.

She even did not realize that she was floating in the sky and undergoing transformation. All her consciousness was immersed in the sacrificial texts..

A light that is difficult to describe in words emerged...

Zhao Ling'er was shining, and the light from her body spread in all directions, illuminating the entire land of China..........,.......

In the vast China, everything is growing at an unimaginable speed.

Dense spiritual grass appeared on the earth, and towering ancient trees were forcibly transformed into spiritual trees. The fruits they produced revealed a sacred atmosphere.……

"this……Is the ancient goddess Nuwa reappearing? No, even Nuwa cannot do this! Just coming to the world will naturally revive all the spirits in the world.……"

No matter how strong Dugu Yuyun was, he could not hold on any longer.

He knelt on the ground with a plop, tears flowing down uncontrollably because he was moved, and as he was crying at the moment, he didn't even realize that he was crying.

Jiu Jianxian looked at all this with a blank expression, and he suspected that he was dreaming now.

He has realized what is happening in this world...

This is reenacting the world, returning the world to the time when the world first opened!

When the heaven and earth first opened, the earth was sacred, and there were countless ancient gods, demons and beasts roaming across the earth. At that time, even a piece of grass contained tremendous spiritual power, which is now worth ten years of ginseng...

However, as time goes by, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth gradually disappears. This has transformed into what it is today...

But now, everything has gone back!

The prosperous age of cultivators has arrived again...

But how is this possible?

Jiu Jianxian suddenly laughed, laughing wildly. He rolled his eyes, jerked away, and passed out on the ground.

In the past, Dugu Yuyun would definitely care about his junior brother. But now, he didn't even look at it... He was still silent in this miracle that was difficult to describe in words... The expressions of the Shushan disciples who had been vigilant after seeing many demon gods transform changed several times. They looked at each other with shock, confusion and enthusiasm on their faces... Although they were not as knowledgeable as Dugu Yuyun and Jiujianxian... but they had eyes and could think for themselves.

Even if you don't know any ancient information, you can still understand how incredible everything in front of you is...

This is like making the entire mortal world fly into the sky and turn into the divine world...

Yes, they feel that the air is filled with Such surging spiritual power... There are ancient medicines everywhere, and rare fruits everywhere...

Isn't this the legendary divine world? people! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - hiding, recommending and sharing!

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