In the realm of God.

Su Han closed his eyes and breathed out lightly,"It's done."

This time, Su Han used the power of three billion faith to help people on the land of China cleanse their scriptures and cut their marrow. Then he used the root law he had just controlled to cut off the shackles of the destiny of heaven in that world, and carved the theorem that only people from the human world can come to the other six realms, but gods and demons from the six realms cannot come to the human world.

In the Zhenguan Year of the Tang Dynasty, the population of the entire Yanhuang land was less than 20 million. Comparing the 40 to 50 million people in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, we can know what kind of evil Yang Guang has done.

But precisely because the population is sparse, three billion can already accommodate them well. On average, a person can be allocated twenty points of power of faith.

Ten points to cleanse the menstruation and cut the marrow, ten points to extend life

"Although that world did not undergo world upgrading, Zhao Ling'er revived the world with the power of my three billion faith. Compared with the effect of upgrading the world, the effect is worse than that."Su HanThe color is inexplicable. He is looking forward to how much power of faith the fairy sword can provide him in the future.

But he thought about it, when that world reaches its limit...even the power of faith cannot catch up with the densely populated modern time and space. I guess it won’t be much different, right?

After all, everyone is a master of cultivating immortals, and the power of faith they provide is equivalent to ten times and a hundred times that of ordinary people!

"However, I didn’t think of the Law of Origin! It actually has such a wonderful effect."Su Han suddenly thought of something, and joy appeared on his face.

The root law was actually defined by him through the roots of the Xingyue world. But in fact, if it is placed in the world of immortals, it can also be called the law of heaven. Law...Essentially, the function of this law is to control the power of the world

"Although it is not my main path, I must admit it! The potential of this path is extremely terrifying, perhaps not far behind my two avenues of lunar and sun."

Suddenly, Su Han sensed something. He raised his head and looked outside the Central Heavenly Palace and said,"Come in.""

At this time, there were two women standing quietly outside the Central Heavenly Palace. One was Zhao Ling'er, who had just entered the divine realm and was a little uneasy. As for the other, it was Medusa.

Medusa had a good impression of Zhao Ling'er, although she knew that Zhao Ling'er The half-human, half-snake form is completely different from my own half-human, half-snake form. He is a colorful sky-swallowing python, while Zhao Ling'er has the divine blood of Nuwa... But the similarity in appearance gives her a sense of closeness after all...

I heard Su Han said divinely, and the two stepped into the central heavenly palace. Zhao Ling'er leaned on the ground with anxiety,"Folk girl Zhao Ling'er, pay your respects to the God. May the glory of God shine on the earth forever! Immortal and immortal."

After Su Han looked Zhao Ling'er up and down, he suddenly said,"Ling'er, you are my Holy Spirit now! However, you are already qualified enough to be my god... I ask, are you willing to come?"

"Are you willing to be my god...serve beside my throne! Be with me, be immortal with me"

"ah?!"Zhao Ling'er was stunned for a moment. After she came to her senses, her expression changed extremely drastically. Not to mention her, Medusa, who had lived in the divine realm for some time, also had an earth-shaking change in her expression.

She also changed at this moment. Also kneeling on the ground, she suddenly turned around and stared at Zhao Ling'er blankly, feeling a huge wave of emotions in her heart... If she remembered correctly, there is only one condition for becoming a god... and that is to possess the complete law of body! At the same time, His own realm has reached a realm beyond that of an emperor?!

This guy...

Su Han was not nervous when he saw Zhao Ling'er didn't reply for a while. Becoming a Holy Spirit already indicated that Zhao Ling'er was full of loyalty to him. Especially. He said warmly,"You just came to God's Realm, so you don't get used to it? That doesn't matter. Xi can stay here for a while, and then come and look for me when you are willing.".No...that's not the case."Zhao Lingsheng's expression changed instantly. She raised her head and stared at Su Han seriously,"Your oracle is absolute! I'll do whatever you want me to do. It's just that I'm afraid that I'm not good enough and will let down your grace."

"No need! You live happily and slowly become stronger, which is the best comfort to me."Su Han smiled hoarsely.

Generally speaking, the role of a god, apart from fighting, is to help him practice the law. Needless to say, fighting, Su Han is still studying in college, and the only ones who can challenge him in theory are the students of the school... But looking at the entire Jinling University, no, looking at the universities across the country... no one is really stupid enough to challenge him.

This is not called a challenge at all, this is called asking for a beating from the local family.

And the cultivation rules... Zhao Ling'er has gone through thousands of Doubling the rate, her bloodline has been fully revived, even surpassing that of the first generation Nuwa. Her realm is naturally at the stable level of an immortal god... and at the same time she possesses a complete law of life.

Su Han has now received feedback and has control over the complete law of life.. And as long as Zhao Ling'er continues to grow, her growth can also be fed back to Su Han's body.

"you!" Zhao Linger's face showed emotion. She was silent for a long time, and finally said solemnly,"Your Majesty, I will definitely live up to your regard for me."

Su Han nodded slightly. After thinking for a moment, he spoke softly, holding Tianxian in his mouth,"Today, I accept Zhao Ling'er, my god, and give him the name: Emperor Wa!"

This calm voice resounded throughout the entire God's Realm at this moment.

All the creatures in the God's Realm suddenly raised their heads, either by surprise, shock, confusion, or joy.

But in the end, no matter what They were the demon gods who had just entered the divine realm, or the old holy beasts and spirit beasts, as well as the Holy Spirit, heroic spirits and divine servants owned by Su Han. They all knelt down on the ground and shouted in unison, shaking the heaven and the earth,"GreetingsGod Wa has achieved divine fulfillment! Be with God!"

Inexplicably, Zhao Ling'er felt that she had some extremely profound connection with this vast divine realm. At this moment, the law of life in her body began to feed back to benefit the vast world.

Brilliant green brilliance burst out, spreading in all directions with the heaven as the center..

The various magical medicines and herbs on the earth have once again ushered in a terrifying period of madness. The mountains and lakes have become supernatural.

Even the sacred beasts and spirit beasts that were injured in the non-fatal battles in the divine domain They...the injuries are constantly recovering at this moment... the heaven and earth are changing!

Although this place was originally the pure land of gods, it is still undergoing changes and sublimation...and the terrifying sublimation can be seen with the naked eye, which shows that it has made great progress. Obviously... joy appeared on the faces of the holy beasts and spirit beasts, and they kept kowtowing. They were grateful to God for making their living environment more beautiful.

As for those demons, saints, demons and gods who had just flown to the upper world, their faces were also full of joy. Shocking and almost fanatical worship

"I'm in the human world! Simply releasing power makes the world seem to be shattered... I feel like I want to live in a paper house, without even daring to use force. When I came to this pure land, I realized freedom! And I realized that there are so many terrifying resources in this world... I thought that this was the limit. How could I have imagined that this environment could become even better? Praise God!"

".The God of creation is above! Your grace is everywhere!"

"Thank you, the great God of Creation, for giving us an unfathomably powerful bloodline, and giving us extremely powerful cultivation... And now, we are still in this paradise-like living environment... Yours Grace shines throughout my life! I can't put into words how grateful I am to you!"

Su Han's expression was dull, but all the living beings in the divine realm naturally fell into his eyes. He didn't express anything about it... Although this was Zhao Ling'er's feedback, regardless of whether it belongs to God or the Holy Spirit... everything about them is not what it is. Is it a god?!

The corner of Su Han's mouth raised slightly, and he said another sentence,"Give Emperor Wa a place to live, one of the eight innate palaces... the Emperor Wa's Palace!"

Zhao Ling'er's body was shaken again. She had an inexplicable connection with a heavenly palace... And if she sensed it correctly, that palace should be right next to the central heavenly palace... Very, very close!

Next, Su Han I chatted with Zhao Ling'er for a few words. She told her that she could just practice. Of course, if she was really bored, she could also leave the Heavenly Palace and cultivate the Medicine King's magic medicine in the God's Domain...

Finally, Zhao Ling'er and Medusa left the Central Heavenly Palace.

"……Congratulations!"Medusa stared at Zhao Ling'er inexplicably, with envy, loss, and sigh in her eyes.

"Please take good care of me in the future. Please also tell me more about the taboos of God! (Mo Zhaohao) Like!"Zhao Ling'er spoke seriously. She did not change her attitude toward Medusa at all because of her change in status.

"Okay," a hint of hope appeared in Medusa's eyes. She thought about it and whispered in Zhao Ling'er's ear with a smile,"If you talk about God's sister Zhong Tiandi is so beautiful......Why don't you come with me to meet God?"

Zhao Ling'er was stunned for a moment, then realized what Medusa was talking about, and her face instantly turned red. She wanted to object, but suddenly thought of the young god she had seen before, whose every move made her heart beat......all the words were choked in her mouth.

Seeing Zhao Ling'er's extremely troubled expression, Medusa immediately guessed what was going on, smiled hoarsely, and patted Zhao Ling'er's palm,"It's normal. I was also raped by others... Oh, don't tell me. Yes, I will go to your shrine to find you tonight!"

"By the way, your residence is actually to the east of the central heavenly palace where the god is... It is very convenient to visit the god tonight."

Zhao Ling'er:"?"

She was very sure that God sealed her in the Wa Palace not for the convenience of meeting God in the evening.

But watching Medusa leave quickly, her cheeks turned red, and she struggled for a long time, and finally stamped her feet and got into the palace...

As for what to do in the evening... she could only take one step at a time. _To read the uncrossed version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP! Support

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