At this moment, the people in the other six realms of Sword and Fairy also discovered something was wrong.

It can even be said that the more powerful a person is, the more they can feel the strangeness in the human world.

Spirit world.

Deep in the vast and vast heaven, Emperor Fuxi stood quietly today. He frowned slightly, calculated with his palms, and used innate gossip to deduce, but... nothing could be deduced.

"What happened in the human world?"

Fuxi thought for a moment, and immediately raised his hand. The divine mirror hanging above the main hall burst out with brilliance and fell into his hands.

This is the Mirror of the Emperor of Heaven! The supreme treasure. Except for being protected by Chi You Outside of the demon world, he could peek into almost everything in the six realms...

Immediately, Fuxi used his divine power, and the Heavenly Emperor's Mirror exploded with brilliance. He wanted to forcefully penetrate into the human world and peek at the changes that had taken place in that place.

Then... the Heavenly Emperor's Mirror clanged. A broken sound!

Fuxi let out a muffled groan, his body was trembling, and the bright red blood of the Emperor of Heaven was flowing in his seven orifices.

"……How can this be? So in the end, what happened in the world?"

He seemed to have seen the appearance of Nuwa at that moment, and saw her reenacting the world, making the world reverse the past... But how is this possible?

Let's not say that Nuwa is dead... Even if it is the Nuwa he knows, Wa is still alive and has shown up! There is absolutely no way he can reverse the trend of the times and bring back the mythical cultivation environment of ancient times...

Moreover, he seems to have seen the heaven high above the heaven... Yes Yes, it just seemed, because at the moment of peeking into it, the Heavenly Emperor's Mirror seemed to have been severely damaged and shattered...

Even the Emperor of Heaven, who used the Heavenly Emperor's Mirror to observe the world, almost bled.

"Heaven, how could it be Heaven? If that is heaven, then what am I? What is the place I am in?"

Fuxi felt a huge wave of emotions in his heart. He couldn't even stand still at the station. He sat back on the chair with difficulty.

However, although Fuxi was angry and frightened, he only dared not say that the Heavenly Court was false..

Haha, he glanced at the appearance of Tianting from a distance and almost died here... If Tianting is false, what does he mean?

"The same is true for heaven... How powerful and unbelievable can the owner of that heaven be?!"Fuxi suddenly thought of something and spoke dryly. He looked dazed and confused, as if he was mumbling in his sleep.

Except for the gods, demons, monsters, ghosts and many other worlds, the powerful people also woke up...

However, even for an existence like the Demon Lord Tower that stands at the top of the demon world, it is difficult to monitor the situation in the real world at this moment. Even... it is impossible for him to come to the human world now!

There is an inexplicable sacred brilliance protecting him. The entire human world!


In the realm of gods..Su Han looked equally dull. Damn, what happened? 牜.Yes, although Su Han had thought about transforming the world before, he was even ready to put all the more than 10 billion power of faith he had obtained this time... After all, the pile of holy beasts and beasts this time... The beast was enough to satisfy him... Zuo, however, Su Han hadn't made a move yet.

The changes that occurred in that world were purely due to Zhao Ling'er's creation of the wild beast... Her body originated from Nuwa, but in terms of power level, she completely surpassed Nuwa's spread of divine spiritual energy, creating such a miracle.

Even Su Han himself admitted that this was definitely a miracle.

He even felt that even if he threw 50 billion of the power of faith into it... he might not be able to cause such a miracle. This is so scary!

Patting his cheek, Su Han forced himself to calm down. A thoughtful look appeared on his face,"So that's it...a desolate beast? Is this the role of a desolate beast?!"

Holy beasts can give blessings to the world.! So what can the divine beasts and wild beasts do?!

Su Han knew that mythical beasts could slowly evolve the world... over time, the world could even change due to evolution. Although this will take a long time, it is feasible after all...

Moreover, if the divine beast is not just targeting the world, but individual things such as mountains and lakes... then it goes without saying...

In just a few breaths, It can be turned into a holy mountain and holy lake.

Divine beasts are like this, what about wild beasts?

Judging from the current situation... Desolate beasts seem to be able to benefit the entire vast world... No.

Su Han suddenly realized something, and he narrowed his eyes,"It should be said... Zhao Ling'er's transformation brought great changes to that world! There is no water monster god? This should be the secret of Nuwa's evolution to control wild beasts. ?"

Su Han thought thoughtfully, Zhao Ling'er's power is somewhat similar to Su Han's Tao of Taiyin and Sun, which can derive creation and benefit all living beings, but it is different from that!

The lunar sun creates all things.

Whether it is flowers, plants, trees, thousand-year-old medicine, immortal sacred trees... or cultivators, sacred beasts, they can all become stronger and evolve by absorbing the power of the lunar sun...

However, the Nuwa transformed by Zhao Ling'er is just a simple improvement. The spiritual power of the environment nourishes flowers, trees, and ancient medicine... but this is also terrifying...although it cannot directly bless people to become stronger. But its ability to enhance the environment is not weaker than Su Han's Taiyin Sun..........

"With her, in the future of our divine domain, the speed of environmental development can be doubled again... Is this a wild beast?"Su Han sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"As for the water monster god, it created an entire plane, and even now has a vague prototype of the world... But damn, my divine realm is just a plane... Although my plane is extremely huge, it is still yes."

As he spoke, Su Han frowned.

His divine realm is only the realm of gods. Only by setting foot on the gods can the world evolve.

Generally speaking, ordinary high-level gods, although they are surrounded by the sun, moon and stars, are only divine powers. An illusion that evolved.

Su Han evolved into the real stars, sun and moon because of the Sun and Moon Avenue...

However, if the upper gods truly set foot in the realm of gods, then the transformation of the gods' realm will truly become one. The entire complete world...

This world refers to the continent of God's Domain as the center. The sky has real sun, moon and stars... It is vast!

Every god and God's Domain has evolved into a real cosmic world! They themselves Then he has cosmic-level power, sacred and transcendent.

This is the knowledge Su Han has learned from university classes these days...

Gods, the mainstay of the world of gods.

Why were there millions more gods in the West? Can it sweep across the world and turn the entire era of the world of gods into the era of the Western god system?

This is the reason.

Even in ancient times, many people said that the gods are the real gods! What are the elementary gods, lower gods, middle gods? Gods, all are false gods...

Of course, the person who put forward this argument was surrounded and beaten by a group of big guys after raising it, and finally changed his mind for 1.5 lines... After all

, which god is not a demigod? The elementary gods climbed up little by little? Who are you trying to eliminate by saying this?

"……Although those guys couldn't see it at all."Su Han thought of the group of professors in the classroom who were either humorous, serious, or old-fashioned, with subtle expressions.

Su Han patted his cheek and regained his energy,"Holy beasts have different attributes... Zhao Ling'er It should be the kind of life-nourishing attribute"

"As for the water demon beast, his ability may be purely for fighting... Although he is also very strong, compared with Nuwa, it is embarrassing.……"

So, I am afraid of comparison in everything...

After thinking for a moment, Su Han's eyes became sharp,"Zhao Ling'er disrupted my plan to bless God... But it doesn't matter, just bless others."

"Next, I will focus more on the power of other aspects that they want to change more!"_To read the uncrossed version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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